Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Major Ionic 4 framework components making it the best choice for app development

In the tech market, there are various frameworks available for Mobile app development but nothing stands against the Ionic framework. It is considered as one of the top frameworks.

Most of the developers preferred the Ionic framework to create a hybrid mobile app. It is an open-source framework and based on three elements that are SaaS-based UI framework, Angular Framework, and Compiler. The ionic framework allows developers to build top quality native and progressive web apps by using the latest technologies. This framework was developed by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley. It is used for Ionic App development.

Ionic 4 Framework


Ionic 4 is the latest framework which is released after two years of hard work and research in the month of January 2019. It is built on top of Angular with the latest syntax and structural changes. Ionic 4 has been introduced with lucrative advancement. On the Start, the migration from the ionic 1 to ionic 3 was quite tough.

But the launch of Ionic 4 is easy that comes with transition tool making the migration a smooth affair. Now with this framework launched you can use various framework such as Vue.js, React Js & web components. The purpose of the Ionic team is to make ionic a robust platform to create progressive web apps which are able to access the native device functionalities.

The Latest featured in Ionic 4
In Ionic 4 framework come with some amazing features which are added by the Ionic team. By using this framework developers don’t need to put extra efforts for rebuilding or retracing their applications. Here is the latest featured in Ionic 4.

Stencil: Stencil is one of the latest creations and web component compiler which helps in building standard compliant web components. It can utilize any additional API such as Typescript, a-sync rendering, JSX, and Virtual DOM, etc.
Capacitor: Capacitor is a code executive layer and it is also called as cross-platform API (Application Programming Interface). It enables to call native SDKs from web code.

Web Components: one of the amazing things in Ionic 4 Framework is web Components. It brought in key improvements in performance as they push the extra work. It is a set of web platforms APIs which allows developers to build brand new, customized & reusable HTML tags that can be used in website pages and web applications.

PWA Enable: This framework is one of the best UI platforms for creating high performing progressive web applications. The development team of Ionic creates the latest technologies like lazy loading to secure optimum performance.

Lazy Loading: Lazy loading is the best features of the Ionic framework 4. It is a design pattern in this framework which is used to differentiate the initialization of the components until it is required. It will help to improve the performance of the application and reduce the app’s load time by dividing it in a various bundle and only loading the application when you ask for.

More fast: Ionic 4 is come with 1.5x faster and includes a complete material design refresh. The web components of this framework are thoroughly optimized to secure the loading speed and deliver a considerable performance boost.

Colour Changes: The development team of Ionic has changed the default color and new default colour is added.

Ion-Picker: This framework displays a row of column and buttons on tops of the application content. And it also shows on at the bottom-most part of the viewport.

Why you choose the Ionic framework for your Application?

This framework has many reasons that are why developers choose the ionic framework to develop applications. We have mentioned the reasons to choose Ionic 4 for your web applications.
  • Built on Angular JS: Through Angular JS framework, Ionic Developers are able to build high-performing applications which are based on the Ionic platform. In ionic App development, this framework uses Angular JS to develop app structure and other features. And the best thing is it makes the use of the syntax extending of HTML for including the elements of an app and data binding at the same time.
  • One Code Base: Ionic 4 framework use only a single codebase. It means it enables to develop responsive and intuitive apps for all kinds of portable devices. One of the best things is when you build an app on this framework it will work smoothly on any mobile devices.
  • Open Source: It is an open source Mobile app development framework. Where developers can use to develop an enterprise mobile application without any pay or get any license.
  • Support & Community: If you want to see the performance of a framework then you need to see how active the community is. The ionic community offers marvelous support. In addition, you can easily track what the team is work on, what bugs & issues are open; you can even start your own pull request to fix stuff on their GitHub repository.
UI Components: Ionic 4 frameworks enable pre-defined styling for its various components. So, the elements that you are using it will look like native elements. It means that they will look native across several platforms, so in Android, it will get the Material design touch and on iOS the current iOS look.
Ionic 4 frameworks have become an alluring and more advanced framework for Ionic Mobile App development. This framework is still in Beta version. Ionic 4 is taking app development on the next level and empowering the developers to develop something really outstanding. You can get more advanced features and improvement in the future.

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