Friday, April 5, 2019

Top 7 key ingredients in React.js that makes it so popular amongst developers

So, how come a recently evolved Technology has taken over the world and is so liked by the Developers ?
ReactJS is the new one of the highly used open-source JavaScript Library that helps in creating impressive web apps requiring minimal effort and coding sticking to its key  objective ReactJS also develops engaging User Interfaces (UI) that improves the speed of the apps.

One of the prominent factors that go in the favour of ReactJS bringing it into the limelight, is that it is launched by none other than the social media king Facebook. Moreover, ReactJS can render on the server using Node thereby the developers can also look to build native apps by employing the React Native in the business.

The simplicity of React JS lies in the fact that it makes use of single UI components where the developer can break down the difficult components into individual ones and use them accordingly. In fact, the developers also have the option of reusing the codes, which allows faster execution of the projects. Not only this, ReactJS is proud to be associated with some of the top-notch giants of the world including Yahoo, BBC, Instagram, Netflix, PayPal and others.

So let's see why ReactJS has become so popular….

1. Creating the Dynamic Web Apps has Become Way More Easier
It has become easier to create  dynamic web apps however the  clumsy HTML strings were a tricky affair as it required a complex coding. However, React JS has solved that issue by making use of the JSX, which is a particular syntax letting HTML quotes and HTML tag syntax application to render their subcomponents.
It also supports the building of machine-readable codes.

2. Allows Developers to Reuse the Components
Well, this has come as one of the major blessings for the developers that they can actually reuse the components that was developed by some other application sharing the same functionality.
This is a great deal that helps in saving the efforts and time consumption letting you complete the project at a much faster pace. Furthermore,  there is less coding involved with ReactJS that means there are lesser chances of creating errors. This also enhances the speed of the application, which enjoys more customer retention.

3. ReactJS is Way More Easier to Learn
Well, here too, there is a win-win situation for the new developers. If you are new into this field, it would be a easy to climb the mountain considered simpler in comparison to the others. You can easily get into the insight and get familiar with its features to develop web and mobile apps. So, you can master the React JS within a short span of time to build highly responsive web apps.

4. Enhancement of Performance Due to Virtual DOM
ReactJS has got a solution to it by introducing the virtual DOM that is that now you can create a virtual DOM with ReactJS and host it in memory.
The benefits lies here  that when there is any change taking place in the actual DOM, the virtual DOM also tends to get changed thus leading the DOM to be a more  smoother and faster performance in its updates.

5. Known to be SEO Friendly
The web developers often used to  complain about the fact that JavaScript frameworks have not been very SEO friendly. Which is definitely as the web apps tends to lose the race on the search engine however ReactJs overcomes this problem and lets the developers develop engaging UI that can be navigated on various search engines.

6. The Benefit of Having JavaScript Library
You know 1 of the probable reasons why most of the app developers love to choose ReactJS is because it is offering a rich JavaScript library  that helps in providing more flexibility to the app developers as they are free to choose the way they want to improvise things as they can easy employ their own patterns, or templates etc.  to their web apps while developing.

7. Handy tools with the feature of Self-Testing Codes
The reason behind React JS has earned so much reputation is due to the presence of handy set of tools, which really makes the task of the developers much easier and handy. The Tools have been designed as Chrome dev extension. Lastly, React JS also offers a scope for the developers where they can test and debug their codes with the help of native tools .
It is due to these major advantages that React JS has gained much spotlight. We @75way have build more than 70 web apps. We have the experience in this field and we are looking forward to meeting with you for increasing your scalability.
For more information and assistance please visit

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