Friday, April 12, 2019

7 Easy Tips for speeding up your website..

When you click on any link, you always want it to load faster. Who would like to watch the site loading and buffering?
Instead of enticing the visitors, it may end up with the loss of visitors. Thus, the web developer need to scrutinize the reasons to achieve the targeted rate of return.
Here discussed as those agitating reasons that shut up your productivity and performance in front of your potential customers:
1. Extra-large images (and complex file format)
Image result for 1. Extra-large images (and complex file format)
Do you remember the old days of internet? A large image could take up to a minute to load, one small bit at a time! It was agonizing!
Things have improved due to the advent of broadband, but the general rule still applies.
A large image is going to take a alot of long time to load up.  
If you’ve got a ton of large images on your website, you are gonna  add extra load time for every picture.

2. Lots of traffic

At its current level your web server can only serve a certain number of people at one time. It’s a bit like queuing in a shop. The more people come into your shop, the slower they get served. This same thing happens on your website like it happens in a shop.
Your website server will try to manage all the extra traffic, but somewhere it will slow down somewhere which will lead to slow processing of your website.

3. Code density

The most essential support of the websites is coding. Smoother the coding, smoother will be the functioning of websites.
If you’re familiar with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, you’ll know that there is an enormous amount of code behind your website.
If the backend of your site is clogged up with excess coding and JavaScript, it’s going to take longer to drag it up.

4. Text graphics

Graphic designing is art with a purpose that  involves creating and systematic plan to solve any problem or achieve certain objectives, with the use of images, symbols or even words. The website will thus load slower if the fonts are big or the picture size is too lengthy.
5. Enabling captcha
 A CAPTCHA in general terms means (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a type of challenge–response test used in computing while going through any website terminal to determine whether or not the user is human.
Whenever you visit a website, regarding certain elements are stored in a cache, so the next time you visit the site it can  directly and easily access those parts and load much faster.
W3 Total Cache or W3 Super Cache, either of the two enable site wide caching, or caching of certain site elements.
6. Optimize and Reduce the Size of Your Images
As discussed earlier, it impede the loading time of website and to redress the same:
  • Ensure that your images are unnecessarily large. For example, if the width of your blog page is 900px, then make sure that’s how wide your images are.
  • If you’re using a CMS like Word Press, you can install a plugin like WPSmush that will automatically reduce and optimize the file size of the images.
  • Before you upload any images on your website, first run them through a tool called Tiny PNG to reduce the file size of your image, without sacrificing the quality.

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