What are Microservices?
Microservices are a serverless app architectural style. It allows one to develop an app as a suite of small services. The idea is to de-construct business processes into simpler functions. Instead of building monolithic applications, developers build a series of components that make up the app. The components of the microservices are stitched together using common APIs.
The most distinct advantage of choosing Microservices is that in case of failure of an apps any component, they streamline UX from discrete atomic units of the app and resolve the issue or any failure. Microservices are one of the architectural design pattern that thrives and lives on cloud technology and cloud platform only thus creating a serverless architecture. In microservices the services work in close harmony with each other in a large system thus to execute tasks that are to be handled by a single app built.
Microservices are used anytime to design or redesign any kind of application. If you have an
app that has a monolithic architecture then you can break your app into installments and replace it with microservices gradually. Every individual microservice has a smaller code base which makes it is easier to understand.
In the Beginning Of Mobile Apps Development...
"In the Beginning success in the world of mobile apps can be transient if a business doesn’t keep up with times. With the fierce competition and race to emulate with the latest trends, an app is celebrated on one day as being new in the market with the latest features and labelled outdated on the other. Many a times, a business invests years in building and improving an app product making it what it is, so much so that it gets difficult to re-do it from scratch."
There are always changes in market trends that can suddenly break your product app, making it outdated or worse or even irrelevant. A mobile app business which intends to keep up with the times and trends requires to be agile. It is expected to always adapt to the changes happening in the market and retain the ‘cutting edge’ badge.
Embracing microservices in your business makes you work with a serverless architecture and also provide you with desirable perks like agility and scalability for your product app.
Benefits of Microservices
1. Isolated Components- The most distinct advantage of using microservices architecture is that you can build a mobile app that allows developers to build loosely coupled services so that further in any failure it can be developed, modified and scaled individually. This way it guarantees us fault isolation that is that if any microservice engages would not lead to a fault in the other microservices in the application.
2. Easily Alterable Technology- Said that through the isolated nature of microservices, the technology stack can be altered without interfering with one another that means the app developers can opt for different technology stacks for each microservice anytime. This architecture enables the decoupled services written in different programming languages to enable together itself as a single application.
3. Product Focused- Working with micro-services allows app developers to focus on product building instead of worrying about the project. The team of app developers can emphasize on developing business functionalities when working with micro-services architecture. This also omits the need to write a code from scratch. The same micro-service can be reused in multiple applications.
4. Better Speed and Productivity- As the application is developed in multiple parts as microservices, the breakdown helps overcome the problem of speed and productivity.
Microservices breakdown helps overcome the problem of speed and productivity, as an application can be developed in multiple parts as microservices.
Developers can work in different teams on different components of the app without facing any further delays. This is the main reason for opting microservices so as to make an app with such and architecture that enhances overall project productivity. Developers can work autonomously on any part of the microservice and make the required changes independently as needed.
5. Easier Scaling - Each component of a mobile app are characterised by different needs like certain functionalities in an app would eat up more of the memory space, others will need more database access, third-party services, better network bandwidth or even more computational resources. Having microservices architecture ensures that each component gets an appropriate environment to thrive in, with an option to scale if and when required. Unlike monolithic architecture, microservices architecture doesn’t require the entire application to be scaled up or make changes accordingly. Easy availability of infrastructure with clouds enables developers to scale just the process that is experiencing the surge.
6. Independent Release- Microservices allows different components to run the whole system that means if there is a team of 100 developers, they can be lined up in groups of 10 each, each team can work on a different app component. Thus making it possible for an app business to initiate independent releases and deployment of components of the app so that each service of the component can develop in quick succession to market’s needs, be tested and deployed soon after.
7. Language and Platform Freedom- With microservices architecture we can have the liberty to choose and to narrow down on the best of OS, languages, libraries and runtimes for a particular application. The basic requirement for the app is only that each service has a well-defined interface that works in harmony with other services.
8. Decrease in App Development Cost- Almost all the businesses dread any changes, who have developed their app in to monolithic architecture because this means time-consuming redevelopment, testing, also the redeployment of server-side code. If we have a look at a microservice app on the other hand, they are set of codes that are built and deployed as independent entities and are reusable.
Conclusion :-
Companies like Netflix, Amazon, and others have adopted the concept of microservices in their products because it is clearly the best mobile architecture type for complex and evolving applications. This architecture type eases scalping up of the app both vertically and horizontally.
Whether you opt for Microservices architecture from the scratch or transitioning from a monolithic architecture to microservices. Instead, work on the new microservices version simultaneously as you keep the old one afloat. Our team of developers at 75way Technologies can help you transit into a Microservices based app, smoothly and with efficient solutions at anytime. So reach out to us at www.75way.com for any further details.
For more information and assistance please visit www.75way.com
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