Thursday, April 18, 2019

Top Class M-App Features To Have For Your Restro Business

Are you unsure, whether you should  develop a mobile application for your restaurant and will it be a prudent investment for your business? Are you thinking of diving into the online food ordering a delivery business? Take a look at these stat s to understand exactly what you’re missing out on:
  • Online and in-app ordering have helped restaurants, big and small, increase their basket size by 25%.
  • 69% of customers prefer to order food online via their mobile phones.
  • If they can’t read your menu on their mobile device, you’re losing 62% of your potential customers.
The math is simple.
Whether you’re a 10 table restaurant, family-run restaurant or a multi-branched restaurant chain, if you don’t have a dedicated mobile application, chances are you’re missing out on at least a 60% increase in sales.

A consumer using your mobile application is not the only way to improve your sales. You can invest in a holistic mobile solution that lets you improve not just your sales but your restaurant side management of waiters, ordering system, payroll, table reservation, ingredient purchases and much more.

Essential features required for restaurant app


Now that you have rightfully decided to invest in the development of  mobile app for your restaurant, the next thing to decide on is what features to put in it? We’ve compiled a list of 5 of the most important features every restaurant app needs that are really loved and used by consumers. Sure, you can add more features into it, but you shouldn’t compromise on the following features:

Push notifications

Push notification is a double-edged sword; it can make or break your app. Your app will only be successful if you use it in a sophisticated and subtle manner. However, if you overuse your notifications factor then  it can annoy your users resulting in a subsequent loss.

Push notifications must always be managed smartly and carefully. Sending an alert to your consumers in the middle of the night is never a good idea.

One more thing which you must ensure is that your notifications adds some value to your users and are not plain advertisement or gimmicks therefore, manage Push Notifications in and it will help in growing your app substantially.

In-app, ordering and making payments

Online and in-app ordering lets your customers always avoid the lines or the wait for the order to be taken and processed. The ability to pay for their food orders beforehand takes customer convenience one step ahead.

Other than that, customers who order online tend to visit the restaurant 67% more often than those who don’t. While, 26% customers state they use a restaurant’s app for the ease of making the payment for their orders beforehand.

Loyalty, rewards and discounts programs

The most important is the fact that the cost of attracting a new customer is 5 times higher than the cost of keeping one i.e. earning brand loyalty is cheaper than creating brand attractiveness and awareness.

This is exactly why some of the big names in the industry pay close attention to their loyalty programs first. For instance, Starbucks has successfully increased their sales by 80% when they introduced loyalty and discount programs.

Location based services

The prevalence of location based services have given brands the ability to engage with their potential customers, even before they step into the brick and mortar location.

Consider it as the modern day equivalent of handing out flyers to passer-bys, promoting the restaurants deals, menu improvements, discounts and other news.

Multiple platforms (app store & google play)
It is obvious after developing an app you want everyone to notice it. And this would be only possible if your app is accessible on different platforms like (App Store & Play Store).
Multiple avenues for your  app makes it visible to all the users of all different platform which in turn results in them downloading and subsequently increasing your users.

Ensure that you maintain the quality of your Apps in each platform.

Social media integration
Social media integration has become a permanent feature for every app out there in the market. For the restaurant industry even more, what with the customer’s need to review their experience with the restaurant, take pictures of themselves and food and upload them to their social media accounts like Instagram, FaceBook, SnapChat etc.

Not only this you can leverage the social media and tie it with your loyalty/discount programs to entice existing customers to earn points and rewards for inviting new customers/friends.


Personalization has become a significant feature in On-Demand Applications in the recent times. In this feature the app tracks and analyses the user’s activities & behavior and suggests relevant products & services. Thus it helps in engaging and building  a very promising relationship with the customer.


A chatbot is a relatively new technology into trend nowadays, and restaurant app owners are embracing it with both hands. Chatbots are computer programs or AI (latest versions) which mimics conversations with users to provide them a solution for their basic queries like answering FAQs.

With the use of AI, chatbots they can take personalization to another level. Including this feature in your app can give make your app stand out from the rest.

Customer feedback portal

Customer Feedback is the simplest and most effective way of getting insights about your web app and thus to improve. It is imperative to continuously review your app and make necessary changes in it  to keep yourself shoulder to shoulder up with the competitors.

Conclusion :

Whether you’re a restaurant owner looking to improve sales, customer loyalty and retention or you’re an entrepreneur investing in your next venture of online food ordering and/or delivery service – the above features are a must to include into your app. We @75way will help you do this very efficiently. 

For more information and assistance please visit

Why MEAN Stack For Your Next Web App Project?

There’s no denying that 21st century is indeed a digital era. It’s the era of dynamic mobile application and websites. And to build an application in this era and that too from the scratch you need a software stack that is both standardized and consistent.

Every business is investing time, resources and money to build an application. It is hard and requires top technology stack and developers.

There are many technology stacks to create robust, dynamic backend and front-end of the app. But the best and most preferred one is MEAN stack development technology.
The other technology like LAMP, ruby on rails are great too. But MEAN is widely used because it is open-source, easy and uses the universal JavaScript language.

In this blog, we will let you know about MEAN and why it is the perfect support you need for your web and mobile app development process.

MEAN-An Introduction


MEAN is a JavaScript software stack that developers use to build an application and dynamic websites. It is free and open source; it is a collection of user-friendly JavaScript frameworks.

MEAN is an acronym and here what every letter means:
  • M- MongoDB, a well-known and widely used database management system.
  • E- Express. JS, a framework that supports and hosts Node.JS projects.
  • A-Angular.JS, another framework that lets developers create an application and extends it to a web app.
  • N- Node.JS, the most important part of mean stack development. It is a backend service that uses relevant data to perform tasks.
Most developers use MEAN stack for web development because it uses a single language JavaScript. And JavaScript can smoothly run on every platform, Operating system and application.

MEAN Stack Development- Why learn to Mean?

Here are the features of MEAN stack which sheds light on why every developer must learn MEAN.
  • Most of the websites and applications run on JavaScript. The MEAN stack uses only this language for running which is great for developers.
  • MEAN allows the developer to work in a unique execution environment for their server-side and client-side. In simple terms, they can write and use a single code from the server to the client side.
  • It supports the MVC model.
  • MEAN provides the best database and web development frameworks in a single package. It helps developers to create robust, modern, fast and easy to maintain websites and applications.
  • It offers huge employment opportunities for beginners as well as experts developers of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js.
  • Some of the popular websites using MEAN stack are Netflix, Uber, LinkedIn, Walmart, PayPal, and Yahoo.

Web Development Framework And Database Of MEAN Stack: Statistics

Here are some facts and figures that show how the web development frameworks and database of MEAN stack are ahead of their rivals.

1. Currently, there are 3,393,401 websites using Angular JS.

Architecture Of MEAN Stack

Here is the explanation of how MEAN stack works.

  • The process starts with Angular.JS. It is the client-side language of JavaScript, and Angular processes any request by the client first.
  • Now, we enter phase two of the Architecture of MEAN stack. And that is Node.js, after angular processes the request; it enters Node which is also a server-side language.
  • Next, the request enters Express.Js. Here it makes a request to access the database.
  • After accepting the request, MongoDB fetches all the data and sends a response to ExpressJS.
  • In a similar manner, Express sends the response to Node who sends it to Angular.
Now, let’s look at what all these components of MEAN contribute to the development of web and apps.

1. MongoDB

The role of this database is to store every relevant data of the application. Both app and database use JavaScript which makes transferring data back and forth easily, no translation is required.

Why MongoDB?
  • It is scalable when it comes to performance and storage.
  • It is capable of managing bulk data easily and without error.
  • The developer can easily add fields to the database without reloading it entirely.

2. Express.js

The Express framework works as the backend in MEAN stack development. It manages interaction between the database and front-end and ensures smooth data transfer.

Why this?
  • It uses the minimalist approach and is highly capable of handling the entire process effectively.
  • It prevents overwriting of variables so; you can’t redefine a variable again. It helps to save a lot of time and money.

3. AngularJS

It’s the front-end framework for MEAN and is highly popular. Angular is used to create the user-facing side of the app. Every component of the app is built using JavaScript which enables smooth transfer of the data.

Why Angular?
  • It has templates that are easy to use making it an ideal framework for front-end services.
  • It lets the front-end developer create an app for desktop and mobile simultaneously.

4. Node.js

The most important component of MEAN stack development is Node.js. It is the backbone and connects easily with Angular for processing data fast.

Why Node?
It has an in-built web server making it easy to deploy the MongoDB to cloud.
It is scalable and can support millions of connection simultaneously.

Why Choose MEAN Stack Development?

What makes MEAN the preferable over other technology? Let’s find out by learning about the benefits you get by using this:

1. With MEAN you can use isomorphic coding

With MEAN, developers can do isomorphic coding that means transferring to code to another framework is easy.
It helps MEAN stack Development Company to explore and experiment with different technologies.

2. It is highly flexible

It is flexible as you can develop, test and deploy the app easily without any issues. It lets the developer add extra data even after they have added a field to the form. MongoDB takes care of this by providing full cluster support and automatic replication.

3. It is cost-effective

It requires less investment in terms of resources, time and money as compared to LAMP stack development. That is why many businesses and startups prefer this over other technologies. It uses libraries for developing an app/website. It makes the overall development cost less than most technologies.

4. It is reusable and fast
Due to the non-blocking feature of Node, MEAN is fast and reusable. Also, Angular is an open-source framework which lets you maintain, reuse and test the code.

5. It is an open source platform

Since MEAN is an open-source platform, it gets frequent and timely updates.

6. It uses a single language

JavaScript is the only language used in MEAN which makes working, transferring data and learning this pretty easy.

7. It is easy to learn

For beginners, this development technology is easy to understand, learn and work with.

8. The user-interface you get with MEAN has great quality

MEAN make sure that the app has an easy and friendly user-interface. It does that by supporting the MVC model.

9. It has a massive library

The Node.js component of MEAN has a massive library. It helps make the web and mobile app development easy.

10. JavaScript object notation (JSON)

The JavaScript format is used everywhere in MEAN stack. Angular, Express and Node.js all offer JSON. MongoDB, the database management system stores all data in JSON format. The overall use of this means hassle-free development process. It means you don’t need to rewrite and reformat the different layers.

Conclusion : 

Most mobile app development companies are using the MEAN stack development for mobile app and websites. The MEAN stack development has great web development frameworks and database that are improving every day. It will help you move forward in your career too so go ahead with learning and using MEAN.

For more information and assistance please visit

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Reasons To Choose Cloud Computing for your Business?

Businesses of all sizes, industries, and geographies are turning to cloud services, due to its high reliability and secure functionality database storage system. Thus, affecting in numerous growth factors that are enabling to drive cloud adoption for every business and enterprises, according to a study conducted by the market research companies.

More and more companies are using cloud computing than ever. “The Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that the number of Australian businesses using cloud services has gone up from 19 percent to almost one-third in just one year.”

The most trending cloud computing services used worldwide are the AWS Cloud Services (Amazon Web Services). It is an evolving and comprehensive platform, of cloud computing offered by Amazon. It offers, others varied services also including RedShift, DynamoDB, and Mechanical Turk etc.
Cloud computing is not some futuristic luxury that only big businesses can afford, its available for all small and medium-sized businesses irrespective of any factors. 

Here are 5 benefits of cloud computing for Businesses & Enterprises:
1. Online Mobility: The beauty of cloud computing is that anyone with an internet connection will be able to access their company’s online services and data in real time. Cloud storage means you and your employees aren’t tied down to the office, or regular business hours.
2. Versatile Capacity: Companies have to invest in a particular size of physical data storage solution in the hopes that it will be able to handle the current and future workflow. But it’s hard to predict how much storage is needed, especially when factors like busy and quiet periods vary. Cloud space is flexible storage solution that can be increased or decreased depending on the company’s needs.
3. Budget Friendly: Businesses accumulate a lot of data as they grow. Physically stored data means more hardware has to be purchased to keep up with the company’s success. However, cloud-based storage solutions are pay as you go, cutting down the cost of paying for both physical and storage space.
4. Improved Teamwork: Workflow in the office can go sour over little things like daily schedules to big things like location differences. But with cloud-based file sharing apps team members have real time access to create and share documents so they can easily collaborate with each other inside and outside the workspace.
5. Safety Net: Whether it’s a huge data centre or a laptop, physical data needs a lot of maintenance as all the company’s hard work is stored there internally. But with cloud computing, you can backup all your data online and ensure its security through encryption, API keys and other privacy measures.
As you can see from the above list, Cloud Hosting provides many benefits to each & every kind of businesses. It’s cost-effective, saves a lot amount of money, highly reliable and it provides the flexibility, agility, scalability with high performance and security businesses need from their Information Technology network.
For more assistance please visit

Super-Easy Ways to Immediately Improve Your SEO Rankings

What comes to your mind when you see or hear about the term “SEO“? Where do you focus all your mind when you’re trying to improve SEO ranking for your own website?

“Keywords” is the most essential element when it comes to SEO optimization, i.e. why, a lot of people focus and spend their time on Keyword Research and Keyword Learning. If you’ve been working diligently on your keyword optimization, and still not able to achieve expected results, you may need to shift your focus on the other factors that affect SEO ranking.

However, SEO optimization consists of more than 200+ factors that affects a website ranking.

Google’s Search Engine Algorithm’s not only rank on the factor of keyword relevance/density, meta data, or user’s search terms, but, they also evaluate each & every information such as the duration visitors stay on your site, bounce rate, pages viewed, broken links, outbound and inbound links and so on…

Getting users to stay on your website and interact with your content maybe a little mind boggling, but, can seriously help you boost your website’s ranking and you can do this by improving the user experience and usability of your website.

Using keywords to bring or get visitors to click through to your website is only half the process. Having an SEO approach as “Optimizing for the keywords users searches for to drive qualified traffic to the website” is the notion of user-friendliness becomes an important factor because that’s what Search Engine rewards .

However, certain fundamental principles remain unchanged.

In this article, we’ll look at the various aspects of website usability that is impacting the website’s ranking, Also how to improve SEO rankings by using super-easy ways, when there seems to be conflict between usability and SEO “best practice.”

Lets explore the 7 Super-Easy Ways to Immediately Improve Your SEO Rankings:
1. Content should be informative, high quality, relevant & most important Unique:
Image result for high quality content
  • You have heard the phrase content is king. Higher the quality of content, greater will be its value.
  • Google rejects the plagiarised content.
  • Dwell time is the time period that a visitor spend on your website.
  • Based on the research of a visitor staying on a website is that, content between 2k – 2.5k words seems to rank the highest in search engine results.
  • When you provide useful and quality content, visitors tend to stay longer on your website, increasing the dwell time.

2. Page load speed:
Image result for page load speed
  • No visitor will have patience to wait for the page to load.
  • He will either close the website or will shift to someone else websites’.
  • That would hurt your dwell time, increase your bounce rate and reduce the number of pages viewed – loss for SEO ranking.
  • Both Google and Bing take page-loading speed, as a main factor in their website ranking algorithm.
  • Research claims that inserting good quality images can increase conversion rate. 

3. All Tags (Title, Meta, Header, Alt, Robots…& so on):
Image result for proper key words
  • Nobody likes running into a wall full of text.
  • Good formatting of your content improve the user experience.
  • It impress the readers which increase the dwelling time of websites.
  • Proper use of header tags can be very helpful  breaking up your content into sections that are easier to read and utilize.
  • So insert header tags in Word Press to improve user experience and improve SEO ranking of your website.
  • Proper keywords in header tags rely more heavily upon Google for top ranking.

4. XML & HTML Site-map:
Related image
  • A site map is a list of pages of a website content designed to help both users as well as search engines navigate the site.
  • It contains URLs to these pages so that web crawlers can find them.
  • It takes the visitors to the tour of website.
  • Companies using this helps to improve the site ranking as it guides the visitors to find the requisite contents in various pages.

5. Link Building:
Image result for reference links in wordpress
  • Adding the previous blog links into the new one also improve the SEO ranking.
  • The reference links helps the user to recall the content and connect it with the new one.
  • Google can be inclined  thus to give your website improved ranking with references for it through backlinks.
  • This adds better understanding to the visitor’s knowledge.

6. Fix Broken Links:
Image result for broken links
  • Who wants to get a 404 page after clicking on a link?
  • Broken links add pessimistic reputation.
  • Search engines also consider such links as a signal of an old and sleeping site affecting the SEO ranking.
  • There are many tools and apps to help ensure that your website is free of broken links because if it does have then it’s really  a bad experience for your site visitors.
  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  • Google Webmaster Tool
  • W3C Link Checker Image result for layout and formatting 
 7. Layout and formatting:
  • Layout and formatting are the central part of your blog.
  • It increase the value of your content at Google ranking.
  • Points to be considered for quintessential layout and formatting:
  • Use font size and typography that are easy to read. 

  • Use bold to call out important information and make the content easy to scan.
  • Use short paragraphs and ample line spacing in between
  • Use bulleted or numbered lists for clarity.
  • Break up content into sections and subsections with subheads.
  • Proper use of header tags, that include relevant keywords also helps improve SEO ranking.   

    Conclusion :
    Don’t get lured into just comparing numbers – such as visitor numbers and page views. Traffic from SEO may give you higher numbers in the short term, but better user experience can often result in higher conversions.For more information and assistance please visit


Vue Or React - Which One is the Best?

  In today’s competitive world, businesses strive to stay ahead of the pack, and such an urge develops a need to get their web products buil...