Thursday, May 16, 2019

Effective web design techniques to build strong CRM.

No customer trust = no website conversion. That is why, building customer trust is a must for all good web designs. Websites are the connecting points through which viewers can access several other business based information and data. It is actually the point of all beginnings of different digital marketing campaigns, which include social media promotion, direct mailing, advertisements, etc.

First impression therefore matters and a website that is designed using the essential elements of ‘trust’ actually has a longer lasting business conversion period. The benefits that are derived, are more than one. When a research team from the ESCP European Business School, interviewed marketers from different organizations on the importance of trust in their customer relationship, the response was unanimous. They all agreed that customer trust is an essential factor that drives emotional connections, deepens relations and even delivers the signature moments of business interaction at the right time and on a human level.

Building Trust When Designing a Website

Trust can grow a kind of loyalty that leads to long-term customer relationship, higher advocacy and greater share of wallet. These are the ultimate essential elements of survival for a website even when a business campaign goes wrong. So when you design a website make sure you have that one thing in all your website key components.

However, a modern website design will come with new complexities as well


New designs can bring new complexities to an internet marketing strategy. For example, parallex designs can make a website look more interactive and dramatic to the eyes but the ugly truth is that, parallex design can be bad for SEO. A lot of business owners are hesitant to adapt to a new design trend because an ugly looking website (or an old one) might be converting better.
Here is one thing to note down first – Technology and designs never stay still. If your website is converting and you are satisfied with it, then don’t update it. However, once upon a time, even static website was an ‘okay’ design and today the importance of a responsive design is no more a question. A new web design helps to keep your brand up-to-date, modern and technologically sound – all that is important to impress a new visitor and to retain the old customers and to refrain them from checking out new and contemporary rivals.

Just make sure your web design has the essential ‘trust’ elements before going live.

#1 – Clarity of Content

Less is more when it comes down to writing your website body content. But make sure that the message you have is clear and convincing. The UX2014 case study here, evaluated the relevance of having clear text in building customer confidence. Based on the observations, which was made on a healthy insurance comparison prototype, consumers found the web design frustrating and difficult to search for the right information. This also influenced their decision factors as well because the lack of transparency led to erosion of their confidence.
So you see, good web design must have simplicity in its body, even if it is the copy that is being discussed about. Website content must be clear and to the point so that it is easily comprehensible to the reader sitting on the other side, in front of the computer screen. Break down your chunky contents into bullet points. Make them appealing and disgestible. Maintain your content hierarchy, use smart words, texts and lines and last but not the least, do not forget the font.

#2 – Images that Interact

Pictures are worth a thousand words but the speed with which it delivers the message is amazing! Did you know that the human brain can process an image in just 13 milliseconds? An image alone stands more powerful than a webpage full of wordy text. It’s time you start exploring its potential in different formats. For example – why not make your about page more interesting by using infographics to explain your work process, and to make the page look more fun and easy to understand? Here is a screenshot of an About Us page that applies the power of infographics –

Now compare this page with that of your About Us page. Which one looks better? Feel the difference?

If an image can make your business talks sound so interesting, imagine how much faster can the human brain process moving pictures in a video. No wonder why we can still remember an old movie scene shot better than a simple paragraph from a book! But the importance of using videos in your website when it comes to building consumer trust is that, it gives the viewers an opportunity to see how working with people from your organization will feel like.

They are like the display windows of your showroom and you can use them in your blogs, web page contents and even in your social media campaigns. Now speaking of your web page contents, you may find a lot of websites already using interactive videos in their home page. But the header of your home page can also be a dominating place that you would hate to ignore. Take a look at this website home page here –
Did you learn a new way of using images? Think about using them for your website home page.

Interactive images have the capability to convey valuable information and this is how top brands use it to power engagement, build brand confidence and to drive conversion.
Apart from infographics and video slider shots, can parallax designs be a good choice?
Parallax designs are believed to add depth to an otherwise flat looking two-dimensional landing page. However, too much of parallax design is harmful for a website’s performance. For example, it slows down the loading speed of a web page and is bad for a website’s SEO. But at the same time, parallax designs help to enhance or improve a website’s overall usability that if applied, could enhance content engagement. If you want to incorporate a little bit of parallax design in your web pages, then use it in considerate amount only like the portfolio page or the landing page.

Feast your eyes on Apple’s Music landing pages to find some good examples of parallax designs and its implementation. You may even refer to some of the amazing techniques to use parallel designs as well and apply them on your web pages.
I am so full of resources right now while writing this thing down that I can’t help providing you with all the relevant links that I can get hold of. Click on the link right here, if you want to learn how to use parallex designs to blow everybody’s mind.

#3 – Symbols of Trust

Okay, in this section you will be directly learning a few things about using the ever-mark symbols of trust. They are like the visual signals that when used on websites help to build an immediate positive response in the mind of the viewer. It encourages customers to trust your site and to go ahead with their conversion.
Symbols of trust come in different forms and shapes. Some of these symbols that we generally identify in almost every website are (identify the signs to see if you can recognize them) –
  • Security Symbols
  • Customer Logos
  • Testimonials
  • Membership Badges
  • Certification Badges
Other elements of trust that are frequently overlooked (or rather left forgotten) are – case studies and contact information.
Case studies and well researched blog posts are written records of the process of development undertaken by a company. Documentation of project works is not only a valuable source of information that companies can talk about, but it also provides clients an opportunity to look into the different kinds of work that your web development team is capable of.
A complete detail of the physical location is enough proof that a company is real and trustworthy. Make sure your contact page includes every important information under the sky that can help a customer access you easily.
All these might look fine and easy to follow when an existent web design is being updated. But what if your website is in its infancy and you don’t have the advantages of the already above mentioned surety bonds?
Then this is the way you can build the first elements of trust in your new website-
  • Add some security socket layers
  • Share your experience and knowledge in different places
  • Solicit clients for reviews

#4 – Feeling of Familiarity

Whatever your new website update may be, a good web design must be united by the strong bonds of familiarity.
Why do you think ugly websites (or the old ones) often convert better? Because they are the best from the users’ perspective.
When viewers find that things function as they are expected to, they become comfortable using it. It also helps to create a feeling of confidence that is essential for building the first blocks of consumer trust.
Make sure you do not miss out some of the familiar functionalities that almost every website has. They are email confirmations after each user sign-up, search boxes for making tailored searches, no broken links, proper balance of white with other colors, quick load time,etc.

With this I end my discussion here (or else the discussion will never cease to stop). Modern web designs today are more prettier than what they used to be before. However, if it is not user friendly, it’s not trustworthy and that means no conversion for you. So, if you want to win the first fat jackpot after completing your web design, make sure you have placed the right elements of trust in the right places. Conversion is guaranteed.

For more information and assistance please visit


How PWA effects mobile E-commerce in 2019

 Progressive Web Apps (PWA): The Next Great Trend for The Mobile Web

If we talk about the retail market mobile has been present on the forefront for many years now and yes, it happens to be for a good reason too. One of the researches carried out by IMRG pointed out the fact that more that 50% online sales of 2015 in the UK were made using mobile devices. This move was seen during the fourth quarter of 2015 and the beginning of 2016. This trend is going to move ahead and it will not come as a surprise if you will find majority of the sales taking place using smartphones one day.

One of the recent study states that even 100 millisecond delay in page upload can cost the business negatively in its conversion rates by 7%. Again Google keeps on reminding that every millisecond counts when it comes to capturing the attention of the users. Google is keen on rewarding the website with a ranking boost if it takes care of the customers and offers a great user experience.

With the technology still new and in its growing years many industry sectors and brands are still on the debating phase when it comes to adopting PWAs. Companies are still unsure about the capabilities of Progressive Web App or what company can really offer to improve customer experience for your business processes. The demand of PWA development is moving ahead on the graph because it helps your business presence reaches a wider audience on both the web and mobile with minimal time, expenditure, and effort.

What are PWAs?

PWA is the single biggest thing to happen on the mobile web since Steve introduced the iPhone!

– Henrik Joreteg


PWA or Progressive Web App can be called a website that opens in a standard browser all the while offering the same kind of experience just as any native app. PWA can be developed for a number of devices all right from desktop to mobile versions. There is no need to check out an app store to get access to a progressive web app site.
One of the prominent advantages of PWAs compared to the normal native applications is that you don’t need to learn different technologies and coding practices so as to run the site on android or iOS phones. PWA can be developed by the developers with the knowledge of HTML5, JavaScript and CSS.
For easy access it offers home screen icons, gives away pop-up notification to the user directly and gives the option to use the site in full-screen mode.

What Makes PWA Cool?

As per Google mobile speed is a very important factor and it has gone far in offering a rank boost to those sites that are fast in the form of better SERPs for mobile as well as desktops.

Progressive Web Apps are entirely based on mobile-first approach.

It is important for the site to offer reliable, integrated and better experiences to the users on mobile devices. The same can be delivered by progressive web apps in a number of ways and all the while caching and framework makes PWA code efficient and light. ‘Add to Home Screen’ and push notification functionality helps with gaining user attention and making them coming back to the site.

Some of the key areas where you can gain advantage using Progressive Web App are:


  • Speed
For any site the response time plays a key role and PWA ensures speedy responses to the users. This has been made possible by Service Worker. With the use of caching facility, the browser gets to save the elements of the layout which are repeated in the template and simply post on the browser when needed. This increases the speed of downloads and helps in saving the important seconds which ultimately makes the site user-friendly.
Just have files that are of the size less than 1 mb and make sure the page is available within 5 seconds. To allow multiple retrieval of assets enable HTTP/2.

  • Responsiveness
Progressive web apps are built keeping user experience in mind and so the sites are built with responsive layout in mind. If the sites are responsive the layout of the page will fit into any size of the screen with ease.
So what ever be the device you are using, the experience will be adjusted as per the device screen size. To improve the experience of the users further, developers are offered with PWA app manifest file which helps to gain control over full screen view.
  • Offline Functionality
For Progressive Web Apps cache api and Service Worker plays the key role. Service Worker is a program which is responsible for retrieving and then storing components of the site the browser cache.
The main issue with the Service Worker is that it does not enjoy the support of all current browsers. In order to work with this technology Explorer and Safari are working on to develop beta versions. While the browsers are now trying to improve themselves you can make use of canisue site to check the compatibility with this technology.
  • User Retention
Native apps offer notifications on the mobile screen directly and progressive web apps come with the same in-built feature which allows it to send push notifications directly to the users on their mobile screen. This way they can let the users know about the site developments.
For eCommerce business, it is very important for them to send regular updates to the users whenever there is a new product at the store or any special deals are going on. For easy access of the app, a function named ‘Add to Home Screen’ is made available which can be used to
create a shortcut icon on the home screens. Again, to declare these capabilities, app manifest file is used.
  • Search Engine Ready
There is no need to show deep linking URL by working on the source code in case of PWA like you do for native ap
ps as here individual URLs can be indexed through search engines. When it comes to optimizing the apps for search, this plays a key role as it simplifies the whole process.

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) in eCommerce

  • Fast
PWAs come with the ability of caching which allows the browser to download all the crucial information. This very much speeds up the application. When it comes to eCommerce business this ability works in positive terms. With more users looking for faster experience on the online platform, applications that are fast will offer a competitive advantage to the business.
  • No Installation
There is no need to carry out installation for PWAs as they are just websites. Because of the same it enjoys two kinds of benefits. The user can easily access the application using a pre-installed web browser and so there is no need to carry out the task to install the application. Another benefit you get to enjoy is for developers making updates on the application is a very easy thing. You can even improve the customer experience by adding in more features to the website.
  • Engaging
Compared to normal websites PWAs are more responsive. They offers stunning user interface and are highly interactive. Keeping customers engaged is one of the most important works in eCommerce business. The PWAs come with interactive interfaces which is capable to keep the customers engaged for more time on the application compared to the normal websites. A good number of eCommerce businesses were able to increase the number of return visits on their store by the use of web push notification.
  • Reliable and Offline Ready
One of the best things about PWAs is that you can work on it even when you don’t have an internet connection and so they are considered to be highly reliable. Compared to any other eCommerce website, these applications have the ability to cache in important pages and make it available to the users in no time. So you will be able to open PWAs easily even when you have little or no internet connection.

Here at WeblineIndia, We Provide

Reliable Progressive Web App Development Services with Faster Turnaround Times and Better ROI.

Why you should adopt PWAs


Let’s take a look at some progressive web apps features to find out why businesses, from startups to well-known market leaders, should opt for them:
  • You can Easily Find and Distribute PWAs
It is important that you get approval from the app store for native apps so as to make them available for the users and then start gaining attention. With PWAs you can access them readily as a website and you can find them through social media or organic/paid search. This way users can be sure whether they wish to download it or not by checking it out on the browser. This is very important as people spend majority of their time on the mobile devices using apps.
  • Better Connectivity
Even in the areas with poor connectivity PWAs work. It is also good to be used in the moving train where chances are more that the connectivity will get lost. You can use them in the areas where chances are more that you may go offline.
  • PWAs are Capable To Deliver Fast User Experience
Even three seconds of delay discourages the consumers to stay on the website. You can easily launch PWA from the home screen and you will have it loaded within a second which is much faster compared to native apps.
  • There is No Need to Send Updates
In case of native apps updates have to be accepted and done manually but in case of PWAs updates takes place instantly and there is no need for any manual work.
  • No Space Issues
Compared to native apps, PWAs take up less space on the mobile devices when downloaded. You can open a PWA using URL, by email, online ads, text messages and even share on social media.
  • Technology is Available
Popular browsers like Chrome and Opera offers support for PWAs. Recently a PWA Studio was launched by Magento to help retailers develop PWAs.
  • PWA Work With All Mobile Platforms
PWAs work across all the systems and devices easily as they are hosted online. So whatever be the mobile device the customers are using, retailers will be able to deliver right customer experience throughout saving money and time that would have otherwise spend on designing and developing apps for different platforms and devices.

PWAs Are The Future of Mobile Retail

Today the retailers don’t have to face dilemma of choosing between building a website or a mobile app for the business to get more traffic as now they have PWAs which serves the purpose of both worlds.
Some of the top brands in the UK like Hobbycraft and Debenhams have already started to make use of this technology and some of the names like Starbucks, Twitter, Alibaba and Uber have joined the list too.
By upgrading the website with a PWA, Alibaba was able to witness tremendous increase in its business success with conversion rates reaching 76% across different browsers. They also witnessed increase in the number of active users by 14 per cent on iOS devices and by 30 per cent on Android users.


The businesses which are looking for ways to get on the mobile platform should definitely consider exploring the regions of PWA. PWA can be developed straightaway just by making use of present web technologies. In short time you will have a site that is better off with user experience on mobile devices, delivers fasts, increases engagement and drives conversion rates. Again, maintaining PWAs are easy compared to the traditional apps.

For more information and assistance please visit

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Best practices to start with for maintaining and securing your website

Website security is crucial for every business or organisation. The risk of cyber-attack isn’t limited to ecommerce sites or big corporate websites. Even a small business website can fall victim to malware or hackers and lose its good reputation anytime in the running phase.

In 2017, a total of 516,380 small businesses faced cyber-attacks. For mid-size companies, the average cost of recovering from a security breach was $1.9 million. These numbers are only going to increase in the upcoming years if businesses don’t take serious measures to enhance their website security.
Cybersecurity involves a whole lot of complex technical concepts. Still, there are some simple best practices which should be taken and should be enough to protect your website in most cases.
Website security best practices

1. Use strong passwords
Strong passwords are the first line of defence against hackers or security breaches. Every password connected to your website must have the following properties –
  • A password must be at least 10 characters in length
  • It shouldn’t contain any complete words or names of any person, place, thing
  • Your password should have a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols
  • It must be different from the other passwords you are already using
You may consider using a password manager to create and store your business passwords. Hackers usually use brute force techniques to generate billions of passwords per second. So, the more complex password you use it will be better.
Enable two-factor authentication for all your accounts, if it is possible. Two-Factor authentication means there will be two checks before you can log in. For example, after you enter the password, a pin will be sent to your mobile phone. You need to enter the pin or code next in order to log in.

2. Update your software regularly
You must regularly keep all your software up to date. Software updates are not just about adding new features, the updates patch security vulnerabilities. If you don’t update your software regularly or use unsupported versions, you’ll be an easy target for hackers.
Check that you’re using the latest versions of your plugins. Don’t use old or obscure plugins, even if you find them useful.

3. Regularly back up your data
No matter how secure your website is, there will always be some possibility of losing important data or site access. Because of this, you should always maintain a backup copy of your website’s data.
Most of the hosting service providers automatically backup sites on remote servers. Still, the best practice is to keep an additional local backup. There are tools and plugins to create a backup of your site content and database and, if you seriously  need any help regarding site backup, you should contact

4. Implement SSL
When your website has an SSL certificate, all the information that a user enters in your website directly goes to the server through a secured channel. This means that an intruder or hacker can’t get in the middle and intercept the information. In other words, SSL protects your website by the users against ‘man in the middle’ attacks.
SSL has truly become standard for all types of website. Even if you are not selling something online, or you don’t have any log in option on your website, you should seriously consider installing SSL to make your website more trustworthy for users.
But you need a bit of technical know-how to do so. It’s also worth noting that the free SSL certificates have some limitations.

5. Choose a secure host
Choosing a reputable hosting company for your website is very important. Your host must be aware of cyber threats and be dedicated in protecting your website from their side.
In the case of a website security breach, it becomes really essential to communicate with the host to quickly restore your website and resolve all technical issues. Before picking your host for your website, make sure they’ll provide you with ongoing support. They must have excellent customer service and quick response time over any issues.
How to respond to a website security incident
If your website security is compromised, you have two responsibilities over your website;
1. Minimising your financial loss and protecting your business’ reputation
2. Making sure your customer’s information is safe
(A) Preparation
Develop a website security policy that all your employees must follow. Identify the sensitive information that your business uses or stores. Then, set roles and responsibilities regarding what to do if an incident occurs.
(B) Detection
Here are some of the common signs which indicate a security incident;
1. You can’t access your website anyhow
2. Passwords related to your website don’t work and are not letting you log in
3. Critical data is missing from the site or is altered in the database
4. Your computer keeps crashing while working and runs out of memory
5. Spam emails are being sent from your account
(C) Assessment
This is where you should find the cause of the incident and investigate or at least determine how it has affected your website, data and business.
(D) Response
You should now isolate the affected systems. Disconnect the affected part from your network if possible. Repair and restore your website’s data or seek the help of professional security experts if necessary.
(E) Review
Evaluate what the reason for the security issue was that was it a targeted attack or a general incident? Identify the parts of your system or process that needs to be improved or changed to prevent similar events in the future.
Remember that it’s always better to prevent a security breach than to have to respond to one. A clear website security policy will help your business prevent and respond effectively to cyber threats.
Creating a website security policy
A website security policy should cover the following;
(A) Password requirements
Specify the minimum length of passwords a pattern to be used in your business-related accounts. Set a particular timeframe after which any password must be updated.
(B) Email policy
State always under which cases your employees can share their work email. Set criteria for spam and scam emails. Make it mandatory to scan attachments before opening.
(C) Removable device policy
Define in which all cases one can connect to a removable device to an office computer and copy files in or out. Make it mandatory to scan a removable device before attaching it to a computer, especially if it has access to your website’s backend.
(D) Handling sensitive data
Determine which specific people will have access to your website’s backend and database. You should also be careful with any customer data that you store and who can access it.
(E) Handling devices
Specify how to report a lost device. Set up a daily routine which will be followed to update devices.

Sadly, despite following security best practices, your website may fall victim to cyber-attacks at any point of time if you do not take care of it. Hackers and malware creators aggressively target security flaws in existing web platforms and applications to find new ways of attacking sites and computers. It’s almost impossible to prevent all the types of cyber threats with 100% success.

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