Thursday, June 30, 2022

Perks of Choosing Android App Development for Businesses

In today’s modern era, the majority of the population across the globe carry a smartphone that holds various applications. According to a statistic, the app market witnessed 204 billion app downloads. It means an average person has around 40 apps installed on his phone. After going through this fact, one can easily imagine how the popularity of applications is increasing. Right? The surprising fact is that Android OS dominates the thriving mobile platform with over 85 percent market share worldwide. Today, entrepreneurs are saying yes to customized Android app development. Even the number of apps on the Google Play store has reached over 3.3 million apps and is still increasing. 

Such stats clearly highlight Android app development has now become crucial for businesses as a huge audience behind smartphones is waiting for the right app. And this is the moment when you need to hit the right spot. 

If you want all the balls in your court, it is important to opt for feature-rich and future-ready Android app development services. There is a high chance you want to delve more into this topic, and therefore, we have covered the top ten benefits of Android app development for businesses. 

Higher ROI

Android app development results in higher ROI. All thanks to Android’s Software Development Kit (SDK), an open-source platform readily available to developers. Developers can implement the design and build an engaging and interactive Android app without breaking their budget. 

The app development process is cost-effective and divided into three phases - app design & development, testing, and deployment. All these development phases are not high-priced. Such apps can address a huge audience globally and escalate the ROI compared to their Apple counterpart. 

Enhance Security & Effortless Marketing

Android mobile applications add more value to businesses, enhancing security and providing business owners a great platform to market their offered products, or services or overall brand. 

Google experiments with new technologies to enhance your business performance. Google has rolled out some business-friendly features in the recent updates of Android, which helps businesses reach the top of the pyramid against its Apple counterpart, especially in terms of security. Not only this, but an automated system feature also notifies the user about the latest updates. The enhanced security of this Android also prevents malware, protects your data, and improves the overall functioning of the app. Above all, you can promote your app with the platform's prevalence. So, you can enjoy both safety and promotional benefits in one package. And there's a lot more you can take advantage of with Android application development services.

Scope for Innovation

Is there any scope for innovation while choosing an Android platform for business apps? This question might tickle many minds. If you ask us, the biggest strength of this platform is the global presence, and this is what every business strives for. If you want to reach out to a selected audience base with some great features, reach out to experienced app developers. These professionals use the right tools and technology strategies to deliver you a high-end Android app solution with a modern touch of technologies like VR and AR. Android provides a wide scope for innovation. As a business owner, you can taste the success, knocking more doors of opportunities with this platform. 

Wearable Device Advantage 

We all know how wearable devices cover a huge market share today. It is a new term in the technology sector that has driven the attention of tech-freaks and people around the globe. The concept of easy access to several features, all in one watch gives birth to a great idea about reaching more and more people with a single device. 

Wearable devices or gadgets have become a new norm in the corporate sector and the entire technology world. Not only this, but such devices are the finest tool for communication and are managed by Android mobile apps. 

According to a report, over 54 percent of enterprises have implemented BYOW (Bring Your Own Wearable) policy. Building an enterprise-grade Android application and integrating it with wearable technology can augment the entire existing business system. 

Suitable for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Mobility and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) concepts are quite popular across different business sectors. Both these approaches are crucial to stay ahead in the market. It enhances communication and collaboration in the workplace no matter what the time and distance are. Today, Android is installed on various devices that are affordable for distinct economic groups. The major part of the Android market assists in implementing the BYOD approach. 

Reduced TTM (Time To Market)

Hitting your business at the right time in the market can end you up with positive outcomes. It would be great to introduce your app as soon as possible to gain a competitive edge over your competitors. As we have discussed earlier, Android app development involves three stages- design and development, testing, and deployment. An experienced developer can develop the app for your company in a shorter time. What’s the best part about it? The not-so-complex process of Android app development gives the client the benefits of a reduced TTM. 

Easy Customization

The term "Android" hits a developer's head with the thought of versatility. This highly-flexible platform holds easy customization features, making it an ideal choice for businesses. And businesses demand a platform that can provide them complete ease to showcase their products, ideas, or anything they want in their app. 

Android is a robust platform that can create fully-functional, creative, innovative, and interesting enterprise-level apps. It has a powerful operating system that enables a developer to integrate all complex and simple modifications to address different business requirements. So, if you are looking for the right platform to develop an app for your enterprise, choose Android. 

Integrating and updating various tools and management functions as per the changing business environment, such things are possible with the Android platform. All you need is Android app developers to enjoy the benefits of this platform.

All Things Google

Do you know the biggest advantage of building an Android app? The ease of giving benefits of Google’s apps and features to your application is possible with Android apps. Not only this, but whenever Google will launch a new app or service, it can work smoothly on your Android with complete ease. Although iOS also offers many Google services, it still lacks deep integration. A tailored Android application can provide you with maximum benefits. All you have to do is stay updated with the latest trends. 

Wrapping Up

Android applications, nowadays, are in demand. Businesses look for a talented team who can turn their imagination into reality through a great app and take their business to the next level. Android apps have the ability to do wonders in your business.

This blog post has covered everything you need to know about why business owners go for Android application development. And if you’re planning to develop an engaging and robust app for your business, reach out to 75way. As a leading Android app development company, we can build the best app to give your business the competitive edge it deserves. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Top 10 Modern Web Design Elements to Check Out in 2022

Do you have an idea about the number of internet users worldwide? The research conducted on this topic in 2010 shows there were over 2 billion internet users worldwide, and in 2021, this number has experienced a surge and reached over 4.6 billion. This constantly increasing number of internet users across the globe has led many to create websites at a rapid pace. In 2010, there were 210 million websites, and in 2021, it reached over 1.93 billion websites. 

The statistic points to the fact that websites are becoming the optimum choice for users to grow their business or spread their idea around the world. And to stand out in this huge digital crowd, it is imperative to focus on every inch of the website that can make it successful, bringing more audience. But what are they? What are the things you need to consider during website development

Today is the modern world. People have distinct choices and preferences. In order to meet their expectations, website owners experiment with the website so that it can gain maximum attention from audiences across the globe. This is why it is imperative to equip your website with the necessary modern elements to give a modern touch in terms of appearance and enhance its functionality. But what are these elements? 

Fortunately, we have covered everything below that will help you move forward, stepping the right foot forward.

Top Web Design Elements to Consider in 2022

Hundreds of web designs are out there to enhance your website. So, how would you find the best one for your website? Therefore, we have compiled some of the finest modern design elements to intensify your website performance. 

1. Background Videos

Have you seen a video on the website? Doesn’t that look interesting and add an appeal to a webpage? Such background videos work best to eliminate unnecessary content and help you to let others know about your work or business through an exciting mode- background videos. Such videos help viewers understand the facts about your business in-depth. The experts say our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. So, adding a background video on a webpage can help you pitch to your targeted audience, providing them with a more convenient and effortless way to learn about the company. 

2. Hero Images

Hero images are considered the most extensive-sized banner images that attract more users and grow their interest in your offered products or services. We suggest you keep hero images simple for the users as it helps them read the text above. The text should be in a bigger size and have a contrasting color for maximum visibility. 

3. Rotated Texts

Rotated text is considered a standard element in web design development. Rotated texts always appear to be eye-catchy and can provide an unusual appearance to your website. But at the same time, it is crucial to note that such texts are not useful as marquees, still, you can use them for website decoration purposes. 

4. Bold Color Scheme

The right color combination boosts the appearance of a modern website. And if you ask us, bright, bold colors are always the right pick for the website as it attracts the audience's eyeballs immediately. Select a color scheme that matches your brand’s tone and reflects particular emotions. For example, blue shows genuine security, confidence, and authority. Choose some extraordinary colors that can grab a visitor's attention in an eye blink. 

5. Seamless Navigation

Another crucial web design element you should consider in 2022 is seamless navigation. Website navigation includes in-depth understanding about menus and links on the website. Your website must deliver smooth navigation to the user. It should have a navigation menu that can help users land on various other website pages and discover the products or services. 

We all know that users don't show interest in a website that is not intuitive, and this is when you need to organize how people get everything on your website. As a renowned web development company, we suggest you keep the navigation basic and responsive so that users can easily access and explore the desired section of the website. 

6. Minimalism

Although minimalism and modernism are different, people usually get confused between these terms; after all, they both highly impact each other. Modernism pays attention to the airy design as clean-lined and streamlined as possible, whereas minimalism works on the ‘less is more' principle.

The majority of people give a nod to the fact that a simple website can’t do wonders. But that’s not true. The concept of simplicity plays best in designing a modern website. When you execute the minimalist principle, it will allow visitors to immediately collect the data and improve the user’s digital experience. Such designs also have a lot of perks for a website you can enjoy when using the website. 

7. Call-To-Actions

Call-to-actions are the strong phrase that leads users to hit the click and avail your services. Adding CTA buttons on your modern website is beneficial to growing the possibilities of converting visitors to clients. When creating a CTA button, you must focus on how to design it, what text should be written on it and where to place it on the website. If you ask us, we suggest you place a CTA (Call to Action) button on every page for maximum impact. 

8. High-quality Images

The overall website appearance matters a lot. No one is interested in wandering the websites flooded with lengthy texts and low-quality images. So, if you want to enhance the overall visual appeal of your website, you must say yes to high-quality images. This practice will lower the lengthy texts with images. And as we have already discussed, visuals always attract the user’s eyes more than the texts, so it will grab the user’s attention towards your modern website and end you up with maximum client interactions. 

So, if you’re building a modern website, make sure you have added high-quality images that can leave a lasting impact on the user’s mind. Such images will seamlessly connect with visitors and convey the message you want to deliver. 

9. Animation

Another crucial web design element you must focus on is animation. It helps you make a website look more engaging and interactive whenever visitors click, hover, or scroll your website. Today, animation is something many websites are showing interest in, and now is your time to utilize it to add more value to your website. Animation can create playfulness that leads visitors to spend more time on the website and increase the chances of conversions. There are many things you can add as animation designs to your website. Know here-

Motion and animation can create playfulness, causing visitors to spend lots of time on a website. Here are a few things to add as animation designs to your website:

  • Spinning elements
  • Navigation menu animation
  • 3D motion
  • Playful button or cursor
  • Rotating images

10. Mobile-Friendly Website Layouts

Go for the mobile-friendly layouts. Even Google first prioritizes the mobile-responsive website for indexing and determines the overall ranking of the website. According to a 2022 study, 59.5 percent of web traffic comes from mobile devices. So, you can easily conclude how important it is for mobile-friendly website layouts. 

Final Thoughts

Above, we have covered all the standard web design elements that will help you make the most beautiful website and give it a wow touch that can catch the user's attention immediately. So, if you want to develop a new website or redesign your old one, connect with 75way. We are a renowned web development company with years of experience in the industry. You can rely on us for web development services. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

14 Software Development Trends to Follow in 2022

The realm of software development is constantly evolving with the advancement in technologies, various external forces, and societal demands. So, one can imagine how crucial it is to stay updated with the latest industry trends to reach the top of the pyramid and walk with the pace of the current market. Every tech professional knows the importance of staying ahead in the competition.

As a leading web and mobile app development company, we have taken an in-depth tour of current and forecasted software development trends. If you want to know what they are, it’s time to check out the below-listed points. 

The following points highlight the top 10 software development trends you should follow in 2022 and will surely help a developer dominate the technology sector in the coming months. 

Software Development Trends to Follow in 2022

The following points are a few software development trends you should follow this 2022 to enjoy maximum benefits. 

1. Low-Code/No-Code Platforms

The low code/ no code trend will continue to rise in popularity. The history of computing is developing higher-level abstractions away from zeroes and ones, ranging from the traditional assembly languages and compiled software to all-new and modern low code/ no-code platforms. 

Today, businesses are leveraging digital transformation without any technical resources. It makes it easy for start-ups as well as entrepreneurs to move forward and take their businesses to new heights. 

2. Near-Perfect Digital Experiences

The number of applications is skyrocketing, and cloud infrastructure is reaching all corners, front-end development is also taking the center stage. Professional developers are better aware of the skills and responsibilities to improve efficiency and bring massive improvements to the customer experience. After all, achieving a great digital experience is another crucial factor for successful software.  

3. Native Mobile-Development Languages

Another software development trend many are showing interest in is the native mobile-development languages (Kotlin, Swift) and programming languages that focus on refining the product performance, speed, memory safety, and parallelism for a promising future. The trend is growing with the constantly increasing demands of users for better app quality, personalization and speed. 

4. Machine Learning Operations

Achieving a little bit of operational excellence is possible with machine learning operations. The machine learning operations include several elements, namely, real-time feedback on key model KPIs in production, concept-drift detection, and pre-built support to update models. 

5. User Experience Design

Whether it’s a startup or a well-established business, user experience has always been the primary focus of businesses. User experience design today matters the most than other aspects of the website or other form of digital product. Companies nowadays, reimagine their customer engagement models to better adjust with the disruption created by the pandemic. 

6. Balanced Development Automation

You might have heard about software development automation. But what is balanced development automation? Well, today’s trend has shifted from software development automation to balanced development automation that also includes other related terms such as risk, compliance, and legal. The most critical process for every company, software development, is completely changing the automated tech pipelines to value streams, where “cross-functional” refers to going beyond IT into other parts of the organization.

7. Progressive Web Apps

PWA (Progressive Web Apps) is another new trend in the software development many developers are talking about and taking advantage of for maximum output. The consistently rising PWA usage allows the developer to create more cross-platform applications. But at the same time, the app developers must ensure a high level of security from the start, timely deployment, and constant customer updates. 

8. Code-As-A-Service

Code-as-a-service allows a developer to leverage platform-as-a-service and infrastructure-as-a-service and thus cloud computing. This software development trend provides built-in artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, and blockchain modules that provides easy access to developers to in-demand technologies. 

9. Mobile-Responsive Design

Another trend in software development is mobile responsive design for which demand is constantly rising, and this trend will surely remain for several coming years. Today, smartphones are widely used for shopping, connecting with friends, browsing your favorite topic, reading the latest news, and more. And this whole experience becomes incredible when you will be provided with an intuitive mobile-friendly design. Such a design boosts the digital experience of the user. This is why companies are following mobile-responsive design approaches seriously. 

10. The API Economy

In order to make offline consumer channels like mail and digital out-of-home faster and smarter, the API economy is developed. And this is what is dominating the industry and will continue to do in the coming years. We can easily conclude how vital the mail is still crucial for the majority of users worldwide. No doubt, transforming the mail workflow will help companies enjoy the benefits of communication channels that have been often overlooked. 

11. eCommerce Cloud Integration

We all know that cloud integration has become one of the higher priorities for eCommerce development. But at the same time, some cloud-based eCommerce platforms fail to integrate with outside services, and in such a case, businesses have to migrate to more suitable platforms or storefronts.  

Cloud platforms are equipped with different ease, and this is what users appreciate the most. Users always want access to many options and features to optimize their cloud platforms. 

12. A ‘Shift Left’ Approach To Security & Compliance

To date, teams perform security and compliance practices after creation to identify security issues. But the ‘shift-left’ approach helps developers and security teams work together to proactively look for the security issues before cloud resources are deployed. Such an approach helps developers achieve a high level of productivity and stop the security risks before runtime. 

13. Continuous Integration & Delivery

Continuous integration and delivery is another trend in software development, giving an edge to the tech industry with its best capabilities. The rapid adoption of CI/ CD is driving a rapid digital transformation. The continuous integration and delivery involve continuous testing that helps identify and resolve bugs before they go into downtime. Not only this, but it also promotes the usage of automated pipelines for technology deployments. It allows the teams to deliver value to the customers. 

14. Serverless Computing

The last on our list is serverless computing, one of the fastest-growing cloud services models for software development. It is a disruptive architectural approach that has now become quite popular in recent years. It has gained such wide popularity because it facilitates application development without worrying about server management and enables operations to easily scale up. 

In The Nutshell

So, this is all about the latest trends you should keep in mind when developing software. Walking with these trends helps you develop software that speaks of quality, serves your audience, and showcases your idea in a much better way. 

We at 75way always keep up with technology trends to deliver outstanding results. This is how we work. If you want to experience the perfection in our software development closely, it’s time to connect with us and discuss your project requirements. We have helped many clients and have transformed their idea into a reality using the right technologies and tools. Above all, when you stay updated with the latest trends, dominating the marketplace becomes easier. Now, it’s your turn! So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today! 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

5 Powerful Backend Frameworks for Web App Development in 2022

Web app development is another buzz in the market, and many companies or businesses admire this new way to reach more audiences and enjoy more benefits. While developing interactive and robust web apps for frontend and backend, you might have heard the term ‘web frameworks’ many times. Right? Web frameworks play a crucial role in web app development and creating online platforms. Talking specifically about the backend framework, it is suitable enough to ensure better scalability and high performance. 

Well, there is a high possibility you want to delve more into this topic. Therefore, we have covered some popular backend frameworks utilized in web application development. 

Before we discuss the backend framework, first read about the different types of web frameworks. 

Two Primary Types Of Web Frameworks

Below, we have discussed the two major types of web frameworks. Take a look-


Also known as a frontend framework, the client-side framework allows a developer to improve and implement a new user interface. No connection with business logic. With frontend development frameworks and single-page applications, you can easily fabricate several animated traits. 


The Server-side or backend framework allows a user to create simple pages, landings, and more different forms. It also provides security against web attacks. This framework works on accurate details, and without this, your app won’t function properly. 

What is Backend Framework?

Let’s focus on the backend framework. The backend framework refers to the library of tools and modules that helps build the entire website architecture. This framework is responsible for the whole web app’s performance. The project’s success relies on the better working of this framework. After all, backend frameworks make tasks easier for developers. It focuses on scripting languages like RubyNode.jsJavaScript, or compiled languages like C#, Java, etc. But how would you determine what’s the best backend framework? The best backend framework helps developers enjoy a great start declining the need to create and configure everything from the beginning.

Why Use a Backend Framework?

A backend framework focuses on automating the output that software development functions deliver. And if you ask us why you should use this backend framework, here are the reasons why.

  • Security
  • Integrations
  • Uniqueness
  • Time-saving
  • Scalability

Top 5 Backend Frameworks to Say Yes in 2022

Below, we have rounded up the top web app backend frameworks in which more of them are open source. Let’s read on to learn more. 


Did you know StackOverflow Developer Survey shows Django has been the most wanted web development framework in 2021? Django is an open-source Python-based web framework that helps build database-driven, complex websites. It’s a free solution many big tech giants like Spotify, DropBox, and Washington Post have benefited from. If you wish to start a new venture with a great web app, the first thing you would prioritize is high-quality web design. Django perfectly meets such requirements of newbies. One can use Django in JSON, HTML, and XML. 


Check out the key features of Django listed below-

  • Scalability: Thanks to the caching option and code reusability feature of Django, making it scalable and perfect enough to effectively deal with traffic demand. 
  • Asynchronous Programming: This Python-based framework, Django, depends on the Model-View-Template architecture that makes it easy to run anywhere and supports asynchronous programming. 
  • Security: It provides security against many security problems like CSRF attacks, SQL injections, and XSS by default.


The next backend framework on our list is Flask, a Python-based web app framework that provides complete ease to developers to create powerful and modern web applications. Flask is a WSGI framework that runs on the web server instead of the user's browser. 

Flask is also one of the widely used backend frameworks in 2021 with 16.4 percent of respondents. Not only this, but the report by JetBrains also shows that 46 percent of Python developers say yes to Flask for web app development. 

Key Features of Flask

The key features of Flask are as follows:

  • WSGI Assistance and Templating: Flask features Jinja2 to build templates and a Werkzeug toolkit to create WSGI-compatible web apps.
  • Rapid Development and Deployment: This framework is lightweight, and comes with a few abstraction layers that help create an MVOP quickly. Developers can easily set up and design Flask with less code and deploy it as a microservice in no time. 
  • In-Built Development Server: The in-built development server of Flask offers a debugger and gives the ease to use Python code in the browser if any mistake occurs at the time of the request. 
  • Minimalistic: Flask is a minimalistic framework that helps a developer rapidly set up web servers. This feature also bundles core elements by default. 


Express.JS is another popular web app backend framework you can go for this 2022. This is a lightweight and adaptable Node.JS web app framework that provides a complete set of functions for both web and mobile applications. This framework is widely used by developers to build online apps and APIs. Stackoverflow Developer Survey has also cleared the popularity of Express as it was rated one of the most used frameworks in 2021. Big players in the market like Myntra, IBM, Uber, Accenture, Mulesoft, etc., use Express.JS for web development. 


The following points are the features of the Express framework. 

  • Rapid Server-Side Development: This framework encourages fast development. And this is all possible because it offers numerous standard features of Node.js that one can use anywhere in the program. 
  • Debugging: Debugging with Express is super easy as the framework offers a debugging technique to figure out the precise parts of a web app containing bugs.
  • Templating: Express offers several template engineers. It helps developers create dynamic web page content, developing HTML templates on the server-side. 
  • Routing: The framework also embraces an advanced routing system that helps a developer preserve a web page’s state using URLs. 


Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that helps a developer create Symfony-based web apps by following MVC architecture. This framework offers many ways to use relational databases with app maintenance and deployment services. Isn’t this great? Several experts worldwide rated this technology as one of the best frameworks for backend development.  

Key Features of Laravel

The fundamental features of Laravel include:

  • Template Engine: It features lightweight in-built templates that help developers create layouts and produce content. Laravel also offers widgets with JS and CSS code. 
  • Security: This framework offers high-level app security with hashed and salted password methods. Laravel uses Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm in order to create an encrypted password. Not only this, but it also uses ready-made SQL statements to eliminate the possibility of injective attacks. 

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is also an open-source web app development framework, written in Ruby programming language. This framework encourages developers to use patterns like DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and MVC (Model View Controller). At the same time, it combines HTML, Ruby, CSS, and JavaScript to build dynamic apps and also helps create, analyze and maximize the software independently. 

Key Features of Ruby on Rails

Here are some features that make Ruby on Rails different from other web frameworks:

  • Automated Testing: Ruby runs its set of tests on the code developers write. This process helps save time and effort with full quality development assurance. 
  • Libraries: RoR contains large libraries that provide developers with all essential tools to build a quality product AJAX library, database access library, & common tasks library.
  • Convention over Configuration: RoR facilitates building advanced matching elements by sensing formal components.

In a Nutshell 

So, now you’re very well aware of backend frameworks and how they can help you in web app development. If you want a developer to handle web app development using the right backend framework, reach out to 75way. We have talented experts to help you win the digital world with a wow web app. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

9 Things You Might Be Missing As A Full-Stack Developer

Gaining mastery of a particular aspect of the technology has its own advantages, but at the same time, it is imperative to walk with trends. After all, technology is rapidly expanding and evolving, and companies are seeking more and more talents who can meet their expectations and transform their dream into a reality. Gaining expertise in one language or technology is not just enough to survive in this competitive tech world, where companies look for developers well versed in front-end, back-end, client-side, and server-side. Well, the developers with mastery in all these aspects and know how to develop high-end digital products are known as “full-stack developers,” and they are once again on the rise. 

Did you notice we have used the term “once again” in the above-mentioned sentence? It is because this full-stack developer role has its share of ups and downs. There's a unique perspective from different kinds of people about what full-stack developer actually means and the level of expertise they hold. 

Saying clearly, a full-stack developer has the knowledge of every aspect of front-end and back-end development, operative systems, and technology ecosystems. Because a single role serves several purposes and has different responsibilities, the demand for full-stack developers is also increasing. If we take a look at the tech giants' names, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google,, etc, they hire only full-stack developers. After all, such developers possess a wealth of knowledge and can create complex applications from scratch all by themselves. 

Things a Full Stack Developer Should Know

The following points highlight a few things that a full stack developer might be missing and now it’s high time to learn what they are.  

1. LAMP Stack Development

Art of developing web apps using the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) is something that full-stack developers should be aware of. These technologies are widely used interchangeably with new yet similar technologies- PostgreSQL instead of MySQL; NginX instead of Apache; or Ruby on Rails instead of PHP. 

Well, learning about these technologies is not just enough for a full-stack developer. They should also have a good knowledge of Microsoft equivalents, such as the Microsoft IIS and Windows, plus .NET and SQL Server.

2. Security

Developers who are not cognizant of SQL queries are those ones who leave their application database exposed to hackers. In order to avoid the hacker’s attack, a full-stack developer should learn the latest technical security practices to avoid such security threats and risks. 

3. Modeling

The next on our list that a full stack developer should know is designing the application model and analyzing the requirements. These are two essential skills a full-stack developer should be perfect in. Such developers require knowledge to manage a vast range of data diagramming and learn how to manage UML. 

4. MEAN Stack

Another crucial thing a full stack developer should be aware of is MEAN - MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS. It’s a widely used technology stack that developers leverage for outstanding results. This MEAN stack delivers the majority of the workload to the client-side, but this is all accomplished with a different philosophical approach. 

5. PAAS Y and Cloud Solutions

Good full stack developer urges to learn ‘everything’ related to the field, and this word ‘everything’ includes managing a PAAS (Platform as a Service) such as Heroku or Amazon. But learning how to use PAAS is not the end of the story. They must also understand the cost structure, how to scale and when these platforms should be deployed or not. 

6. Metrics

The role and responsibilities of a full-stack developer also include understanding how to export data from analytical roles such as Google Analytics. Full-stack developers are not like other developers. They are also data analysts, having good experience in exporting data. Mastering this skill can take them a long way in your career.  

7. Version Control

Are you a full-stack developer? If yes, you must know how to use version control tools- GIT (SVN is now outdated and is ridiculed within the developer community.) Not only this, but they should also know how to link GIT with deployment and testing tools that include Heroku, bizago, Jenkins, Go Cd, etc. 

8. Mobile Applications

In today’s fast-paced modern world, technology is evolving at a rapid pace. In order to walk with the constantly changing technology environment, it is vital to be 100% up-to-date with the new skills and knowledge. As a full-stack developer, you must be familiar with web, and mobile frameworks such as PhoneGap and Titanium, mobile frameworks such as Iconic and Ratchet, and they should obviously know Objective C, Swift, and Java. You should also be well-versed in creating mobile apps, including both hybrid and native. 

9. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Confused? Do SEO and SEM relate to the full-stack developer roles? Yes. Besides keeping up with the technology stack, trends, and languages, it would be great to be aware of different aspects of digital marketing. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) may sound the same but there is a difference between these two digital marketing terms. SEM refers to getting traffic via paid ads, whereas SEO is acquiring, monitoring, and analyzing organic (or unpaid) traffic. Being equipped with SEO and SEM skills help full-stack developers to promote their apps and publish them all by themselves without any other help. 

Well, being a first on Google might be challenging for you, but once you become good in this field, you can leverage these digital marketing tactics for maximum results. But at the same time, it is also important to not fall for Black Hat search practices.

Wrapping Things Up

No doubt, companies always strive for better ways to enjoy more benefits at a lower cost. And when recruiting the workers, they want the best professionals for the lowest cost. And instead of hiring a developer to perform a specific task, they go for the idea of hiring full-stack developers. Although full-stack developers have a broad knowledge base, remember this knowledge is acquired after years and years of practical knowledge. 

A full-stack developer is a broad technical profile who's familiar with front-end and back-end tasks and has knowledge of operating systems and technological ecosystems. Today, such developers are in high demand in the marketplace. And this is why more and more individuals are showing high interest in learning full-stack development skills. 

But if you're running a business, no matter whether it is a startup or an enterprise-level, and looking for a full stack developer to create and manage the digital solution, 75way is the right place to end your search. We have a talented full-stack development team to work on your project. We have served hundreds of clients with incredible full-stack development services across the globe, and now it’s your time. All you have to do is to connect with our team. Our project manager will determine your business objective and understand the project requirement. Once they gain clarity about the project, they kick off the development process and deliver a state-of-the-art digital solution in the form of web, mobile, and app solutions.  

Monday, June 13, 2022

Machine Learning and APIs are Evolving. Know How.

Do you know what’s redefining the world? It is obvious that technology has completely evolved the world and given many reasons to rely on it for every task we perform. And if you ask us about the most trending terms in this technology world, Machine Learning (ML) development and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) development will always be on top of the list. 

Machine Learning & Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Talking particularly about the API, it connects data, services, and apps in order to end up a user with a modern digital experience. Let’s help you understand this term with an easy example. Suppose a consumer browses a product on a retailer's app, the technology that seamlessly pulls together the details is considered an API. In the same way, if you’re sitting in a restaurant and paying the bill online, it is the API that works behind the scenes for a successful transaction. API is undoubtedly a useful and helpful component that a developer always focuses on to add valuable features and functionalities to the app they develop. This technology not only makes the development process smooth, but also ensures convenient value additions. Another thing many appreciate about API is the greater flexibility that helps integrate features to connect third-party services and solutions. Let’s say, you’re using a banking app and want to pay the electricity bill. The API connects with the electricity department that helps users to pay bills without switching to another app. So, if we conclude the discussion, whenever an app needs third-party services, it has to call API to get the job done. Above all, Machine Learning for apps has also become easy to access, thanks to intelligent third-party APIs. 

The way API is advancing, we all are experiencing a shift of approach in the technology world. Google Cloud Apigee has come with programmatic API calls created by intelligent Machine Learning algorithms. These algorithms have completely transformed the digital experience of the future and paved the way for enterprises to take advantage of API in new ways. 

There is a high chance you want to dive deep into this topic. Well, through the length of this post, we are going to learn various aspects of programmatic API development. 

The Rise of Voice Interactions

The rise of voice search and interactions has given a new direction to the tech world. Today, the number of users adopting voice search and voice interactions is increasing day by day. But simultaneously, the number of users worldwide is still not the same. Several enterprises or companies are embracing voice interfaces and reaping the benefits of this technology. Advancements in this technology are now at another level that is also paving the way for more innovation to enrich the user’s digital experience. And one can simply conclude this with the way voice search and voice interactions are no longer limited to smartphones and smart speaker systems. It has stepped forward being used for several arrays of everyday activities. Whether switching on the televisions or turning off home appliances, voice commands are now used for several device interactions. Not only this but connected systems of IoT devices have also opened the doors of opportunities with the introduction of voice interactions. We can say that this voice interaction brings a new wave to the era. 

But at the same time, building voice-enabled interfaces is expensive and involves high development skills and costs. This is why companies are showing interest in integrating voice capability via third-party APIs. Even APIs are built using the latest technology, including natural language processing that facilitates understanding and interpreting commands. 

Machine learning development also features voice APIs with specific use cases and context awareness. API interprets the query and processes the answers, figuring out the specific user context of a query. 

Integration of API for AI

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is another buzz in the tech market and is considered the most effective when used through apps in specific contexts. Building AI-based interaction features and functions straight from the beginning are not everyone’s cup of tea. This is why the majority of developers still incorporate AI integrating the API. So, there is nothing wrong with concluding the AI market for apps is completely API-based. But as of now, AI API is integrated into a project that is further developed, introducing business logic. Well, talking about the future, API developers can enjoy access to the business logic and model. 

The tech giant Google has already built AutoML for text and image analysis that third-party apps can take advantage of for the same purpose. 

The Growing World of Connected Gadgets 

Today’s modern world is flooded with innumerable gadgets, and the numbers are still observing a consistent rise. This growth in the world of connected gadgets seems not to die out in any way. Several reports have also made it clear that connected and internet-ready devices are several times more than the population on the earth. One can easily imagine the connected devices are enormous. 

We are all better aware that API connects IoT devices and voice assistants. But at the same time, it is vital to note that there are millions of connected devices having different features and capabilities. So, one single integration rule for all devices doesn’t fit all APIs. It is imperative to focus on integrating business logic for the effectiveness of APIs. The way demand for voice interactions is experiencing a surge, and business logic with user contexts is experiencing more challenges, API needs to be smarter. The more connected gadgets are shooting up, companies are digging out better ways for effective API integration. 

Chatbot Attacks

Machine Learning-based APIs are going to be the future trend. But at the same time, there is no second thought that the threats of cyber intrusions and attacks will also be experienced in similar awe. So, how would you tackle this problem? Chatbot attacks are on the rise. Even the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have become common. Such attacks are majorly experienced by those apps dealing with cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency mining. We all better understand how such attacks can affect the APIs' functioning. This is something that needs everyone’s attention. 

Whether the API represents simple third-party services or machine-generated ones, it will enhance the security vulnerability of the apps. According to a Gartner report, API abuses will become the most common source of risks in the future. This report also highlights that in 2022, API-based security attacks will be a leading security threat that developers have to face.

Wrapping Things Up

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) will continue to become intelligent, sophisticated, and context-driven in the future. But ignoring the fact that emerging technologies will also make it vulnerable to security threats will be a mistake. 

In the coming years, AI and Machine Learning will play a crucial role in building high-level APIs and also emerge a wide array of security threats. Do you want to learn more about this topic? 

Reach out to 75way. We have the best experts who are well-versed in Machine Learning and AI and discuss it more. Connect with us now! 

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