Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About MERN Stack

Today, the web application development process is not the same as it was a couple of years back. Web apps are developed using various technologies, and one of the common technologies we all might be aware of is 'Technology Stack.' It is often used in modern software development. But what does it actually mean? 

Technology stack refers to the amalgamation of programming languages, tools, and frameworks used in software development. If you usually work with a tech stack, you will surely have a favorite one you always pick when developing a web application. If it is the MERN stack, you’re also one of those developers who find this technology stack the right choice to win the race in 2022. 

According to the HackerRank development skill report, 30% of developers choose Angular.js while 26% stayed with React JS. The report also highlights that 30% of the programmers show interest in learning ReactJS, whereas 35.9% of developers prefer to use ReactJS for development. These stats clearly show that the MERN stack stands slightly above MEAN when it comes to popularity. Not only this, but MERN also stays on top of the chart in terms of ease of understanding. 

But why is the MERN stack so popular among developers? In this blog post, we will talk about the MERN stack development and some frequently asked questions about this tech stack. 

What Is MERN Stack Development

In today’s fast-evolving world, developers have gone far beyond building web and mobile apps using JavaScript, HTML, or CSS. They have jumped to more modern approaches, tools, newer databases, development frameworks, and runtime environments. MERN stack is also one of them that offers numerous benefits, including faster development time and improved performance.  

MERN Stack Explained

MERN stack is an open-source web development framework and Javascript stack designed to create web and hybrid mobile applications and make the development process more straightforward and faster deployment. 

MERN stack is layered up with the four technologies - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. This tech stack offers an end-to-end framework to developers, providing all the components that play a crucial role in web applications development. 

Use Cases Of MERN Stack

The bonus point of this technology stack is that it is also suitable for those cloud-based applications that require an interactive internet interface and a lot of JSON. Well, the MERN stack is used for a variety of reasons that you should know before choosing it for your next project. 

1. Interactive Forums

No matter whether you want an interactive forum for a webpage or social networking website, choosing MERN would be a great idea. It can create these forms that will allow people to post messages or chat with people on the other end or perform several actions. 

2. Calendars & To-Do Lists Apps

Developing any calendar or to-do application is fun with the MERN stack. ReactJS can be used to create a calendar and the frontend and user dashboard of the to-do application. MongoDB helps save, read, change and show data or information within your to-do app. 

3. Social Media Products

MERN stack also helps create products for social networking sites. These products may include interactive forms, for instance, a little web app integrated within the social network page, Ads, articles, etc.

Components of MERN Stack development

The four key technologies that make up this MERN stack are MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js. Let’s take a deep look into these technologies-

1. MongoDB

  • An open-sourced document-based server, MongoDB is a NoSQL as well as Non-Standardized Query Languages) database. But what does NoSQL refer to? It can be any non-relational system that doesn’t need a set structure or regular tables to contain the data. MongoDB holds the data in a much better way than other conventional tables. 
  • MongoDB also offers new methods for data extraction and storage. 
  • MongoDB employs JavaScript as just a development language that gives a reason to say yes to this tech stack. 
  • No table structures are available in MongoDB that are basically found in RDBMS (Relational Databases Management Solution). 
  • The data is stored in BSON (Binary JS Object Notation) format. This BSON format specifies the length and information type that helps it process faster. 
  • This technology stack component is also quicker than RDBMS (Relational Database Management Solution) because of the indexing algorithm and effective storage quality.  
  • But at the same time, it is crucial to understand that MongoDB can’t handle complex transactions because advanced join procedures aren’t accessible in this technology stack.
  • MongoDB is a most popular form of NoSQL system that scores high in terms of scalability and is well known for providing the high-performance. This NoSQL system also expands when additional servers are added. 
  • It also provides access to a customizable document model that any developer can generate in no time.

2. Express.js

  • Express.js is a Node.js framework and one server-side infrastructure for JavaScript that runs under js.
  • This technology stack is designed to build APIs of web apps, and cross-platform mobile applications faster. 
  • It is considered another great JavaScript framework perfect for backend development. 
  • It provides the ease to build and manage reliable servers and is considered a perfect tool to develop mobile applications rapidly. 
  • This component of the MERN stack makes it convenient for developers to create advanced and complex APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and web servers. 
  • Structuring the software’s functionality can also be accomplished with Express using routing and middleware on powerful web servers. 
  • It also has useful features that enhance Node.js HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) items.

3. ReactJS

  • React is a renowned and popular open-source front-end JS library for building web applications.
  • Before developers use React, it is crucial to meet some prerequisites, such as installing the newest version of Node modules on your machine. Not only this, but a developer must be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • React is not only a JavaScript framework. It’s a basic JavaScript library created by Facebook that can easily overcome difficulties other libraries are unable to handle when developing online and smartphone apps.
  • This technology is also used to take control of any view layer for smartphones and online apps.
  • ReactJS has been used to create user interfaces, particularly for single-page web apps.
  • Developers utilize the power of this technology to construct UI (User Interface) components that can also be reused.

4. Node.js

  • Node.js is not a coding language, hence it is not a framework.  
  • This technology is used to build a number of backend solutions, including web apps and mobile apps. 
  • Today, several tech giants such as Uber, PayPal, and Netflix reap the benefits of this technology.
  • It is also considered a reliable open ASCII text storage platform that everyone can use.
  • It can work on various operating systems whether it is Windows or Mac OS X, Linux, or Unix. 
  • Super easy to run and is suitable for agile design and prototyping.
  • Node.js gives consumers extremely fast services necessary in the competitive online world. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On MERN Stack

Is the MERN stack used for the backend?

Well, this question might hit many minds. MERN stack is a backend web app framework for Node.js. ReactJS, the third component in MERN stack, is a JavaScript library used for developing UIs based on UI components. And the last component of the stack, Node.js is a JS runtime environment that allows JavaScript code to run outside the browser. 

What is the MERN stack considered best for? 

MERN stack is created with four technologies MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. These technologies are intended to make the development process more efficient and smooth and make this stack one of the most-preferred choices of developers. 

Is full stack and MERN stack the same?

Yes. MERN is indeed a full stack technology that is equipped with React.js (frontend displaying levels), Express.js & Node.js (application level) and MongoDB (database layer), following the three-tier structural pattern.

Is the MERN stack used for frontend?

No doubt, MERN stack is a renowned technology stack that helps create full-stack apps quickly and in a more stable manner. This stack can handle everything from start to end. It also features an advanced backend, database admin system and a complete frontend development support. 

Is the MERN stack difficult to learn?

No. MERN stack comprises only one language, JavaScript, that makes this stack easy to learn. JavaScript is a scripting language that is simple, quick and adaptable. Even most of the developers are familiar with this language. You can also learn this technology stack watching MERN stack video tutorials and knowledge articles available online for the learners. 


So, this is all about the MERN stack. We have covered everything you want to learn about MERN stack, going through all its components and some FAQs to end the doubts in a developer or a beginner’s mind. 

Developers at 75way are also experts in the MERN stack. 75way is a leading MERN stack development company specializing in this technology stack. The company has served many clients across the globe with high-end services. If you are also looking for the experienced MERN stack development, get in touch with 75way today. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Top 5 MERN Stack Development Companies in the USA 2022


“Take risks now and do something bold. You won’t regret it.” - Elon Musk

These words by a real-time billionaire inspire many to innovate something big and reminds us of the unique technology MERN stack that has made a difference in the technology world. 

In today’s fast-paced world, dynamic apps and websites are in high demand and have become crucial for many businesses. This is because customers nowadays make quick decisions about products or services based on their first impression via web solutions. And when grabbing the customer’s attention goes wrong, you would lose the game and will be unable to achieve the business goals. It’s the time when a business owner should stop for a while and think about how to deliver a smooth user experience. If you start your hunt for the right technology to help you in this situation, the MERN stack would be perfect. This technology is widely popular for building dynamic applications and websites. 

Coming up with the right tech is not just enough. It is imperative to look for the finest MERN stack development companies in the USA to provide digital support for your project. But when there is already a huge lineup of companies guaranteeing the best MERN stack development services, picking the best would not be easy. So, what’s the solution? This blog covers all your answers. We have listed the top 5 MERN stack development companies in the USA that you can give a node for your next project.

But before we reveal the list, let’s talk about the MERN stack and its components.

What is MERN Stack Development?

MERN stack is a free, open-source JavaScript stack with a compilation of four technologies- MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js. It consists of the frontend, backend, and all database components that help function the app or web solutions perfectly. This MERN variation replaces Angular with React. This technology stack is utilized for quicker and easier dynamic websites and web application development.  

MERN Stack Components

The four components of MERN stack are- 

  • MongoDB- NoSQL database management system. 
  • Express.js-  A backend web application framework for NodeJS.
  • ReactJS-  A JavaScript library for developing UIs based on UI components. 
  • Node.js-  a JS runtime environment, i.e., it enables running JavaScript code outside the browser. 

Characteristics of MERN Stack Architecture

The following points highlight the features of MERN stack developers you must know before 

  • MERN stack is super easy to use and highly flexible, making it a perfect technology stack to use in 2022. It embraces a modern view design that makes it perfect for building applications.
  • This stack provides one pre-built collection of testing tools that saves development time. 
  • The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture also makes the development procedure easier. 
  • MongoDB is a powerful database system within this architecture that enables developers to create fully-functioning backend apps in no time.
  • Express.js plays a crucial role in managing HTTP queries, basic routing, and the creation of APIs (Application Program Interfaces). 
  • This technology stack utilizes JavaScript to span the complete development cycle (from backend to backend development.)
  • This stack also offers wide community support to help you at every step of the way. 

Benefits of the MERN Stack Development

Let’s go through the top benefits of the MERN stack and how it can make the dynamic websites and web application development journey smooth. 

1. Technology-based on Open Source Software

Being an open-sourced code that is regularly maintained and enhanced by IT experts from all around the world, MERN is highly used by startups. This technology stack also offers open-source elements that help developers to use it for building a robust web application. 

2. Enables You to Construct Quickly

As we have already discussed, the MERN stack is based on open-source technologies. It means programmers can use this technology freely without starting from scratch. For instance, you want a blogging site. There is a high chance somebody has already created a WordPress-like blog-creation platform. 

MERN stack provides the ease to construct projects quickly just paying close attention to set up guidelines and making some necessary changes. Such technologies offer an advantage against larger corporations. 

3. Easy to Use

Yes, the MERN stack is easy to use. From implementing the core technology to learning and utilizing it for the project, this technology stack is an incredible alternative for those who are newbies in the web development world. The minimalist design also makes this technology simple to learn. 

If you’re a beginner in the web programming world and confused about where to start, beginning with a basic MERN stack project would be a better approach to open the doors of a web software development career. 

4. Free Templates Access on the Internet

One of the most commonly cited benefits of the MERN stack is that developers can access the free templates on the internet that spare a lot of time. Above all, several platforms also include online forums where you can simply ask questions and get the queries resolved with immediate feedback about your coding from other framework designers. When you have a specialist by your side, the journey to successful project delivery becomes convenient. 

5. Faster Development of the Entire Stack

When working with the MERN stack, you will get control of both the frontend and backend parts of a program. Probably, this is the reason why this stack is increasingly becoming popular among startups as it helps them conserve money simply by eliminating the need to hire an individual expert for both backend and frontend. 

6. Wide Community Support

MERN stack has four different technology layers (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js) that have a strong community behind them. Developers can get the queries resolved easily. Whether you have any doubt or are not sure how or why it works, there will be somebody who has faced identical issues and knows the solution. 

Top 5 MERN Stack Development Companies in the USA 2022

Check out the top 5 MERN stack development companies that are quite popular for their quality work in the USA. 

1. 75way Technologies

You can end your search for the best MERN stack development company in the USA with 75way Technologies. An industry-leading MERN stack development agency, 75way can make a difference in this world with its preeminent digital solutions. A company with 70+ team result-driven team players can do wonders for your project and deliver the solution that could create endless opportunities for your business. 

2. EDISON Software Development Centre

The next on our list is EDISON Software Development Center which is also considered a reliable digital partner in this new modern age. Backed by 35+ experts of MERN stack developers and web designers, this company can help you lead this competitive world with a robust digital solution that adds value to the user experience. Experts at EDISON accept project challenges and turn your idea into a reality. 

3. RisingMax Inc

RisingMax is also a renowned name in the tech world. The company has carved a niche in the market being a MERN stack custom web development and mobile app development company that has delivered 100+ projects to over 20+ clients and provides technical expertise with 24/7 support. It sets it apart from others and led us to include it on our list of top 5 MERN stack development companies in the USA. The company's first and foremost goal is first to understand the project requirements of the clients, use the right technology, design, implement and provide support to create the finest solutions in the end. 

4. Ranosys

Ranosys is one of the top web & mobile application development companies that has served in every vertical of the MERN stack web and mobility industry. Whether it is healthcare, retail & eCommerce, or enterprise solutions, Ranosys has made a mark in many business verticals. The company uses Agile Methodology to offer scalable, fast, and robust web application development for its clients globally. 

5. Cabot

If you’re looking for a company that is a champion in MERN stack development, choose Cabot. Developers at Cabot dedicate their efforts to delivering the finest information technology-based services to clients worldwide. The company offers the maximum value to US-based agencies at a minimum cost. This is how this Cabot works and gains applause from their clients. Cabot will undoubtedly be one of the best options to choose from for the MERN stack web development. 


MERN stack is a popular technology term that has created a big buzz among developers and businesses, especially startups. The way this technology stack is offering a high-end website or web application development, no doubt, we will soon experience more and more advancement in the technology. 

This blog post has rounded up in-depth information about MERN stack development, including its benefits, characteristics, and components. Not only this, but we have also rounded up the top 5 MERN stack development companies in the USA that can become the right digital partner for your project. After extensive research on MERN stack players in the market, we find 75way a trustworthy and better option. Choosing us for your upcoming MERN stack projects will be a wise move. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Must Have Guide of MEAN Stack for Beginners


They say achieving the unimaginable is possible with the right technology and the MEAN stack is one of the innovative inventions that make the audience believe in these words. When it comes to full-scale web development, MEAN stack has emerged as one of the best technologies that help developers handle a complete web app development project in one go. Full-scale web development demands a constant focus on several aspects, including web servers, database systems, runtime environments, and frontend and backend JavaScript frameworks. These aspects require the necessary skill sets that web developers must possess for successful project delivery. The MEAN stack is considered an ideal fit in this situation, which takes you a step above the HTML and CSS and helps you walk with today's trends, revolving around the four technologies in this tech stack (a set of programming languages and software tools that help ease the software development process.) Do you want to learn more about the MEAN stack?  

This blog post will provide a detailed look at what MEAN stack is and how its components and benefits can boost the web app development process. So, what are you waiting for? Read on to learn more.

What is MEAN Stack Development?

The MEAN stack is a software stack. It is a set of technology layers that helps create modern applications in the most popular programming language, JavaScript. MEAN stack represents JavaScript as a full stack development language that runs everything (frontend to backend) in an app. 

MEAN stack is built with four technology layers, including-

  • MongoDB: A database server that use JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and that stores data structures in a binary JSON format
  • ExpressJS: A server-side JavaScript framework
  • AngularJS: A client-side JavaScript framework
  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime

Is MEAN Right for You?

Now you know what MEAN stack is. But how would you determine if this technology is the right pick for you? Well, there are a few reasons why this technology stack can be the perfect choice for your project, especially when it comes to developing modern web apps. 

  • Create highly scalable applications that can be optimized for cloud deployment.
  • Enables handling large amounts of data conveniently with the flexibility of MongoDB.
  • The single language use can streamline development across the entire application.
  • Makes deployment easier with a built-in web server.

Choosing the right software stack is crucial to building an application from scratch, as it reduces development time and helps streamline resources. Each component in this MEAN stack is popular for its own benefits. It is vital to stay updated to walk at the same pace in this fast-evolving technology world. 

Reasons Why Choose MEAN Stack in 2022

We have also listed a few benefits of the MEAN stack to give you more clarity about this technology stack-

  1. MEAN stack development is economical. There is no need to hire separate developers for frontend, backend, and database management. MEAN developers can handle the project all by themselves. It reduces the cost of building a web app to a good extent. 
  2. MEAN stack and its components offer the ease of testing an application on the cloud platform easily. 
  3. JavaScript promotes a holistic and smooth development process.
  4. Mean stack uses JavaScript throughout the code, and JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. It has an active developer community that provides solutions to problems faced by JavaScript developers.
  5. The non-blocking architecture of the MEAN stack also speeds up the development process. 

MEAN Stack Components and Their Benefits

Let’s dig deeper into the MEAN stack components and see how these technologies can benefit a developer in web app development. 

1. MongoDB for Database

The first thing that catches the developer’s attention about the MEAN stack is that it includes the most dynamic NoSQL database, MongoDB. But why say yes to MongoDB when you can choose MySQL?

Benefits of MongoDB

MySQL has been the most preferred choice of the most developer but MEAN developers pick MongoDB because-

  • One can Expect More Speed and Better Performance

Talking about MySQL, it works well with structured data sets that are basically small in size. MySQL will not be the right pick if you have large unstructured data sets, as it can take much time. MongoDB has the ability to handle large unstructured data sets at lightning-fast speeds. 

There is no shadow of a doubt that MongoDB is a requisite part of MEAN stack components, and its benefits clearly shed a light on this fact.

  • MongoDB Offers More Flexibility in Schema Design

MySQL restricts the developer from making changes if no changes are made in the schema design. It results in an increase in the development time and delays the deployment process. But the story is different with MongoDB. With this technology, you can expect flexibility in schema design. This database works well no matter if you drop a few documents having no relation to each other. 

2. Express.js for Javascript App Development

The backend of any web app can do wonders. But if it is complex enough to understand, it’s a matter of concern, and you must draw your attention to it. When your backend will be complicated, the application will also be equally complicated. We suggest you reap the benefits of Express.js to handle the overall performance of the backend. Express.js is another major highlight of the MEAN stack component that is easy to use and equipped with the right features to make the web app efficient and robust. 

Express.js is a flexible and efficient Node.js framework that ensures smooth data transfer to the end-user, and it is possible by managing the interactions between the frontend and the database. But is this reason enough to choose Express.js for web app development? If not, read the below-listed points, highlighting the benefits of this popular MEAN stack component.

Benefits of Express.js 

  • Express.js is a minimalist framework designed to handle the application processes.
  • CommonJS in Express.js saves time, eliminating the need to redefine a variable within a shared namespace.
  • It allows you to scale your app quickly by allowing you to add nodes and extra resources per your requirements.
  • An excellent error handler that provides simple templates to increase development speed.
  • Powered by Google’s V8 engine, Express.js enhances performance without any lags or errors.
  • Express.js supports the caching feature that declines the need to re-execute the codes and often in return reduces the loading time of your web pages.

3. AngularJS for Frontend Development

Launched in 2010, AngularJS is one of the most popular frontend JavaScript frameworks that can give an edge to web applications. Even its enhanced version, Angular 2+ (simply called Angular) has gained applause from its fans too. But what does this MEAN stack component bring to the table that makes many developers choose it for their web app development projects? 

Benefits of AngularJS

Here are a few benefits of AngularJS that you should know-

  • It has a component-based architecture making it easy for beginners to understand the application code. 
  • CLI (command line interface) of Angular improves the code quality and simplifies the entire app development process.
  • Angular has a modular structure that segregates the entire application into several features, which helps developers easily identify the reusable chunks of code and save development time.
  •  The dependency injection functions in Angular speed up the development process and enhances the overall app performance. 
  • The Ivy renderer makes heavy apps much lighter by minimizing the bundle size. 
  • This MEAN stack component also facilitates lazy loading that helps browsers to display the data to the user without taking much time. 
  • Typescript in Angular provides an ease to developers to find and correct errors.
  • Developers can save a lot of time using the declarative view function, as it automatically loads the components as per the layout.

4. Node.js for Backend Development

Node.js is a perfect MEAN stack component to handle the backend. Node.js is an open-source JavaScript framework built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime to create fast and scalable network applications. This technology stack uses asynchronous events in order to process multiple connections at the same time. This feature of Node.js helps the framework use a single-thread architecture in order to provide a smooth user experience across multiple connections.

Benefits of Node.js

Node.js also offers a number of benefits, and some of them are listed below- 

  • It decreases the time to market cycle.
  • Node.js provide immediate feedback from the production environment making deployment a not-so-complicated process. 
  • Node.js allows good scalability.
  • No need to switch between the backend and frontend.
  • Node.js is a well-tested tool that comes with a huge developer support community.
  • MVP development is simple and quick with Node.js.
  • It doesn’t have a steep learning curve. If you have a good knowledge of JavaScript and object-oriented programming basics, you can easily master Node.js.

Final Words

So, now you have ample knowledge of the MEAN stack and its components. If you’re interested in web application development and looking for MEAN stack developers to help you in your project, reach out to 75way. 

75way is a leading MEAN stack development company, backed by 70+ experts having a good knowledge of technology stack and know how to deliver world-class solutions to real-world business problems. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

USA Top Rated MEAN Stack Development Companies You Should Know


Have you heard about MEAN stack? Well, if you’re a regular player in the digital world, you might be very well aware of the power of the MEAN stack. This technology has brought a new wave in the IT industry and changed the entire way of developing web applications. Although a developer is welcomed with several options when it comes to web applications development, the MEAN stack has always remained the topmost preference of developers, especially among startups for many reasons. 

Today, more and more developers are joining the parade and this is all because the MEAN stack is the JavaScript stack. Not only this, but it also offers a number of advantages over other development stacks that stand it apart from the crowd. Besides all these benefits, developers and business owners always find themselves in a dilemma about whether this technology stack can help them reach their goals. Well, if you ask us, the MEAN stack is the right one that will play a crucial role in the scalability and stability of the products and services. For the last couple of years, the MEAN stack has been a popular topic among developers and we are sure that you want to learn more about this stack. 

Therefore, we bring you this blog post discussing what MEAN stack is and how it can help you in your web application development journey. We have also revealed the names of the top 5 MEAN stack development companies in the USA you can hire for your project. But before we discuss these companies, let’s go through what MEAN stack is. 

Read on to learn more. 

What is the MEAN stack Development?

The MEAN stack is a JavaScript-based framework used for web app development. This technology stack is named after MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node, which are considered the four key technologies that build this technology stack. 

MongoDB — document database
Express(.js) — Node.js web framework
Angular(.js) — a client-side JavaScript framework
Node(.js) — the premier JavaScript web server

Besides the MEAN stack, there is also a MERN (replacing AngularJS with React.js) and MEVN (using Vue.js) stack in the tech world. But when it comes to popularity, MEAN stack would always be on top of the list. 

But Why Should You Choose MEAN Stack Development?

Below, we have covered the top reason why you should go with MEAN stack development, especially when you have several options, including MERN and MEVN. Enjoy a look at the points mentioned below-

1. Single Language Development

If you ask us the primary reason behind choosing the MEAN stack, we will point to its single language use throughout the development, both client and server-side. This quality makes this stack a perfect pick for web app development. MEAN stack is written in JavaScript, which also helps in making web development neat and simple. Let’s give you an example to learn more about this topic in-depth. When you work with another stack like LAMP, you have to write your application in PHP on your server, Query in MySQL data using SQL and JavaScript on the client side. You can easily imagine how much you have to shift your focus from one language to another that sometimes leads to immense confusion and affects the overall quality of the work. Why choose the difficult path when you can develop a web app simply in one language with MEAN stack technology? Right? 

2. Four Incredible Technologies in One Stack

  • MongoDB- The capacity to store and render the data is one of the most crucial aspects of all applications. Well, you can leave your worries aside by saying yes to MongoDB. When it comes to handling or managing a huge amount of data, MongoDB is considered a great choice for a database system. It is easy to update and simple to use. 
  • Express JS- The other technology that layers this stack is ExpressJS, a backend framework that provides a simple interface to create or request endpoints and handle cookies and more. Express allows you to set up middleware easily in order to respond to HTTP requests. This technology also provides the ease of dynamically rendering HTML pages simply by passing arguments to templates. 
  • AngularJS- AngularJS is a front-end JavaScript development framework that is used to develop single-page apps. It is considered a clean way to add collaborative AJAX-driven rich components and functions to the client side. AngularJS has given an edge to single-page application development by eliminating the need to refresh the pages when they are checking out. 
  • Node.js- The premier JavaScript web server, Node.js is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 Engine that is used to develop I/O intensive web apps like single-page applications, video streaming sites, and other web apps. Node.js is written in JavaScript and hence, used for real-time applications. Above all, it is OS-independent. It means it runs at the same speed across Windows, Linux, and OS X. 

3. Free and Open-source Components

The other reason why you should go with MEAN Stack development is that its components are open-source and updated often. Besides this, it also allows developers to customize the code based on their needs. The Node.js in MEAN stack also offers a rich library of JavaScript modules. 

4. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) everywhere

Do you know Node.js and AngularJS use JSON? Not only this, but MongoDB also stores data in JSON format, which makes it a perfect pick for larger projects. So, when developing an application, JSON can be used as it also eliminates the need to reformat the data. 

5. Global Community Support

As we have already discussed, the MEAN stack has the layers of four key technologies - MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node that provide constant support. For instance, the top 8 hosting services in the world support Node.js natively, whereas MongoDB is also considered a leading NoSQL database provider. AngularJS is supported by tech giants such as Google. So, we can say that the MEAN stack offers huge global community support. 

6. Cost-Effective

Do you know the best part about MEAN stack? If you want to develop the MEAN stack application, you do not need to hire a different specialist. There are a number of JavaScript experts in the market that can handle the entire system perfectly. This is what makes the MEAN stack development cost-effective. Even the deployment cost of the app developed with MEAN stack is cheaper because the components are available for free, and it can be run on any server. 

Top 5 MEAN Stack Development Companies in the USA

Check out the top 5 MEAN stack development companies that are top-rated by experts and have become the topmost preference of clients in the USA. 

1. Appstudio

Appstudio is backed by highly efficient and trained MEAN Stack developers that dedicate their efforts to achieving the client’s goals. Appstudio is a leading mobile app provider that offers the best-in-class customization services and delivers apps to a satisfied global clientele. Today, Appstudio is considered one of the best MEAN stack development companies by experts, and this is why clients worldwide are showing their high interest in availing their services. 

2. 75way Technologies

75way is a leading player in the software industry world that specializes in a number of languages and technologies to create something innovative that can bring a change in the world. The company has more than 70 developers who are incredibly skilled in core technology and work towards serving customers with state-of-the-art solutions. They provide a MEAN stack development future growth team and can meet your expectations. 

3. Accenture

Accenture is also a renowned name in the IT world and a MEAN stack development company that has worked on a number of projects. The company has a high rate of successful projects and is known for the best medium stack services to its customers. The company has also carried out several hundred initiatives in 38 + countries worldwide.

4. Brainvire

Brainvire is also one of the top-rated MEAN stack development companies in the USA that has stunned the audience with their outstanding quality of work. The company offers end-to-end IT consulting and outsourcing products and services worldwide. With the right mix of technology and methodology, they deliver a high-quality product to the organization and meet its expectations. 

5. Ranosys

Ranosys is another name you can rely on for MEAN stack development services that can create the most innovative and eye-catching mobile apps and websites in no time. The company offers an extensive array of customized services in mobile apps, AR-VR creation, web creation, game design, Blockchain development, and more.


So, this is all about the MEAN stack development and the top companies that know how to deliver the best from this technology use. MEAN stack has been one of the popular choices of developers in recent years, and with the way this technology stack is growing, no doubt, we will soon discover the best version of it. The future of MEAN is bright, and to reap the benefits of this technology, it is crucial to hire an experienced MEAN stack development company. From the above-mentioned points, you can easily select the right one for your project. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Top 5 MongoDB Development Companies in the USA- Get Your Ideas to Market Faster!


Inventing a new kind of database and assuming it will take over the world with its incredible features requires a certain amount of chutzpah. The MongoDB founders might have the same courage to transform the world with their new invention. MongoDB has emerged as a popular database for enterprises that business owners are eager to learn more about. 

According to a Statista survey, MongoDB ranked second with 17.89 percent for most wanted database skills among software developers worldwide in 2021. It’s easy to look at database popularity rankings and conclude that you should use it as a primary database. But before you use this database program and look for a MongoDB development company in the USA, make sure you have gained good knowledge about it. After all, databases in the organization are the stickiest product and are least likely to change. 

Let’s delve more into this topic and learn what MongoDB is.

What is MongoDB? 

MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program that is also classified as a NoSQL database program and uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. This database program combines three key qualities- scalable, schemaless, and queryable. It comes with a small but growing community and has native drivers for every big language. 

Reasons Why MongoDB is Considered a Reliable Database

MongoDB offers a world of advantages to companies looking for a reliable database. But why is this database considered reliable, especially when you have others in the option? It’s time to check out some benefits of MongoDB-

  • Speed

The best thing about this database is that it is 100 times faster than any other average Relational database. This database program is document-oriented that makes accessing documents easy through indexing. Such ease results in a quick query response that saves time. 

  • Flexible Database

MongoDB offers easy access to users to different types of data in a separate document and is possible because of a schema-less database. It also provides users high flexibility and complete freedom to store any kind of data. 

  • Sharding

Storing extensive data is possible with MongoDB, and it is done by distributing the data to servers connected to the app. If one server is unable to handle the data, it will be shared with another server following the process called auto-sharding. This benefit of MongoDB makes it a perfect pick for databases. 

  • Horizontal Scalability

The horizontally scalable database advantage gives one more reason to choose MongoDB, as it allows users to distribute large amounts of data to several machines efficiently. 

  • Absence of Schemas

MongoDB is NoSQL that straightly points to the fact that it does not require schemas. Using database schemas when using MongoDB is not crucial. This is what cuts down the time your database takes to process particular information. Your schema will only be defined by the algorithm you will use in the code. 

Top 5 MongoDB Development Companies in the USA

Now you have a good idea about MongoDB and how it has changed the whole database world forever with its presence. Today, big names in the IT world are saying yes to this technology, and if you’re also interested in experiencing the power of MongoDB, it’s time to look for the right company to help you in your journey. 

Simultaneously, hundreds of companies in the USA provide the best MongoDB development services a client expects. But picking the best from this huge digital crowd seems like finding a pin in a haystack. But not anymore. We have shortlisted the best MongoDB development companies in the USA in this blog post that you must have a look at. Check it out below-

1. Hyperlink InfoSystem

Founded:  2011

Team Size:  50-249

Service Line: MongoDB Development, Web Development, Custom Software Development, Mobile App Development, .NET Development, Web Design, Python Development, UI/UX Design

Hyperlink InfoSystem is a world-class service provider of web and mobile apps, CMS & eCommerce website development, and product data management. The company knows how to utilize the power of MongoDB for quality results. They can create mobile apps in no time, equipping them with all required features and data and ensure good enough to beat the competition. 

2. 75Way Technologies 

Founded:  2015

Team Size: 70+

Service Line: Web Development, Mobile App Development, Custom Software Development, .NET Development, MongoDB Development, Web Design, Python Development, UI/UX Design and more. 

75way is one of the well-renowned MongoDB development companies in the USA that have been successful in building relationships with a number of international clients, ranging from small to enterprise-level businesses. The company is not only limited to delivering the best in MongoDB, but also has extended substantially to several other domains, including digital marketing, eCommerce app development, and more you can explore on the official website. Developers at 75way are committed to serving quality and clarity to their clients. And if you also want to experience the same, connecting with 75way would be a wise choice. 

3. Appnovation Technologies

Founded: 2007

Team Size: 500 - 999

Service Line: Mobile App Development, MongoDB Development, UI-UX Design, Web Design, Web Development

Appnovation is another renowned name in the tech world, having a huge in-house team of experts who analyze, strategize, build and deploy digital experiences and projects. The company offers an extensive array of MongoDB development, consulting, and strategy services that helps develop the program the way clients want it. Developers at Appnovation craft the strategy and utilize the technology to the fullest for the situation and craft a robust solution. 

4. Denologix

Founded: 2002

Team Size: 50 - 249

Service Line: Web Design, Web Development, BI & Big Data Consulting & SI, MongoDB Development, SAAS Service, AI Development

Denologix specializes in systems integration and visualization and provides excellent IT Professional Services and Solutions that empower companies and encourage them to make the right decision. Denologix is a Premier Analytics and Information Management company that is also an industry leader in providing Big Data implementations and management, utilizing leading technologies for cloud solutions.

5. GroupBWT

Founded: 2009

Team Size: 10 - 49

Service Line: BI & Big Data Consulting & SI, Custom Software Development, IT Strategy Consulting, MongoDB Development, Web Development

The last on our list of MongoDB development companies is GroupBWT, an  Information Technology Company headquartered in Ukraine and also has offices in the United States and the United Kingdom. The company has a talented team of MongoDB experts to provide quality service to clients from different companies and industries. The company believes in providing quality work at cost-effective pricing, and they are doing the same, maintaining all other necessary aspects of the project, including accuracy and user-friendly. They have skilled MongoDB developers to work on your projects. Getting in touch with them will also be a great idea. 


MongoDB is a popular database program today and many business owners want to reap the benefits of this technology to the fullest. Fortunately, there are a number of MongoDB development companies who are ready to help you with this concern. To make things easier, we have covered the top 5 MongoDB development experts you can choose for your upcoming projects. These companies can turn your vision into a reality. 

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