Friday, April 5, 2019

Healthcare App Development Solutions - Big challenges And How To Overcome Them

“While the future of healthcare in the world may be uncertain, there are sure advancements being made to the healthcare technology that has shaken up the industry. Indeed, there has been a rise in health technology releasing apps this year that have changed the way patients have got an easier way to interact with medical professionals.”    
Globally the healthcare mobile apps are accelerating at a fast pace. Seeing the continuous advancement of healthcare mobile apps, it’s an obvious evidence that it has brought a huge improvement in the healthcare sector. 

Health-related mobile apps manage the users and provide them an efficient experience. Some mHealth apps help clinicians to prepare more accurate documents, complete records, improve productivity, access information, and communicate findings & treatments to improve patient care.

mHealth over eHealth:
By the ongoing trends, mHealth creates a better lasting user experience and is making healthcare accessible in remote & isolated areas in less time because of more mobile-based user, we all deserve a one-roof solution to track our health which is easy to access for all. Also, as the awareness for a healthy lifestyle is increasing the demand for monitoring vital health signs is becoming an easy way for User Interaction in mobile-based apps, as they initiate a lot quicker than eHealth services .

Major benefits related to Healthcare app development:
Remote Access - Healthcare apps can be easy enabled and immediately accessed in remote area.
Data Analysis - Support doctors and medical staff in data gathering and easy data handling
Scalability - Scope for establishing new healthcare departments and opportunities for people for employment
Usability - Easy medium of communicating with health professionals which will significantly reduce medical expenses, save a lot of time and the risk of incorrect diagnosis.
Ownership - Patient can take care of their own health record and can digitally handle all docs.
• Schedule online appointments - Patients can directly interact with the hospitals staff & check the availability of appointment or of the medical reports in a shorter time span.

Major issues related to Healthcare app development:
Making and adopting a forward-thinking perspective on a health-related app is vital for the sustainability of hospitals and clinics. It is essential to note that this transformation is not a simple task. The challenges in developing mHealth app can occur from both internal and external sources if we ignore:
• Building Core-Value - There are  many exemptions for building apps that offer general information about healthcare. For example, some healthcare apps help users to tack regular exercise regime, record weight or manage diet plans, period tracker etc. Thus widen up your thinking and focus on what you want to really focus on which sector of healthcare. 
• Patient Data Privacy - While  building the right app, development teams often face privacy challenges as they have all the direct access to personal health information. Thus keeping the data of any patient is a very crucial part of building a health app. Also, collecting the data and keeping it safe is a major concern in the healthcare industry.
• Complexity in integration - Healthcare apps also  face challenges while integrating with the existing systems of hospitals and  clinics as most of them still operate using the outdated  technology. It is expected you build an app which is easy to use on both ends- healthcare providers as well as patients.
• Transparency in patient engagement - If the app fails to enhance the experience of the users through vital information and making it interactive, it dooms the purpose of a great user experience. To engage the patient with the app in the right way, you need to provide them transparent information. Also, on the other hand, the doctor should have the data that they deem necessary for the interaction with the patient.

Creative ideas for boosting Healthcare app development:
The clearer you are about the target problem, the easier it becomes to find the target group. Before you talk to any mobile app development team, it is vital to identify the target audience you want to serve and want to target. 
For example, “a fitness app like works seamlessly for fitness freaks and also who are new to fitness world. It also helps you to optimize your app’s value for target segments of the market.”
• Let your app be as user-friendly as possible with room to grow. Also, if you are developing a lifestyle app, it needs simple functionalities so that different users can utilize it with ease. Remember a simple and scalable app will ensure a sustainable solution.
Trending technology integration is highly desirable on your mHealth app. Innovations like AI and blockchain is expected to make your application more advanced and highly efficient. These technologies can fit your app for best outcomes.
Tracking, scheduling, and payment are the most common features you will see in the mHealth app these days. However, it must depend on your specific MVP (Minimum Viable Product) concept and the solution you want to provide. Additionally, functionalities like access push notifications, prescriptions, social integration and few more can be integrated accordingly.
• The healthcare mobile app you are going to build should come with end-2-end encryption for enhanced security. The app will fetch all information like medical records, personal info and even financial data of users i.e both patients and doctors (if applicable), therefore it holds a great responsibility of keeping sensitive information safe.
All we expect a healthcare industry is that it is more preventive and human-focused. Thus the most of this credit of becoming more human- focused goes to  mobile development industry for introducing the booming healthcare apps idea. We can put it like this that the healthcare apps have just been the vital forerunner for reversing, transcending and improving the condition of medical and healthcare industry. The market of healthcare mobile apps is still evolving everyday and every hour. If you are planning to enter this realm of value-based healthcare industry ecosystem, this is the time to take advantage of the next generation technology stack to leverage the market as we at 75way Technologies, we understand the need of the hour of any business and how important it is to acquire users quickly. We will not only assist you with your app, but we will also advise you ways and plans to grow your business. .

For more information and assistance please visit


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