Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Explore Benefits of Hiring MERN Stack Developer in the USA


Behind every successful application or website, there is the right technology that ensures successful development. But, choosing the right technology is the first roadblock while developing the product. Right? No matter whether you’re a startup or tech-savvy, there is a high possibility you put forth time to think about which technology is a perfect pick for your project. 

Running the business wagon wheel is only possible by taking the right step forward in terms of technology. And if you ask us, we can end your search with the MERN stack. This technology perfectly meets today’s business expectations, providing a feature-rich digital solution in no time. So, when are you hiring the MERN stack developer for your project? 

Before you kick off your hunt, let’s take a glance at what MERN stack development is. 

What is MERN Stack?

Let’s start with simply learning what MERN stack is. MERN is a full-stack JavaScript-oriented technology that enables faster application development. MERN stack uses only JavaScript to develop apps. So, if you have a good knowledge of JavaScript, you can easily operate the backend, frontend, and database. 

MERN stack is a collection of four different technologies that work together to create powerful and dynamic websites and applications. Namely, it includes 

M - MongoDB, a NoSQL database management system. 

E - ExpressJS, a backend web application framework for NodeJS.

R - ReactJS, a JavaScript library for developing UIs based on UI components. 

N - NodeJS, a JS runtime environment that enables JavaScript to run outside browsers. 

A Close Look at MERN Stack Components

The following components will help you learn more about the MERN stack-


MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system that stores the data in documents and allows users to create schemas, tables and databases easily. This MERN stack component offers a Mango shell that offers a JavaScript interface to delete or update the records. 


The next on our list is ExpressJS which makes writing the backend code easy. This NodeJS framework simplifies the code to save time and eliminate the need to create multiple Node modules. ExpressJS offers a wide range of middleware to keep the code short and simple. 


ReactJS is a JavaScript library that helps develop the user interface for SPAs and mobile applications. This MERN component offers the complete ease to code JavaScript and developing UI components. 


An open-source JavaScript runtime environment, NodeJS allows a user to run code on the server. It has the Node Package Manager that enables users to easily select from a wide range of node packages or modules. 

So, now you have a good idea of how the MERN stack can be the right pick for your project. Once you gain knowledge about this technology, it’s time to dig into how hiring a MERN stack developer in the USA will be a great idea? 

Explore Benefits of Hiring MERN Stack Developer in the USA

There are not just one benefit but multiple benefits of hiring MERN stack developers in the USA. And now is the time to take a look at the list of perks mentioned below-

Follow A Flexible Approach

Do you know the finest thing about MERN stack developers? Such professionals are aware of the business requirements, hence follow a versatile approach to provide the ideal solution than any other web developer. They have an excellent ability to handle both frontend and backend development even on a tight budget. MERN stack developers can streamline the tasks, are good enough to meet the deadlines, and provide quality work controlling both the server-side and client-side of the application or website. 

Cost-Effective Services

Hiring a full-stack developer would be the best bet if you have a low budget and still want a great site or application. You don’t need to hire multiple professionals to get the job done. MERN stack developers can manage all aspects of the work easily. So, when you hire the MERN stack developer instead of a team to get the job done, the savings will be obvious. 

Have a Plethora of Skills

MERN Stack developers hold a plethora of skills that help businesses hit the right spot to enjoy maximum benefits. Such professionals are very well aware of MERN architecture, allowing them to handle frontend, backend, and databases entirely using JSON and JavaScript. If we say in simple words, MERN stack developers help businesses expand further, managing both site appearance and interactivity and building prototype codes to connect to other CMS. These minds dedicate their efforts to meeting the customer expectations and coming up with a unique solution without depending on others. 

Handle Product from Zero to Launch

Yes, they can. If you are looking for an expert who specializes in creating a robust and dynamic application and website, relying on a MERN stack developer would be great. They can handle your project from zero to launch. They have a 360-degree perspective and can add customer-centric features to the product whenever required. MERN stack developers have a stack of skills and good years of experience in the field, making them the right professional to choose from the development of the product to the maintenance and optimization. These professionals can build what others can’t. 

Extensive Know-How

MERN stack developers usually work on various types of projects and have good experience using different technologies. So, if you have a great project in mind, you can discuss it with them. They can create the solution keeping in mind the market insight and performance. Not only this but, handing over the ownership of a project is easy for a MERN stack developer as they can take end-to-end accountability for the project due to their experience and knowledge. 

Excellent Problem-Solving Capabilities

Full-stack developers are proficient in different development stages and are updated with technology trends that help them build quality, long-term solutions. Being equipped with the knowledge of technology also helps identify the root cause of any issues and fix them. They can enhance the usability of the project to a good extent. MERN stack developers ensure the better performance and optimal functioning of the website or applications, giving you one more reason to hire a MERN stack developer in the USA for your project. 

Cater to the Design Structure

Full-stack developers are not only proficient with code development but they can also structure the code & the User Interface designs. Besides this, they can also optimize and manage the current structures. They are always updated with the new technology advancements and hence, integrate new features into the product to ensure that the client’s expectations are met, and they get the best responsive and engaging website. 


MERN stack development is a powerful tool to build websites and applications. And MERN stack developers are the professionals who can turn your imagination into reality. This blog has rounded up the benefits of hiring such professionals, and if you’re looking for the right expert to work on your project, 75way is the right name to rely on. 75way is a renowned MERN stack development company, helping clients across the globe with the quality service they deserve. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Tips to Choose The BEST Web Development Company in the USA


Websites are shaping up the future of several industries and paving the road to their success. After all, such digital solutions offer several benefits, including wide audience reach, increased brand visibility, online promotion, easy customer behaviour tracking, etc., perfect enough to convince a business owner to have a website. 

Website development has become a new norm, and one can conclude this with an eye-opening statistic, showing there were 210 million websites in 2010. And today, this number has reached over 1.8 billion. Quite fascinating, isn’t it? To stand out in this crowded digital space, you need expert assistance having a better understanding of the latest website trends and technologies and customer behavior and expectations. 

Simultaneously, the hunt for the right web development experts is not as easy as walking in the park. Hundreds of companies are out there in the USA, making the same promises. No doubt, falling into a dilemma of which company you should choose for your project is obvious. So, what would you do?

Well, we got you covered with some tips to find the best web design and development in the USA. These tips will make your search easier. But before we start this topic, let’s dig out the answer to your question- Why is it so hard to find the best web development company

Why Is It Difficult to Select a Web Development Company?

Choosing the best web development company is not easy for future online businesses as there are several options in the USA. They offer several services of varying quality with experience working with specific platforms or web solutions. So many options lead to confusion. So, how would you go for the right one? 

All you have to know is what kind of solutions and services you need, and once you know your requirements, you can narrow your search and find the best digital partner for your web development. 

Top 7 Tips to Find the Right Web Development Company 

Take a tour of the following tips revealed below-

Read Client Reviews

Reap the benefit of the power of reviews. Clients find writing a review a great way to showcase how satisfied they are with the company’s services. They can share their experience no matter whether it is good or bad. So, if you want to pick the best website development service provider among several options check out their reviews from previous clients. And for this, you can use the Clutch website or other review portals. Such websites gather feedback from several IT companies' clients across the globe. These reviews will give you a clear picture of whether it is the right pick for your next project or not. These portals also allow you to check if the company has any awards. Conducting such research from your side can end you up with a favorable result. 

Check Out the Work Portfolio

Evaluating the experience of the web development team is one of the simplest things future business owners can do when kicking off their search for the right web development company. Being aware of the specialization of your design and development team helps determine whether they can fulfill your project requirements or not. 

Checking out the team's portfolio would be a great way to enjoy a glance at the experience the company holds. Portfolios will help you evaluate the performance and estimate development and design skills they hold. The portfolio must include similar works to get a clear picture of how they’ll work on yours. You can explore the portfolio section on the company's official website or on specific networks such as GitHub, Dribble, etc. 

A Few Words with Previous Clients

Our next tip can make your search for the right company a breeze. As we all know, a well-established company has a good reputation and also has previous clients they have worked with. Right? You can simply contact the clients and ask about their experience with the company. If their shared experience is good, you can rely on that particular agency for your project. But if they are unsatisfied with their work, it is a clear sign you should look for other options. 

Check Overall Quality of the Website

Enjoy a look at the overall digital performance of the company’s website, ranging from its social media profiles to website, content, and more. Apart from this, you must pay attention to the website quality by checking its features, design, content quality, web page layout, and more. Make sure the website is up-to-date and follow the web practices that match trends. And if the overall website quality doesn’t satisfy you, look for another option. Choose the one that can handle your project and meet the quality standards. 

Check How They Measure Results

This is important. Don’t forget to ask your company about how they measure the results. You can simply ask them about the results of the previous clients. For instance, you want to know the performance of the online store website built by the agency. In such a case, if the client retention rate is below 60 percent, it means the website has poor usability. On the other hand, if the retention rate of online stores is 70-90 percent, it’s the perfect eCommerce you might be dreaming about. 

Ask for the Trial Period

Besides having references and reviews, if you are still unconfident whether you should avail the company’s web design and development services, ask for a trial period of one or two weeks. It would be a great way to test the company’s service. It’s one of the useful tips that will make the hunt for a web development company easier. The trial period can help observe their work to find if it is worth proceeding with the company or not. 

Communicate with Developers

The last tip on our list is to communicate with web developers. After all, communication skills matter a lot, and when this vital aspect is ignored, there is a high possibility that your project may go haywire. 

We suggest first having words with developers and assessing their communication culture before signing the contract, and you can do this simply by asking the below-listed questions. 

  • Is their communication & collaboration process up to mark that required for your project?
  • Will the team be available on different communication channels clients use like phone, e-mail, Skype, etc.?
  • Who will be the right one to contact for your feedback, concerns, queries, etc.?
  • What would be the minimum response time for your queries?

Hiring companies with good communication is always a step towards successful project development. 


Behind every successful product launch, there is a dedicated team who crafts a perfect product that meets your expectations and provides utmost satisfaction. We better understand this. But finding a company having such a dedicated team is not as easy as it seems. It demands extensive research and time. Well, we have done this easy for you, listing all the tips in this blog post to help you find your own kind of web development company in the USA.

75way meets all the client’s expectations. We are a renowned web development company in the USA you can rely on for your projects. Connect with us today! 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Top Mobile App Development Company in the USA (2022)


Looking for the right company to take your business to new heights with a unique digital solution? This search can be hectic as several companies out there, and choosing the perfect one would not be an easy game. 

In today’s world, everyone strives for an ideal solution that can make a difference in the digital world. Well, most of the time, their search ends with the idea of developing a mobile app. If you ask us, this is something you should concentrate on to enjoy immense business growth. But is this digital solution enough to benefit your business? Does investing in mobile app development help you achieve business goals, especially in terms of high engagement rate, profits, and revenues? We are sure several questions might be hitting your mind. To answer all your questions, we have curated this blog. Apart from discussing the top mobile application development in the USA, we have also covered why you should give a nod to the development of this solution. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dig into this topic to get all the answers revealed. 

Reasons Why Go For Mobile Application Development

We have rounded up the top reasons to highlight why mobile app development is considered a smart move to give an edge to the business. Take a look-

Improve Customer Engagement

There is no second thought over the fact that mobile apps can boost customer engagement. But how? We all know customers want to be heard. Therefore, they demand an easy form of communication that can connect them with the business and get the answer to all their questions. Right? A mobile app has emerged as a powerful tool that facilitates quicker customer communication and records their response. When customer’s queries and concerns are addressed with an app, there will be no chance of a bad review. 

Increase Brand Awareness

Next on our list highlights mobile apps that can bring your brand into light. A mobile app is always considered an extension of your brand. It helps showcase your brand on a different platform in a completely unique and innovative way. Businesses always find mobile apps a great advertising platform to show whatever you want and enjoy more exposure and awareness. 

Improve Customer Loyalty

A high customer retention rate is a core ingredient to the success of every business. Offering a great value to customers and ensuring they’re always satisfied can help maintain a high retention rate. And in order to delight your customers, nothing could be better than running a loyalty program. It is a beneficial way to take things a step further. 

Create a Useful Marketing Channel

Another reason you should say yes to mobile application development is that it ends you up with a useful marketing channel. A mobile app sends notifications and information to customers in no time. If a customer finds the information relevant, it can help make loyal customers that add more value to your business. 

Get Ahead of Your Competition

Do you know what’s the crucial perk to go for a mobile app for your business? It can help you stay ahead of the competition. Today, using apps for businesses has turned into a trend and in order to beat the competition, walking with trends is a must. 

Mobile App Development Companies This 2022

So, now you gain a clear idea about how apps can help you win the digital market. The next step is to choose the right mobile app development company in the USA to achieve your business objective. Well, we have made things easier for you, listing all the top 10 mobile app development companies in one place. Check it out. 

75way Technologies

If you’ve decided to boost your business by giving it a great platform with an app, it is crucial to rely on a trustworthy digital partner who can assist you at every step of the way. Well, in this case, 75way Technologies will be the right choice.

75way is a leading mobile app development with more than seven years of experience in the tech industry. 75way is a renowned expert you can trust for your project and get a quality app developed for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices in a few weeks. We at 75way believe in delivering quality output utilizing the latest technologies, including Flutter, Java, Python, Swift, React Native, Kotlin, and many more. We deliver the finest solutions in a set time frame without any delay. This is how we work. One can experience this strict professionalism and perfection only with 75way. So, if you want to touch new heights of success, giving your business an all-new platform with an app, it’s time to reach out to us. Our mobile app developers will update throughout the development process and ensure the final product satisfies the client and their expectations with the project. 

Founded – 2015

Employees – 50-100

Specialist – Web app development, website and mobile app design and development, software development

Location – India, United States

But Why Choose 75way As Your Mobile App Digital Partner?

Are you still wondering why you should choose us, especially when so many companies in the digital world are offering the same services? What is so unique about 75way that stands it apart from the crowd? You must check out the below-listed points if such questions hit your head.

100% Customer Satisfaction

The product is a waste if it doesn’t satisfy the client’s needs. Right? 75way believes in developing a digital product that meets the client’s project requirements and expectations. And this is possible by using the latest frameworks, technologies, and the right development strategy to deliver a high-end solution that fits perfectly with the business needs. 

Dedicated Teams

We have a full-fledged team of experienced and well-versed developers who specializes in developing a highly secure, robust, intuitive mobile application that adds more value to your business. They have a good knowledge of several frameworks and technologies. No doubt, they can do wonders for your project. 

Integrity & Transparency

The client always expects to be offered with integrity and transparency in the project. We at 75way ensure you get every small project update and details regularly. We respect your ideas and visions. And this is one of the qualities that stand us apart from others. 

Flexible Engagement Models

We do not believe in working on rigid and strict parameters. Yes. We offer complete flexibility to our clients to select from our wide range of engagement and hiring models. 

Competitive Pricing

75way offers mobile app development services at cost-effective rates without compromising the project’s quality. Our services are a perfect combination of quality and cost-effectiveness. You can access the best services at the lowest prices with 75way. 


75way has carved a niche in the market by providing quality portals, web applicationssoftware, and mobile application development services. And now you know the secrets of how we have achieved this goal. So, if you’re on the hunt for the right expert, end it now with 75way. Experienced mobile app developers can turn any thought into a reality. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

12 Mobile UX Design Practices to Track in 2022

Did you know in 2022, the number of smartphone users in the world has now reached 6.648 Billion? It means 83.72 percent of the world’s population owns a smartphone. So, have we all passed the peak of the smartphone era? Well, we will soon experience a huge change in these figures. According to a Statista report, there will be 7.5 billion smartphone users by 2026. Well, when there will be more smartphones, it is obvious to experience a huge surge in app usage. As per a Statista report, presently, there are 2.22 million iOS apps and more than 3.48 million Android apps, and these numbers have no way to go back. 

Mobile devices featuring different apps are essential in today’s digital world. Here comes the responsibility of app developers and UX/UX designers to make them user-friendly and compelling enough to attract more users. An app with compelling UX design can win many hearts, whereas an app with poor UX, usability, and complex navigation only faces rejection from clients. Now, you can imagine how important it is to focus on the UX aspects of the app. 

Well, this blog is all about the popular UX design practices that can make your app look stunning and enhance the user experience. 

Mobile UX Design- Why Is It Important?

UX design is a full-fledged process of making a great digital experience for mobile apps. During this process, designers focus on several factors, including accessibility for higher mobile interactivity or solution effectiveness. At the same time, it is crucial to be cautious while designing the UX design of your mobile app. 

Now the question arises in many minds- what do you mean by a successful app? Well, the answer is not as tricky as it seems. A successful app provides a user with an appealing interface with easy and smooth navigation. After all, users always welcome an app that is visually attractive and loaded with ultimate functionality. Not only this, but such apps also make a difference in the conversion rates and boost brand recognition. 

Check Out the Practices for Mobile UX Design in 2022

Do you want the secrets to be revealed for a perfect UX design of a mobile app? Below, we have discussed in-depth the best practices you should follow for a high-end UX design, and meet the user expectations and requirements.

1. Simple Navigation

Flooding your website with different features is not enough. It is also crucial to ensure that these features are easily accessible to users or not. We suggest you add easy-to-find elements as it will help users navigate from one screen to another without any hassles. Direct your focus on designing the navigation menu because it doesn’t occupy much space on the screen and can help you enjoy seamless navigation.

2. Design for All

When designing a good UX, many thoughts hit the developer’s mind. Right? We suggest you create a UX design that fits the requirements of all users out there. It is one of the most crucial mobile UX design principles you can follow for your project. Design the layout of the UI elements in such a way that they can be easily accessible and visible when interacting with a mobile device. Not only this, but you should also not place buttons or any features at the top or bottom corners of the screen. These areas are not easy to reach for users. 

3. Break Down User Activities

Try to focus and respond to one major action per screen, such as giving parameters, signing in, selecting an item, and more. You can use different colors and shapes to make it specific. Incorporating any unnecessary step can affect the performance of the important ones. 

4. Make Buttons Clickable

If you’re implementing small touch controls in your design, it can put you in trouble. These controls can't save virtual screen space and affect the overall user experience. In order to experience a better UX, take advantage of button design options available in every OS. 

5. Provide User Support

Better user support can add more value to overall UX performance. It is vital to be available and solve queries when users face any issues. Today, several methods are used to assist the user, ranging from chatbots to live chats, click-to-call client support buttons to in-app native FAQs. 

6. Follow Minimalism Approach

The term minimalism is quite common in the world of mobile UI/UX design these days. But why is this term so popular? Users always look for technology that offers ease of use and usability. So, creating a simple method is a smart move. Flooding the screen with several interface elements is not an excellent approach to the successful UX design of the app. If you want to enjoy the best result, create a balance between functionality and basic design. 

7. Keep a Constant Experience

If your app has a web version or is available on different platforms, make sure you’re providing a constant and seamless experience to users. If a user wants to shift to another platform, the design must be compatible enough to suit the different digital environments. 

8. Collect User Feedback

Feedback plays a crucial role in UX design success. As a designer, you must ask your users about their choices and preferences and come up with a design that caters to their needs. Trustworthy feedback can help you decide what works best for you or what does not. 

9. Enable Sufficient Spacing and Padding

When creating a design for a small screen, there is no need to use less space or smaller text. All you need to do is to prevent texts or other elements from overlapping. We suggest you keep updated with the latest technology trends so that nothing can stop you from growing. 

10. Select the Right Font

Do you know the crucial part of UX design? Its visual appearance and, in this case, font play a great role. Selecting the right font helps build the visual components of your device solution. If you pick the wrong font, it can make your design visually pathetic. So, you must invest your time choosing the right font that works perfectly in several sizes and weights. 

11. Leave Space for Personalization

A personalized touch in your app can make it stand out from the crowd. Reap the benefits of user data, previous searches, past buys, and more to give an incredible digital experience to users. It's a great way to make users happy.

12. Refrain from Random Color Options

A suitable color scheme makes your app design visually appealing and also helps create a brand, making a lasting impression on the users. The color palette of your app points towards the different complex features, but various working principles will remain the same:

  • Showcase your brand’s palette
  • Refrain from extra glowing or vibrant shades
  • Acclimate color blind users
  • Design in grayscale
  • Make sure the proper color contrast ratio

Final Thoughts

So, this is all about the best mobile UX design practices that can delight your users in the best possible way. Designers at 75way also focus on these basic principles of UX design. We can create an incredible design you won't tire of appreciating. If you're looking for the best UX/UI design company, connect with us today. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Top Fintech Trends to Consider in 2022

Fintech or Financial Technology is a popular term nowadays, catching many eyes and bringing a positive change in the industry. Whether it’s a bank or financial institution, they are now showing a high interest in opting for such services to avoid overspending, navigate risks and help manage their finances better. If we say precisely, fintech improves the productivity of the financial industry by bringing new techies. In 2018, 70 percent of senior banking executives believe collaborating with fintech is the best opportunity for banks to improve their service. 

Every year, fintech encounters a huge advancement and trends one should be aware of to stay ahead of the game. And if you’re interested in knowing what they are, you must read this blog now. But before we discuss the top fintech trends, let’s have a look at what fintech is. 

What is Fintech?

Fintech is an integration of technology into offerings that companies perform to improve productivity, use, and delivery to consumers. It offers a creative solution for businesses and financial services providers to serve them better. 

People generally get confused with the term fintech. But it is neither a brand name nor a piece of software. When fintech solutions are implemented, they can make banking more effective, quicker, and smarter. Not only this, but it will help interact with clients, suppliers, or employees more easily. 

Top Fintech Trends that Deserve Your Attention 

Below, we have covered the top fintech development trends you should be aware of in 2022. The pace of adoption of these trends is quite notable today. So, you must check out all these trends to know if you want to give an edge to your financial business.

1. Digital-Only Banking

Have you ever wondered how easy money transfers, global payments, and purchasing or exchanging Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies have become? Thanks to Digital Only banking that has made all the bank stuff easier. You don’t need to visit the bank physically, and no need to go through the tedious paperwork process. With such ease this digital-only banking takes the user experience to the next level, providing benefits, including feasible cost management, fast bill payment, real-time analytics, and fast balance review. The rise of this modern way of doing banking has dropped the visits to banks to 36 percent from 2017 to 2022. 

2. Biometric Security Systems

Today, everything is available at one’s fingertips. But at the same time, it also raises many security-related queries. This is why it is crucial that fintech companies take all the necessary measures and one of the popular ways to bring security to a further level is the biometric system. It safeguards sensitive information providing security with unique solutions that verify identities. 

Presently, the biometric market is experiencing massive changes and taking this market to the next level, introducing contactless solutions. The popularity of biometric systems that require physical contact is dropping, at the same time, boosting contactless solutions. 

3. Blockchain Technology

Did you know the Business Insider Intelligence report says around 48 percent of banking representatives believe that technologies like Blockchain will have the biggest effect on banking in 2020 and beyond? Experts say that this all-new Blockchain technology will be going to bring a huge transformation in financial systems. This technology offers a new way to decentralize finance that concentrates on reducing centralized procedures. By now, blockchain technology has encouraged many financial platforms to perform monetary interactions in a more decentralized manner. This technology improves current procedures and systems. Today, banks are also showing high interest in its usage with the hope of reducing expenses and enhancing internal procedures. 

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is another term that has driven the world passionate about it. Today, banks are also adopting AI to enhance the overall working of the institution. The greater acceptance of AI in this banking sector has lowered the operating expenses of banks and will surely do the same by 22 percent around 2030. This stat by Autonomous research also says that banks can have $1 trillion in savings by adopting AI. But at the same time, the way towards this outlook is quite difficult as banks still don’t have AI-skilled experts. 

AI use in the banking sector also helps manage the rising financial fraudulence threats, cybercrime incidents, and more. Presently, AI is popular for having the most efficient client service software like chatbots. Fintech is also enjoying the best of this technology, enabling quicker transactions and providing clients the feasibility they strive for. 

5. Reg-Tech

The financial industry demands innovative creations that can bring simultaneous growth and enhance the overall experience. This financial sector is a regulated sector that has evolved to a good extent to meet the massive development of compliance expenses. In order to introduce new regulatory innovations, reputed financial actors, legislators, and tech firms work together. But at the same time, it requires time for maturing.

6. Payment Innovations

When we talk about payment innovations, the list is quite long. From contactless payments to smart speaker systems, mobile wallets to mobile payments, AI and machine learning for security, and many more, giving an edge to the way of doing payments. 

According to a statistic, the global mobile payment market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 31.8% from 2021 to 2028. Not only this, but a study also shows that 8 in 10 customers prefer contactless payments. In short, this unique method of payment is becoming a new norm. In simple words, mobile wallets have replaced physical wallets. This payment method has acquired a huge audience, and one can conclude with the fact that there were almost 2.1 billion mobile wallet users.

7. Alliance for Financial Inclusion

Fintech delivers huge advantages not only to nations but also to every client. When fintech is done not following the right strategy, it can take you, marginalized players, away from their goals. Thankfully, The foundation of the AFI (Alliance for Financial Inclusion) is here to ensure that fintech development doesn’t leave out big sectors of societies as it shifts fast, changing the worldwide economy.

8. The Coming Trend of Platform as a Service (PaaS)

When it comes to convenience and security, fintech always struggles. As we know that banks can adjust, as per the evolving regulations, customers can benefit from the APIs to their data. PaaS plays a crucial role in helping institutions to adapt to the constantly changing needs with customized infrastructure, which allows them to hold cloud platforms. These services provide the infrastructure ease to perform a variety of tasks, including resource management, team collaboration, payment processing, & credit risk management.


So, this is all about the fintech trend you should know this year. After all, the financial industry is growing at a rapid pace, and it is crucial to stay updated with the latest trends so that you can make the right move at the right time. So, if you want to give an edge to your financial business with something creative, connect with 75way. 

75way is a most trusted and leading fintech solution development company specializing in creating fintech solutions that could deliver a smooth and transparent experience to clients and businesses. We can help you earn your clients. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today! 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Things to Consider When Hiring ReactJS Developers for Your Project

Websites and applications have become a crucial part of almost every business. After all, they act as a business’s virtual identity and have the power to attract a larger audience. Even experts suggest that having a good website or application can offer a business owner with maximum benefits in terms of revenue and profits. And for this reason, online businesses are now becoming more cautious when choosing the technology and developers for their projects. 

React technology is quite a popular name in the tech world. Event ReactJS was also the second most loved web framework in 2020. So, now you know the right technology you should go with for the next project. But finding a suitable developer who can meet your product requirement is not easy. In this case, this blog can help you as here we have covered essential factors you should consider while hiring React developers. But before we delve into this, let’s skim through the introduction of ReactJS. 

An Introduction to React JS

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library used for UI building and fixing issues of web pages. This technology also works best for single-page app development. Today, several tech giants, including   Instagram, Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, etc., set a perfect example of how beneficial it is to use React for their projects. 

Around 9,600,000+ live websites and 10,234 well-known companies globally are currently using this technology and enjoying the benefits associated with it. Although many platforms can create UIs, ReactJS is the most used framework. According to the Builtwith study, ReactJS is the 6th most demanding among the top 10,000 websites in the JS Library category. 

But why do people say yes to React when they have several options? The ease of use, fast rendering, convenience, creation of user-friendly interfaces, and higher flexibility are the benefits that make it an ideal choice for many. This framework has the potential to create a high-functional web app. So, it can be your next great choice for your upcoming projects. But at the same time, it is imperative to consider different aspects when hiring a React developer.

7 Skills to Consider When Hiring ReactJS Developers

Seek the developer who has the below-listed necessary skills to meet the essential duties and perform result-oriented jobs. 

1. EcmaScript and JavaScript

The ReactJS developer you are hiring must have knowledge of JS features, functions, and syntax with a good experience in DOM manipulation, JavaScript scopes, event bubbling, and hoisting. Besides this, having a good understanding of EcmaScript is a bonus that will help create spontaneous React applications.

2. JS Build Tools

Hire front-end developers, well-versed in different JS tools, Redux DevTools, and React developers tools - Google Chrome. They should know how to maximize the React library and deal with several build tools like Visual Studio Code, Webpack, NPM, etc. Not only this, but they should also be aware of how to install and handle packages, optimize workflows, and control dependencies using JS Build tools. 

3. Multiple Technologies

Go for the developer having a good command over multiple technologies compatible with ReactJS like the MERN stack. Plus, the knowledge of MERN Stack and Express-React combo is necessary in order to deal with server load, manage requests and create full-stack JS applications. 

4. Version Control Systems

When handling or hosting a tricky project, it is imperative to hire a ReactJS development team, having expertise in VCSs like Mercurial, SVN, Firebase, TFS, Git, etc. Hiring developers, having such skills makes comparing old-new code, asset current code and reducing possible errors rapidly. 

5. Technical Expertise

The React developer must have technical expertise in areas, ranging from JSON to advanced HTML and HTML5, ESLint to Scsslint. They must be proficient in different React core concepts such as class, functional components, props, JSX, component lifecycle methods, hooks, etc.  

6. Testing Tools and Frameworks

When hiring ReactJS developers, make sure they are proficient in using unit testing frameworks and technologies like Tape, Jest, Chai, Sinon, Mocha, etc. Developers should know how to integrate testing tools like Karma along with a good command over end-to-end testing tools and frameworks like CucumberJS, Selenium, WebDriver work, NightwatchJS, and Puppeteer.

7. React Basics and Styling Methods

When hiring a React developer, make sure you have asked the candidate about Create React App and its functions. They must know about Create React App and must be experts in technologies like NextJS, Babel, JSX, etc. 

Furthermore, they must be proficient in popular CSS techniques like CSS preprocessors (LESS, SASS, and SCSS), CSS-in-JS, JSS, and CSS frameworks (Bootstrap and MaterialUI) to style React components.

Factors to Consider While Hiring the Best ReactJS Developers

Once you know what skills a React developer should have, the next thing is to consider a few more crucial factors to choose the best-fit one. Check out the below-listed points for more information. 

1. Decide Basic Goals and Requirements

First, determine the basic requirements and goals of your projects you want to meet by hiring a professional React developer. The hiring process will become a little less complicated when you have a clear idea about this. It will also help you know if your project requires in-house team support or if outsourcing the tasks is enough. 

2. Shortlist Developers

Once you gain clarity about your project goals, the next thing you should do is to select the right ReactJS developers by taking a look at their resumes. Shortlist the one that perfectly matches your project requirements and can deliver the results you desire. 

3. Ask for Portfolios

A portfolio can help you take a glance at the past projects of the developer he successfully finished. Checking their portfolio can help you understand whether you should go for hiring the developers you’re interviewing or look for other alternatives. Do not forget to verify the genuineness of the portfolio. 

4. Analyze Technical Skills

Before you say yes to any developer or company, make sure you have assessed their technical skillset. It will help you know whether they have good knowledge and expertise to complete your project successfully. 

5. Discuss Your Project Requirements

Discussing your project requirement with the ReactJS development company or developer you’re interviewing will help you know how they will work on your project and learn more about their way of doing work. 

6. Flexible Engagement Models

Another thing you should be sure about hiring an organization or a developer is that they should be flexible enough to change the engagement model according to your business requirements. Not only this but make sure you have asked about the tools or strategies they use to accomplish the whole development process. Some companies offer full-stack services, whereas others focus on a particular service. 

7. Review and Compare Offers

Compare all offers and proposals across different companies or developers you’ve interviewed. It will help you find the right one that not only fits your budget but also promises to deliver you the best result you strive for. 

Final Words

ReactJS is one of the most commonly used frameworks these days and there are many companies or developers out there promising to deliver you outstanding services? Whom you trust? This blog might help you choose the right React developer for your project. With a suitable organization, you can get a high-performance digital product. So, if you’re looking for the best ReactJS development company, connect with 75way. We can help you enjoy all benefits associated with this technology.

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