Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Reasons To Choose Cloud Computing for your Business?

Businesses of all sizes, industries, and geographies are turning to cloud services, due to its high reliability and secure functionality database storage system. Thus, affecting in numerous growth factors that are enabling to drive cloud adoption for every business and enterprises, according to a study conducted by the market research companies.

More and more companies are using cloud computing than ever. “The Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that the number of Australian businesses using cloud services has gone up from 19 percent to almost one-third in just one year.”

The most trending cloud computing services used worldwide are the AWS Cloud Services (Amazon Web Services). It is an evolving and comprehensive platform, of cloud computing offered by Amazon. It offers, others varied services also including RedShift, DynamoDB, and Mechanical Turk etc.
Cloud computing is not some futuristic luxury that only big businesses can afford, its available for all small and medium-sized businesses irrespective of any factors. 

Here are 5 benefits of cloud computing for Businesses & Enterprises:
1. Online Mobility: The beauty of cloud computing is that anyone with an internet connection will be able to access their company’s online services and data in real time. Cloud storage means you and your employees aren’t tied down to the office, or regular business hours.
2. Versatile Capacity: Companies have to invest in a particular size of physical data storage solution in the hopes that it will be able to handle the current and future workflow. But it’s hard to predict how much storage is needed, especially when factors like busy and quiet periods vary. Cloud space is flexible storage solution that can be increased or decreased depending on the company’s needs.
3. Budget Friendly: Businesses accumulate a lot of data as they grow. Physically stored data means more hardware has to be purchased to keep up with the company’s success. However, cloud-based storage solutions are pay as you go, cutting down the cost of paying for both physical and storage space.
4. Improved Teamwork: Workflow in the office can go sour over little things like daily schedules to big things like location differences. But with cloud-based file sharing apps team members have real time access to create and share documents so they can easily collaborate with each other inside and outside the workspace.
5. Safety Net: Whether it’s a huge data centre or a laptop, physical data needs a lot of maintenance as all the company’s hard work is stored there internally. But with cloud computing, you can backup all your data online and ensure its security through encryption, API keys and other privacy measures.
As you can see from the above list, Cloud Hosting provides many benefits to each & every kind of businesses. It’s cost-effective, saves a lot amount of money, highly reliable and it provides the flexibility, agility, scalability with high performance and security businesses need from their Information Technology network.
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