Monday, October 31, 2022

Top 10 Software Development Companies in the USA 2023


2023 is approaching and millions of tech freaks or business minds are planning to develop software to help them win and rule the market. If you’re also in the same race, there is a high chance you’re slightly confused about choosing the right expert to nail your project in the same way you want it. Making a move based on your 2022 best software companies' research can halt your progress. Your project can be an upcoming revolution in the 2023 market. Make sure you follow the latest trends and choose the leading software company in the USA to turn your imagination into a big reality. 

But what does a software development company do? Why do you actually need their assistance? Do they have the capability to help your project make a difference in the world? And there is no end to the question. These questions might end you up scratching your head. Instead of overthinking these factual questions, let’s go through this blog post as here we have tried to cover the answers to all your questions. Here we have also highlighted the list of top software development companies in the USA you can say yes to for your upcoming projects in 2023. But before we talk about the list, let’s start the blog with the basics.

What Do You Mean by Software Development Company?

No matter whether you want to streamline workflow management or enhance overall business productivity, well-built or coded software is the answer. When availing top-notch software development services, the next step is to hire a reputable company to help you with this concern.

No doubt, software development companies, having a well-versed and experienced group of developers can do wonders for enterprises and individuals. They can design the right software that can leave a lasting impact on the business's performance in the digital world, enhancing the production rate, streamlining workflows, automating tasks, etc. Hiring a software development company in the USA for your projects is a safe move you can take any time (as many are available 24*7).

What Do Software Creators Actually Do?

Software creators across the globe perform a number of tasks to make your dream project successful. The following points highlight the things they actually do-

  • Creating a quality digital solution for existing corporate issues
  • Developing a suite of customer-centric digital products
  • Suggesting ideas for technical business development
  • Providing better resources and expertise in Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Achieving the business requirements
  • Meeting the client’s expectations with a quality software development

Benefits Of Hiring A Software Development Company

Because now you have gained a better understanding of what software development companies actually do, so let's take a look at the perks you can enjoy by taking this step. 

  1. You can expect lesser errors.
  2. Achieve your goals following a cost-effective and productive approach.
  3. Complete the project on time.
  4. Provide more and more resources.
  5. Accomplish outstandingly great work.
  6. Backed by a team of developers with a wide range of skills and expertise.
  7. Outstanding final product quality.

List of Top 10 Software Development Companies in USA 2023

Relying on any brand for your dream project seems like making a blind bet in poker. But in poker, there is a chance to win, but choosing the software development company with no prior knowledge about them can cost you in a very bad term. To make things easier for you, we have listed down the top names that are experienced enough to understand the importance of your project.

1. 75way Technologies

Since 2015, the company has been holding an appreciable track record for its services, and this year, they have gained the eyeballs of many more business verticals in the USA. 75way Technologies believes in delivering incredible output in the form of intelligent software and other digital products, including mobile applications, IT consulting, websites, web-based applications, and more. 

Do you know the best part about working with 75way Technologies? The company and its best minds follow an approach that helps your business become more efficient, profitable, and measurable, and this is what many expect from a company. 75way has worked for several companies all around the globe. 

2. Baytech Consulting

Baytech Consulting is another name on our list that offers tailored business solutions and has a wide team of developers to work on the dreams out there. Each developer in the company holds good years of experience and on-field training that help them make projects successful no matter what the project complexity level is. They can handle bulk projects and meet the client’s expectations in the best possible way. 

3. Spire Digital

Everyone looks for a company that works beyond the bar. Right? Spire Digital is a leading software development company that helps a business to be transformed to the latest trend so that they can walk at the same pace the technological world is evolving. They offer state-of-the-art solutions for several requirements no matter whether it is IO or blockchain. 

4. Merix Studio

Merix Studio is also one of the top software development companies in the USA you can rely on. But why? When passion, innovation, and trust come in one package, success is guaranteed. Merix Studio follows a simple and understandable approach for different projects. So, they can be a perfect pick for your upcoming projects in 2023. 

5. Itransition

It’s an Austin-based company that has worked and still works with leading industries such as oil and gas, construction, healthcare, and other non-technical scopes. If you're looking for an expert who can provide you with assistance in your medium-sized business, Itransition is the right one. 

6. Intellectsoft

Intellectsoft is one of the fastest-growing software development companies in the US region that is widely popular for delivering excellent digital transformation services, including software development, IT consulting, enterprise software development, and more. One can explore their services on their official website. Developers at Intellectsoft have worked on a number of virtual projects, and you can also end your search for the best software development service provider with this company. 

7. ScienceSoft

Headquartered in the McKinney area of Texas, ScienceSoft is also a leading name in the tech world for providing solutions and results in the domain of Information Technology (IT). The team here is quite proficient with several technologies, such as Python, C++<, Java, and Golang.

8. DOOR3

Headquartered in New York City, DOOR3 is an independent technology consultancy and software development firm that knows how to take out the best from User Experience Design and User Interface based projects. DOOR3 can help your dream project succeed in the market, utilizing the right development strategy and technology. 

9. Table XI

The company works closely with manufacturing hubs of America from their business premises in Chicago. Table XI can help clients and businesses in several areas like project inception, product auditing, and mobile app development. Well, they are not limited to this extent only. There’s a lot more you can explore on their official website. 

10. Oxagile

If you’re on the hunt for a software development company that can end you up with scalable business results, choose Oxagile. The company has achieved par excellence in managing software engineering projects online. Thanks to their wide team of developers and project managers who make your dreams come true in the form of great software. Oxagile runs its operations in several countries across the globe- New York, Germany, London, and Australia.

5 Parameters to Consider When Choosing the Best Brand For Your Project

When you have a gamut of choices available on software development services, choosing the ideal brand can be difficult. Right? Therefore, we bring you a list of a few parameters that can help you make the right choice and navigate you to the best brand. 

1. Pricing

If a company offers cheap-priced services, it doesn’t mean they are reliable enough to handle your dream project. 

2. Technologies

Make sure the company you’re hiring for your project is aware of today's modern technologies. Hire one that works with more than four web-based languages, not just one or two. 

3. Experience

The company should have the experience to understand your project requirements and make them a reality. Hire a company that has a well-versed team of software developers, programmers, web developers, and IT specialists for better output. 

4. Portfolio

A strong portfolio can impress any business client. If you’re looking for the right expert, make sure you have read the reviews and feedback to know the consumer’s experience. 

5. Service Compliance

Although the market is flooded with every service, including web design and web development with a consultation, hiring brands separately for each requirement can break your budget. Therefore, we suggest you hire a brand that offers all the services under one roof. 


Software development companies in the USA have now become the helping hands of many businesses, including startups. They provide complete assistance and support from the start to the end of the projects and this is what makes many strive for their services. Although we have listed above all the top names in the software development industry, if you’ve no time to read the blog, you can rely on 75way- a leading software development company having years of experience working with several business verticals.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About MongoDB Development


Today, organizations from different verticals want to harness the power of data to grab new business opportunities and touch new heights of success. Such an urge leads them to follow unique ways to use and handle data effectively. After all, the right use of data boosts the ability to make business decisions faster. But at the same time, working with data is not as easy as a walk in the garden. It sometimes turns out to be a long-standing problem for businesses that also affects their overall functioning.

Companies expect fast phase development and better data management in every scenario. Modern web-based applications development demands a quality working system that can be deployed faster, and the application is able to scale in the future as per the constantly changing environment.

Earlier, relational databases were used as a primary data store for web application development. But today, developers show a high interest in adopting alternative data stores for modern applications such as NoSQL (Not Only Structured Query Language) because of its incredible benefits. And if you ask us, one of the technologies that can do wonders in modern web-based application development is MongoDB.

MongoDB is the first name strike in our heads when developing scalable applications with evolving data schemas. Because MongoDB is a document database, it makes it easier for developers to store both structured and unstructured data. Stores and handles large amounts of data quickly, MongoDB is undoubtedly the smart move toward building scalable and data-driven applications. If you’re wondering what MongoDB is and how it can help your digital success, this blog is surely for you.

The blog post explores everything you need to know about MongoDB.

Let’s start!

What is MongoDB Development?

MongoDB is an open-source, document-oriented NoSQL database that came to light around the mid-2000s. MongoDB is used to store and handle high-volume data. It can process structured, unstructured and semi-structured data. It uses a non-relational database and document-storage format called BSON, a binary form of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

Instead of using a traditional relational database that includes tables and rows, MongoDB uses documents and collections. The document has key-value pairs- the basic unit of data in MongoDB. On the other hand, a collection has a set of documents and functions that is equivalent to relational database tables.

History of MongoDB

MongoDB is an incredible technology that empowers innovators to unleash the power of data and software. But this technology has an interesting history.

MongoDB was founded in 2007 by Eliot Horowitz, Dwight Merriman, and Kevin Ryan. It was the team behind DoubleClick - an Internet advertising company DoubleClick (now owned by Google). The team developed and used several custom data stores to work on the problems like scalability and agility that existing databases were facing. After being frustrated with the existing database, the team decided to create a database that tackles all such challenges. And this was the time when MongoDB was born. MongoDB development is the answer to the problem of scalability and agility that developers were expecting from the existing databases at that time,

Let’s talk about MongoDB’s existence in detail-

  • First developed by 10gen Software in 2007 and the firm later switched to an open-source development approach in 2009.
  • In 2013, MongoDB Inc. replaced 10gen as the name of the company.
  • When MongoDB was listed on NASDAQ as MDB with an IPO price of $24 per share, this technology turned out as a publicly traded business on October 20, 2017,
  • On October 30, 2019, it announced a partnership with Alibaba Cloud to provide a MongoDB-as-a-Service solution to its clients.

The Architecture of MongoDB NoSQL Database

The MongoDB NoSQL Database is designed to meet the demands of modern applications with a technology foundation having the elements-

  • Database: A database is also called a physical data container which has its own set of files on the file system with multiple databases existing on a single MongoDB server.
  • Document: A set of key-value pairs can be designated as a document associated with dynamic schemas. But what’s the benefit of dynamic schemas? Dynamic schemas are beneficial as documents in a single collection don’t need to possess the same structure or fields of a document in a single collection.
  • Collection: A collection refers to a group of database documents. Collection in RDBMS refers to the table that has rows and columns. The whole collection is stored within a single database, and there are no schemas. Collections contain documents having varied fields, but most documents in a collection work for the same purpose of serving the same goal.

MongoDB Data Types

MongoDB supports an extensive range of datatypes, such as:

  • String − Must be UTF-8 valid
  • Boolean − Stores true/ false value
  • Symbol − Used identically to a string but primarily used for languages having specific symbol types
  • Code − To store JavaScript code into the document
  • Timestamp − Used to keep a record of the additions or modifications made to a document
  • Object − Used for embedded documents
  • Integer − Stores a numerical value of 64 bit or 32 bit depending upon the server
  • Object ID − Stores the document ID
  • Binary data − For storing binary data
  • Double − Stores floating point values
  • Min/Max keys − Compares a value against the lowest & highest BSON elements
  • Arrays − Stores lists, arrays, or multiple values into one key
  • Date − Stores the current time or date in UNIX format
  • Null − Stores a null value
  • Regular expression − Stores regular expression

Features of MongoDB Development

The following points are a few features of MongoDB that highlight the importance of this technology and how it can be a perfect pick for your web-based application development.

1. Schema-less Database

A Schema-less database refers to one collection that can hold distinct types of documents in it. It is one of the great features of MongoDB, making this technology the topmost preference of developers. If we say in simple words, a single collection holds multiple documents, and these documents consist of the fields, content, and sizes. One document doesn’t have to be similar to another one which happens in the case of relational databases. This MongoDB is a great flexibility to databases.

2. Scalability

One can expect horizontal scalability with MongoDB. Thanks to sharding- a process of distributing data on multiple servers. In this process, a high volume of data is partitioned into data chunks with the help of a shard key. These data chunks are further evenly distributed across shards that basically reside across different physical servers.

3. Document Oriented

Yes, MongoDB is document-oriented. It means the data is stored in the documents having a unique object id instead of tables that include rows and columns like in RDBMS. The data stored in the documents in MongoDB is much more flexible as compared to RDBMS where data is stored in rows and columns.

4. Replication

If you’re using MongoDB keeping in mind it provides high availability and redundancy, you’ve made the right pick. The replication helps them achieve this redundancy. It creates several copies of the data and sends these copies to multiple servers. If one server fails, the data can be easily retrieved from another server.

5. Aggregation

Another feature on our list that makes MongoDB a perfect pick is that it allows users to perform operations on the grouped data and get a single result or computed result. It happens in the same way as the SQL GROUPBY clause. It provides three aggregations i.e., map-reduce function, aggregation pipeline, and single-purpose aggregation methods.

6. Indexing

Did you know each field in the MongoDB document is indexed with primary and secondary indices? This is what makes it easier for developers to search for the desired data from the pool of data. It also saves time for developers as they can fetch the data in a few moments. If the data will not be indexed, the database searches each document with a specified query that will eat up a lot of the developer’s time.

7. High Performance

If we talk about the overall performance of MongoDB, it is very high, and data persisted as compared to other databases in the market. Thanks to its features like scalability, replication, indexing, etc., that adds more value to the technology.

Advantages of MongoDB :

  • MongoDB doesn’t have schemans that eliminate the need to design the schema of the database when working with MongoDB.
  • It doesn’t support join operation.
  • It supports Geospatial efficiently.
  • It contains heterogeneous data.
  • It is a document oriented database.
  • The data is stored in BSON documents.
  • It provides high flexibility to the fields in the documents.
  • It provides high performance, scalability & availability.
  • It doesn’t require any SQL injection.

Disadvantages of MongoDB :

  • One of the big disadvantages of MongoDB is that it uses high memory for data storage.
  • It doesn’t allow you to store more than 16MB data in the documents.
  • The data nesting in BSON format is also limited. You cannot nest data more than 100 levels.


So, this is all about MongoDB development. We are sure you have gained a good idea about this leading technology after going through this blog post. And if MongoDB heightens your interest in your next web application development, connecting with 75way Technologies would be a great move. 75way is a leading MongoDB development company that can help you in your digital journey and provide you with a digital product that can give an edge to your business.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Definitive Guide to Powerful Node.js Development


Node.js is a beast on its own. Since its release, this technology has continued to keep its stranglehold on the digital world, being one of the most prominent and powerful frameworks of JavaScript. Other JS frameworks, like Angular, React, etc., can’t fade even an inch of Node.js popularity

Node.js is a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime that works on the server side. In simple words, this tech allows developers to execute JavaScript code on a computer using runtime rather than running it in the browser. Node.js helps build scalable and efficient REST APIs. One can accelerate their business growth with several Node.js-based digital products, whether it is desktop applications or hybrid mobile applications. Is this reason enough to choose Node.js for projects? 

If you’re in deep thought about why this technology is considered most useful in the eyes of Node.js developers, you must check out this Node.js guide. Here you can gain a good insight into it and find more reasons to say yes to Node.js for your next project. 

Let's get started!

What is Node.js Development?

Node.js is a robust and lightweight framework for creating server-side web applications and extends JavaScript APIs for usual server-side functionalities. Developed on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engines, Node.js compiles the JS into the native machine code. Generally, this framework is used for enterprise-level application development. It may include video streaming sites, single-page applications, and other web apps. Node.js follows an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which is also a plus point, especially when it comes to data-intensive real-time applications development.  

The History of Node.js Development

The creator of this technology Ryan Dahl invented this masterpiece in 2009 as an open-source project, which gained massive popularity with time, especially when Node Package Manager was introduced. First, Dahl wanted to build a web server that can handle thousands of connections at the same time. Later, he developed the entire framework called Node.js, which is publicly available under an MIT license. 

After a few years, in June 2011, Microsoft and Joyent came together to release a native Windows version of Node.js. The first edition of Node.js was published in July 2011, and in January 2012, Isaac Schlueter, the co-worker who created Node Package Manager took over the project, and Dahl stepped down. 

Main Features

The following points are the primary features of Node.js that lead many to give a node to this technology for their dream projects.

Asynchronous and Event Driven: 

Node.js is asynchronous in nature. This is why the API call doesn’t wait for results and doesn't block other calls. All the APIs of Node.js are non-blocking. Once it finishes the execution, it runs a callback or notifies about certain events using events. Even if Node.js is running on a single thread with event looping, it has the capability to handle more and more requests. For instance, the Apache HTTP server uses an asynchronous non-blocking way to handle code execution.

Node Package Manager

NPM is an effective tool that embraces the power to handle the installation and updation of reusable modules from online collections. Not only this, but it also takes care of version and dependency management of reusable modules from online collections. 

Very Fast

As we have already discussed, Node.js is based on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine, which is why it is very fast. This V8 JavaScript engine is very fast in executive JavaScript code.  


Today, companies design and develop software infrastructure having a scalable model. When it comes to scalability, many companies are showing high interest in Node.js as it meets their expectations. Node.js can handle concurrent requests using a cluster model to manage this load for active CPU cores. Thanks to its event mechanism, Node.js is easily scalable for several purposes. 

Wide Community Support

Node.js has become quite popular nowadays because of its excellent features that make the journey of digital product development easier. But what if you face any issue or find yourself stuck with this technology? Well, there are a lot of community tutorials, shared code, and resources you can check out to get answers to your questions. 

How Does Node.js Development Work?

Want to have a look behind the scenes? Well, three primary features create a Node.js architecture.


Node.js works on a single thread which is considered an excellent approach to avoiding context switching and many more aspects. 

Event Loop

Node.js uses events and that’s the reason why it is pretty fast compared to other technologies. The term event loop refers to handling queuing and processing of asynchronous events. It is built on top of ‘libuv’ that handles queues containing events with their callbacks. Let’s take an example. When a client sends a request to the Node.js server, the request-handling function is placed into the event queue and further handled by the event loop. 

Non-blocking I/O

The event loop always works on a single thread. But it is crucial to keep in mind that all long-running tasks (network I/O, data access, etc.) are carried out asynchronously on top of threads which push back the results through callback to the event loop thread. Such a process is considered an asynchronous non-blocking way of handling code execution.

Frontend Development 

As you all know, the frontend is part of a program we all see and interact with. The development of this part of the program is associated with coding the UI interfaces, dealing with events, and interacting with backend servers to retrieve data at the frontend UI level. Node.js is used for frontend development. 

Backend Development

On the other hand, the backend deals with server-side programming and database interaction that help frontend applications retrieve the data easily. Node.js development is also used for the backend of web and mobile applications.

Why Are Businesses Using Node.js Development?

When Node.js was released, it created a huge buzz in the tech world and heightened the interest of many developers across the globe. Node.js embrace incredible features and meet the developer’s expectations providing the best they always look for. Even this open-source and cross-platform solution is also an excellent choice for real-time app development. 

One can expect higher scalability and performance with Node.js. It follows a single-threading approach that allows developers to create scalable applications that are good enough to handle heavy traffic. Surely, these are the reasons why today Node.js has become one of the topmost choices of developers. Well, this is not it. This open-source technology is also considered an integral part of the MEAN stack because it helps developers build frontend and backend components of the application. The event-driven programming feature of Node.js makes it an ideal fit for IoT applications like controlling and monitoring sensor data. 

The wide community of Node.js is a plus point of this technology, which improves the language and its associated tools and modules. Such a community is a great source of learning and helps beginners get answers to their questions in a few minutes. 

But When Should You Use Node.js Development?

You might be wondering when is the right time to utilize the power of Node.js. We have revealed the answer here-

Data Streaming

When it comes to handling real-time data streaming, Node.js is a savior. Its asynchronous nature is excellent in streaming media, data from multiple sources, uploading files, or for Websockets servers. 


Node.js is a fast and lightweight platform that is well-suited to act as a microservices server. One can use this technology for writing microservices, for instance, API gateway. 

API Server

As already discussed in this blog, Node.js can handle connections at once. Hence, it is considered best for an API service. Converting Javascript Objects into JSON format is also easier as JSON format is used naturally by Javascript.

Who Uses Node.js Development?

Currently Node.js is used by almost several companies. If we name a few, it is used by big companies like:

  • Yahoo
  • PayPal
  • Netflix
  • Medium
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Spotify
  • eBay
  • Reddit
  • Godaddy


Node.js has earned a reputed place in the market. Thanks to its amazing features that play a significant role in allowing everything to happen. Whether it is the Internet of Things (IoT) or cross-platform capability, it has already shown its value in several aspects of the technology. Above all, its impact will also be experienced in creating high-performance web-based and mobile-based backed systems. 

Today developers benefit a lot from utilizing this technology and contribute to its growth by making suggestions or adding more and more modules. If you ask us about the future of Node.js, it is completely bright, and this language will surely rise and rule the market for a long time.  

If you're interested in Node.js development and looking for an expert to help you in the matter, 75way is the name you can easily rely on. We are the most trustworthy and experienced Node.js development company in the USA, having a pool of developers to help you with your project. In short, 75way is the right digital partner to accelerate your projects’ growth. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Hire Leading Node.js Development Service Providers in 2022


Node.js would first hit your head when developing responsive web designs. In today’s digital era, businesses demand effective and robust web designs that embrace notable importance, and in such a case, Node.js never disappoints. According to a report, Node.js is the most widely used web development tool in the US, with more than 6.3 million websites. These numbers prove its awesomeness and show its robustness for future use. 

The Node.js community has released its latest version of Node v18.0.0 on 19 April 2022. This upgraded technology also provides a number of reasons why they should choose Node.js every time. If we talk about the most highlighted feature of Node.js 18, it includes an upgrade to version 10.1 of the V8 Javascript engine, the addition of a core test runner module, and global fetch enabled by default. Such features make this technology the most efficient pick for creating data-driven and scalable real-time applications and websites. 

Node.js has so much to offer and this is why tech giants like Amazon, Netflix, Reddit, eBay, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and PayPal trust the strength of this technology and succeed in delivering the finest experience the audience expects.

What is Node.js Development?

Node.js is an open-source, single-threaded, cross-platform runtime environment used to build robust and scalable server-side and networking applications. This tech uses event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture and runs on the V8 JavaScript runtime engine making it perfect for efficient real-time applications. 

What is Node.js Written in?

Node.js is a packaged compilation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, a core library, and the libuv platform abstraction layer. Saying clearly, Node.js is written in C, C++, and JavaScript. Node.js uses Google’s open-source V8 JavaScript Engine to convert JavaScript code to C++. 

Market Size

Did you know Node.js is used by around 1.2% of all websites, which is over 20 million total sites across the internet? This stat proves how fast Node.js is growing in recent years. Not surprisingly, today millions of companies around the world are saying yes to this technology and some of them are popular ones of which we are better aware.

  • Twitter
  • Spotify
  • LinkedIn
  • eBay
  • Reddit
  • Godaddy

Features of Node.js Development

Now that we know what Node is, let’s dig into its features. The below-mentioned features add to the popularity of this technology. 

  • Asynchronous in Nature and Event-driven 

Instead of waiting for the data from the API, the server built with Node.js directly moves to the next API. If we say clearly, all the APIs of Node.js are non-blocking in nature. So, when it comes to tracking and receiving all the responses of the previous API requests, it follows an event-driven mechanism, making Node.js API non-blocking in nature. 

  • Fast Data Streaming

When data is transmitted to different streams, it takes a lot of time. But Node.js processes the data in a very short amount of time. Yes, you read it right. It does it at a very fast rate which adds one more reason to go for this technology this year. If we say clearly, Node.js saves a lot of developers’ time because the files are processed and uploaded at the same time. Such a faster response improves data transmission and video streaming. 

  • Quick Execution Time for Code

Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript runtime motor (also used by Google Chrome.) Hub provides a wrapper for JavaScript that makes the runtime motor fast. This is the reason why preposition requests inside Node.js are faster. 

  • Compatibility on the Cross Platforms

Node.js is compatible with different types of systems like Windows, UNIX, LINUX, MacOS, and other mobile devices, and this is what gives you one more reason to pick Node.js for your projects. Not only this but it can be paired with any appropriate package in order to generate a self-sufficient execution. 

  • Single Threaded Architecture

Besides being non-blocking and event-driven, Node.js follows a single-threaded architecture that makes it more scalable. As compared to other servers like Apache HTTP servers, Node.js creates limited threads in order to process the request. Not only this, but it can also handle and process a large number of requests at the same time, standing it apart from other technologies in the marketplace. This single-threaded program feature of Node.js grabs the attention of developers worldwide. 

  • Scalable

Tech companies always plan for growth in all aspects of digital product development. They design and develop software infrastructure that has a scalable model that withstands increased user activity, database extension, and more. The increased demands for scalable software end up relying on Node.js as it meets their expectations in the best possible ways. 

Node.js can handle concurrent requests efficiently. It uses a cluster module to manage the load balancing for active CPU cores. Above all these qualities, the feature that attracts most developers is that Node.js can partition the app horizontally using the child processes. The distinct app versions are provided to targeted audiences with the help of this feature. 

  • Uses JavaScript

This framework uses JavaScript, which many developers are familiar with and this is what makes the journey of learning Node.js easier. Hence, it has a simple learning curve. It adds to the list of reasons why you should go for Node.js. 

  • No Buffering 

Last but not the least, no buffering is another big advantage of using Node.js. The data is never buffered in Node.js applications, making this technology an incredible one to use in 2022.

Top 5 Node.js Development Companies in 2022

There is a high chance you have gained good clarity about Node.js. But winning the digital race without experience and knowledge is difficult. This is when you need expert assistance. We have made your hunt for the best Node.js development companies in the USA convenient, listing the top names below. Check it out. 

1. 75way Technologies

75way is a trustworthy and experienced Node.js development company in the USA, having a huge team of Node.js developers that are par excellence with their skills. With over 7+ years of experience in the digital world, 75way has served several business verticals with the finest solutions. The company offers complete Node.js development services. One can access design, development, and support services, all on one platform. So, if you’re looking for the best Node.js developers in the USA, 75way is the right expert to rely on. From outlining the project to developing the seamless code and crafting an Agile project plan to offering maintenance services, 75way offers you everything under a single roof. 

2. RichestSoft

RichestSoft is an innovative software development company, specializing in developing custom software applications that are well-tailored to fit your business needs. The company’s vision is to provide work excellence in a structured way. The professionals here work with the primary motive of delivering the best the client deserves. The company is an expert in this field and hence, very well aware of the difficulties that clients encounter while project development. 

3. iTechArt Group

iTechArt is one of the top Node.js development companies in the USA with a talent pool of 3500+ experienced engineers who have helped several startups and fast-growing tech companies. They provide successful and scalable products that not only clients love but are also appreciated by the targeted audience. Since 2022, the company has been serving the web, mobile, Big Data, QA, and DevOps services. So, you can rely on the iTechArt Group. 

4. Brocoders

Brocoders is another name on our list, which is a perfect pick for startups or SMBs looking for the right technical partner to taste success in the tech world. The company’s main services also include Node.js development that you can avail of by simply getting in touch with them. Brocoders is one of the more trusted and experienced dev teams for your Node.js project. 

5. Brainhub

Last on our list is Brainhub. You can choose top Europe’s JS engineers from Brainhub to build a product that can take your business to the next level. The company has a dedicated team of JS experts to accelerate business growth. Brainhub can build scalable web and mobile applications with Europe’s top TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, React Native and ReactJS engineers. When you work with experienced full-stack developers, UI/UX designers, QAs, and BAs, the journey to success becomes easier. Worked for 60 + tech businesses across different industries, including fintech, education, gaming, martech, healthcare, and many more. 


Node.js is an incredible technology that is nowadays mostly used by developers, startups, and SMBs around the world. This technology helps create an outstanding digital product that helps them win the race of the tech world. To assist you in this journey, we have listed the names of top Node.js development players you can easily choose for your projects. And one of the reliable tech names is 75way- a one-stop destination for Node.js development services, who are pros in this field and can help you every step of the way. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Comprehensive Guide to React Development 2022

If you’re not new to the tech world, you might know the importance of frontend frameworks and libraries in web development and how their ecosystem is evolving rapidly. In order to walk at the same pace, businesses adopt new tools along with different libraries and frameworks available to choose from. But there is no shadow of a doubt the urge to stay updated leads them to a big dilemma of which technology would be perfect for building their desired digital solutions. In this blog, we will discuss in detail why React is an incredible choice for web app development. 

No matter whether it is a high-performing responsive website or a web-based application, using libraries is crucial. React or ReactJS can smooth the way for you. It is one such frontend web development tool that 10.2 million websites worldwide are using. Today, software engineers worldwide are interested in learning this hottest skill. Not only this but a lot of demand for React developers has also been noticed among startups and MNCs in recent years. But why?

Why is there a lot of buzz around React? What is ReactJS? What are the skills required to learn this tech? How much time would it take to become a pro in React? Well, if such questions hit your head, it’s time to go through this blog post. 

Let’s start with the basics, learning what React is. 

What is React Development?

Maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook), React is a free and open-source frontend JavaScript library that developers can use to build user interfaces (UIs) as a tree of small pieces called components. But what are the components? It is a mix of HTML and JavaScript that helps capture the logic required to display UI sections. React is also known as React.js or ReactJS and is maintained by a wide community of individual developers. React is an outstanding technology you can use to develop single-page, mobile, and server-rendered applications with frameworks like Next.js. 

But Why React Development?

Creating an application with high-performing functionality is easier but displaying the data that evolves over time is a fundamental difficulty many might face. But React solves this problem by providing a better way to display the continually changing data in massive applications. 

React is considered as the V layer in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) software development pattern. When it comes to the MVC approach, an application is divided into three pieces.

  • Model- The model implements data storage and retrieval in the database.
  • View- This part is responsible for displaying the UI. 
  • Controller- The controller receives user input and passes it on to the model. 

React only allows a developer to use the view component. For model and controller sections, different tools are required. 

Do you know the main reason behind the high popularity of React development? Check out the below-listed advantages. 

  • React is straightforward: All you need to define the app’s look and React will handle the user interface (UI) updates as the data changes. 
  • It is declarative in nature: The data in an application is not static. And when the data changes, React better knows how to update the changes.
  • React is a component-based framework: Such a quality facilitates the creation of testable, reusable code. You can create a component once and can further reuse it anywhere.

Apart from the advantages listed above, React.js is also considered the most preferred framework like Angular because:

  • It works best with component-based user interfaces.
  • Data binding on a single level.
  • Building blocks with a lot of flexibility.
  • Wide community support.
  • Easy to control everything in a single location.
  • Helps in developing complex applications.

Top Skills You Must Have Before You Learn React Development

Now you have a good idea of React development. But if you want to become a pro in this field, you must know the following skills. Take a look-

1. HTML and CSS

Good command of writing HTML and CSS codes can make your journey as a frontend developer easier. Above all, learning React will also become fun. Make sure you know 

  • how to write semantic HTML tags and CSS selectors, 
  • how to implement a CSS reset, 
  • how to use classes,
  • how to implement a box model,
  • how to write responsive web applications,
  • how to build a frontend app with HTML and CSS. 

2. Fundamentals of Javascript and ES6

If your fundamentals of JavaScript are not clear, you can’t master React as it is the most essential to learn before moving to React. Explore the topics given below and explore as much as you can about the fundamentals of JavaScript and ES6. After all, JavaScript is the basic foundation to learn any framework.

  • Be clear with the concepts like variables, numbers, boolean, strings, and other basic fundamentals.
  • Learn about operators, loops, conditionals, functions, JavaScript keywords, arrays, objects, and other fundamentals.
  • Event handling, DOM manipulation, and how the ‘this’ keyword works are different in JavaScript. But most developers find these terms quite confusing. Make sure you know how they are different from each other. 
  • Higher-order function, arrow function, callback function, state (how state and setState() function works) scope, extends and inheritance, class & constructors, map, reduce, promises, modules, filter, closures, const, let (difference between var, let and const) and other features of ES5 and ES6.

3. JSX (Javascript XML) & Babel

JSX is another skill you must know before you start learning React. JSX appears like HTML and is considered an effortless way to add HTML code inside JavaScript. It is an extension of the JavaScript language syntax. 

On the other hand, Babel is a compiler that transforms HTML-like text in JavaScript files into standard JavaScript objects. It takes features from the latest version of ECMAScript 2015+ (ES6+) or JavaScript and brings them down to ES5 or regular javascript. Make you have clarity about concepts like JSX and Babel. 

4. Package Manager 

You must have a solid understanding of the NPM (Node Package Manager) registry that keeps track of the file that has been submitted. In simple words, the NPM registry provides you easy access to software to build software. Make sure you know about the package manager before moving to React. 

5. Version Control (Git and GitHub)

Git is an open-source version control tool that helps developers manage and keep track of the code. On the other hand, GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and plays a great role in enabling collaboration among developers. Mastering React will only be possible if you have good knowledge of these version control tools. 

Where is React Development Used in the Real World?

Today, React is extensively used by several tech giants as part of their frontend stack. React in the real world is doing wonders and below are a few examples of leading MNCs and startups reaping the benefits of this technology. 

1. Dropbox

Dropbox is a cloud-based file-sharing platform that switched to ReactJS a few years back. According to a report, Dropbox has over 600 million users as of Q3 2019 and 400 billion pieces of content uploaded to this platform. The platform’s tech stack has the capability to support this enormous traffic and data flow. Thanks to React that helped Dropbox to enjoy more features such as code components for more efficiency in development. 

2. Asana

Asana is an incredible project management software that is used by millions of people worldwide, including the employees of several organizations. One can easily track the project’s progress, plan tasks and collaborate with others using this excellent tool built with React. 

In 2016, when Asana was scaling up and the user base was growing at a rapid pace, they recognized that their in-house framework, Luna, would be unable to achieve the necessary performance. Therefore, the company decided to rewrite the client-facing side of the application with React.

‍‍3. Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform, equipped with numerous features, including Google Maps APIs, geolocations, and many more - impressive, isn’t it? This giant platform is based on the ReactJS library which enhances its performance and makes it appealing enough to amaze users. And the rest is history. 

4. WhatsApp

WhatsApp uses ReactJS for building user interfaces from Facebook in the same way it uses Velocity.js and Underscore.js as its most efficient engines. Even the WhatsApp Web app has also been using React, just like the Facebook web experience. 

5. ClearScore

ClearScore is one of the UK’s fastest-growing FinTechs that provide access to users to their full credit history. The company used Atomic Design methodology along with React for the client-facing side. Such an approach helps ClearScore to keep up with the demand for tracking credit history. 


Now we have discussed everything about React codes you can use for your next project. React is indeed a great framework that helps many companies to modernize their tech stack. If you also want to take advantage of this framework, get in touch with 75way. We are a leading React development company you can easily trust for your dream projects.

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