Monday, May 6, 2019

7 Crucial ‘SEO’ factors & Must know trends in 2019

It’s 2019, I see way too many website owners overlooking SEO techniques and improving their websites. 

If you really want to dominate the digital world, and lead your business on top rankings you must be aware of the latest Google Guidelines & Algorithm. SEO tactics and strategies also plays a vital role that help in dominating the SERPs(search engine results page) and generating more revenue. Here are some of the latest SEO trends that you must be aware of to be ahead of your rivals.

1. Structured ‘Data Mark-up’ Is Absolutely Essential

With the growing importance of artificial intelligence, structured data has also become beneficial. To make the most out of artificial intelligence, quick content processing is an absolute necessity long with their association with one another. It is essential to comprehend schema, structured data and passive and active search behaviours, which signal the intent to enable then search behavior to become a huge effort of the findability.

Moreover, the contextual relationships which exist between the behaviours and topics are supported by the structured markup. This is an essential SEO trend that we need to comprehend, test and implement for the year 2019.

2. Amazing + Unique Generated Content Is a Must 

According to the updated Google algorithm of 2018, Google is emphasizing on the quality of the content. The websites that offered exceptional quality of the content scored higher on Google’s SERP. On the other hand, the websites with inferior quality content suffered.

Simply put; You want to write content that satisfies your website visitors and is unique 100%.

This SEO trend of Google of rewarding websites on the basis of content quality would continue in 2019 as well. According to a digital marketing specialist, those who are generating content for keeping their blog alive would not be able to survive in the market.
3. Improving E-A-T is a Key SEO Trend of 2019

E-A-T is the acronym of ‘Expertise’, ‘Authority’ and ‘Trustworthiness’. According to this, you can only rank high up on the search engine of Google by providing quality content on a subject you have authority over. It is essential to look into promotion and content distribution from the standpoint of reputation. You can hire experts for leveraging and authorizing data from the known authorities and making sure the credit and credentials are given to both the entities and author.

4. Investing in the Technical Aspects of SEO

As the websites are becoming more complex, it is becoming imperative to invest in the technical aspect of SEO. Some of the key areas to consider are JavaScript, speed & progressive WebApps (PWAs) with clear coding.

Speed: Once it is known that Google would reward all the websites on the basis of speed, the web pages would become less complex and load faster.
JavaScript: The websites would be JavaScript-driven. Hence it is time to get acquainted with JavaScript.
Progressive Web Apps: The entrepreneurs have to start thinking how could their websites live on the PWA.

5. Voice Search
Since more and more users are active on the internet nowadays, they seek out easy ways to find information without spending much time. While it may be difficult to type your inquiry on the go, it’s easy to use the voice search.
Here’s the deal:
There are reports that by 2020, 50% of all searches will be voice searches. Thus, it’s important to optimize your content for voice search now to get results in the future.

If you wanna make a long story short & easy to understand, optimize your website for voice search with a suitable content for Voice Assistant.

Use the right language (natural, spoken language and a conversational approach people use in everyday life)
Avoid using large data tables (as it’s difficult to display)
Try to make it shareable with your creativity (content with high social media engagement ranks higher in voice searches)
Consider appearing in a Featured Snippet (most voice search answers come from this source)
Convert text into audio and feature it at the beginning (when people use voice search, it’s more likely they want to listen to the information, not read it)

6. Use Different Types of Relevant Keywords
Not to mention, you can add years and stats as well. The right keywords matter. If your on-page SEO is based on the right keywords, it’s more likely you will accomplish your goals — more website traffics, leads and sales. However, keyword stuffing isn't a good idea if you don’t want Google to penalize you.

Instead, you need to use different semantically related keywords that help to provide a better understanding of your content.

There’s an easy way to find the right keywords you should use for your content - just Google your idea. For example, if you’re writing about Bamboo fabrics, you can find the following keywords to mix and use as a phrase. In any case no wonder the results are as the following:
So, to  please Google and attract visitors, you need to keep up with the current trends to find keywords that people actually use to search on Google search page. Keyword trends are evolving, changing and growing by time-to-time. Thus, it’s important to do keyword research when planning new content and optimizing existing content.

7. On-Page SEO Optimisation 
The on-page optimization trends would continue to grow its importance in the year 2019. Apart from on-page optimisations, some of the chief website optimisation would be making sure the search for the internal sites is offering relevant results, shortening of the conversion process, making sure the repeat customers restock the commonly bought items etc.

These may be only a few trends, but these are the crucial SEO trends for 2019. Most awaited part is about WEB 3.0 that will bring about bigger changes in the years to come. If you want to rank higher on Google, you need to know and implement these trends. The earlier you start, the faster you surpass your competitors and get results you crave. We @75way are here to help you do this by our fast and reliable SEO strategies. .After all, 2019 is right around the corner, so don’t waste your time, thus focus on various SEO trends that are coming up this year that you should be acquainted with to give your competitors stiff competition. Contact us @ today itself and grab the latest SEO trends for your website.

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