Monday, May 30, 2022

10 Useful Frameworks to Build Hybrid Mobile Apps

Do you know 74% of the top 50 retail apps in the U.S. App Store are hybrid apps? This number includes the top global brands and smart tech companies like Walmart, Nike, Amazon, Target, Etsy, Groupon, etc. And with more advancements in hybrid app development, the number of companies is still rising at a rapid pace. Well, the way this technology has ended up with the tech leaders with several benefits, we will surely observe a huge inclination towards this technology in the future. 

Working with hybrid mobile app frameworks is easy for developers as it provides them complete ease to write code once and build mobile apps that can run on various platforms. Such frameworks allow hybrid apps to run on Android and iOS, and their code can be used further for progressive web applications and desktop applications. Well, being a developer, marketer, or business owner, you might want to enjoy such benefits of using a hybrid mobile app framework. Right? We got you covered.

This blog post has listed very useful frameworks that work perfectly to build best-in-class hybrid mobile apps. 

Let us dive into this blog post. 

React Native

React Native is a renowned JavaScript-based mobile app framework and the best substitute for building captive solutions. No separate iOS and Android team are required when using React Native framework. Building interactive mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms with a single JavaScript codebase is easier with React Native as it makes coding easier for developers. Applications like Uber Eats, Instagram, and even Bloomberg, are good examples, embracing the quality of React Native framework. 


  • It covers both iOS and Android Platforms
  • Hybrid Application renders natively because of the reusable components.
  • One can use React Native UI components to another application’s code without rewriting it again.
  • Native Application development is way more efficient.
  • You get the compatibility of a wide range of third-party plugins.
  • Less usage of memory.
  • Excellent responsive time
  • Act as a time saver for developers
  • Supports Node.Js


100% free, licensed under MIT, and powered by a massive worldwide community, Ionic is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile application development that provides a set of tools and services using Web technologies like CSS, HTML5, and Sass. Equipped with more than 120 native device features, including HealthKit, Finger Print Auth, Bluetooth, and more with Cordova/PhoneGap plugins and TypeScript extensions, this framework is perfect for advanced hybrid app development. This framework also has ideal support for React, Preact, Angular, and Vue and also for Web Components


  • Expertise in advanced technologies such as CSS, HTML AngularJS, or Javascript components.
  • Support for Angular material design.
  • Wrapping Angular Framework.
  • The Ionic framework is easily maintainable.


Designed specifically for Google Fuchsia, Flutter is another popular hybrid mobile app development framework that allows a user to create apps for all platforms using a single codebase. While it’s a technology in the digital world, tech leaders reveal it will take the future of hybrid apps to an all-new level. Flutter works on its own programming language called DART, an amalgamation of Java and Kotlin. 


  • It is an open-source platform
  • Flutter is dart-based.
  • It is perfect for MVP
  • Easy to use Interfaces

Framework 7

The next on our list is Framework 7. Introduced in 2014 and released in 2016, Framework 7 is a free and open-source HTML framework used for developing hybrid mobile and web applications for iOS and Android devices. This framework makes web development robust and agile, and the epitome thing about it is that it doesn’t depend on tools like React or Angular. Creating web applications, Progressive Web Application (PWA), iOS, and Android applications with a native look is possible with Framework 7. 


  • Super easy & comfortable to use. You just have to know CSS, HTML, or JavaScript.
  • Open Source.
  • A Lots of UI elements and widgets.
  • Powerful performance.
  • Use a lot of animation.
  • Totally free from the license fee.

Kendo UI

Kendo UI aims at building quality and excellent performance hybrid applications using an extensive collection of JavaScript UI components with libraries for jQuery, React, Angular, and Vue. It is an open-source framework, but no free version is available till now. Every component in Kendo UI  has been thoroughly tested by their strict QA process, setting this framework apart from others. 


  • Includes 70+ widgets and frameworks
  • Provide an extensive collection of JavaScript UI components
  • Allows integration with Angular and supports Bootstrap UI framework
  • Inbuilt theme builder for creating custom themes
  • Provides optimized performance
  • Has great editor control


Another open-source JavaScript framework, NativeScript is widely popular for developing cross-platform apps for iOS and Android. Developers can build mobile and web apps using NativeScript from a single code base. Above all, this framework also supports other frameworks like Angular and Vue.js and allows you to use JavaScript, XML, and CSS for hybrid app development. 


  • Provides Native user interface
  • Creates cross-platform applications
  • Support for Vue.js
  • Full direct access to Android & iOS APIs
  • 100% access to native API via JavaScript
  • Has Kendo theme support

Onsen UI

When building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and hybrid apps, you can count on the Onsen UI framework. Onsen UI is framework-agnostic, which directly points to the fact that developers can build applications with or without JavaScript frameworks. This framework technology is considered a perfect fit for hybrid app development as it is also a comprehensive tool, and services through Monaca. 


  • Offers Native look and feel
  • Requires zero time setup
  • Support for Monaco
  • Provides a collection of ready to use components and automatic styling
  • Simple and easy to learn
  • Semantic markup components for developers
  • Time and cost-effective development

Ext JS

It's an enterprise-grade product that helps building cross-platform end-to-end mobile web apps with HTML5 and JavaScript. Developers can easily build data-intensive, cross-platform web and mobile applications. This framework is also considered - "The Best JavaScript Framework In The World.” More than 10k companies, including  Apple, Adobe, Cisco, Nvidia, etc., use this framework.


  • Used to create an enterprise application.
  • Can develop a single page application with the help of Ext JS.
  • Supports the OOPs concepts with JavaScript. It makes application development and maintenance easier.
  • Based on MVC (Model View Controller) and MVVM (Model View View-Model).
  • Supports the OOB (Out of the Box) components, layouts, and the containers.


Released in 2011 by a software company later acquired by Microsoft in 2016, Xamarin is another hybrid app framework that you can choose to turn your idea into a reality. Microsoft made this framework SDK open-source and further became a part of Xamarin Visual Studio IDE. The C# codebase in Xamarin has access to all the features of the native SDK and reduces the time and development cost of the app development.


  • Look and feel of Native app
  • Diagnostic Tools
  • Android SDK Manager
  • Compatible with various devices
  • Mobile cross-platform support
  • Supports smart apps like Apple watch & Android wear

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is an open-source app development framework that amalgamates AngularJS and Bootstrap, which makes it easy to learn and develop high-end HTML5 and hybrid apps mobile apps. It is a free-to-use framework that comes under the MIT license. As the name suggests, it has a lot of UI elements, components, and customization features that play a great role in building optimum quality mobile apps similar to a web app. 


  • No jQuery dependency or Bootstrap libraries
  • Builds hybrid HTML5 mobile and web apps
  • Faster runtime performance
  • Offers regular Angular experience to developers
  • Plenty of UI components available
  • Possess overlays and switches


So, this is all about the hybrid app development framework that one should take a glance at before saying yes to any random technology. If you want an expert's help in this regard, feel free to get in touch with 75way. We are a renowned hybrid app development company with years of experience in this field. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Count on the MEAN Stack for A Winning Digital Experience

The tech world is crowded with several innovations, and developers have a smorgasbord of technologies to choose from to create an advanced digital solution. The world adopts an all-new technology-led approach in order to stand apart from the crowd and win in today’s hyper-competitive environment. The constant urge to dominate the marketplace and advance the client’s businesses or develop a unique solution lead developers to hunt for the pre-eminent technologies. And many of them end their search with a MEAN stack. 

In reviewing a number of technologies out there, we find MEAN stack one of the topmost preferences of developers nowadays. And this is why we are quite excited having words on this advanced tech. This blog post covers the wonders you can do with the MEAN. Above all, we have also outlined the future of the MEAN stack and the list of companies using it. 

Let’s start-

What is MEAN Stack?

MEAN stack is a new and end-to-end JavaScript library stack used for cloud-ready applications. 

MEAN stands for MongoDBExpress.jsAngular.js, and Node.js. Check out what they are.

  • MongoDB: It handles the web applications database.
  • Express.js: It is a Node.js framework used to create APIs for web apps.
  • Angular.js: It is a front-end development framework majorly maintained by Google.
  • Node.js: It is used to handle the server-side.

Modern Programming Shift to MEAN

Choosing the right technology is imperative to give your business or idea a competitive edge, especially in this competitive environment. Not only this, but it also makes life easier, saving your time and effort. After all, no one wants the delayed results and repeat the tedious tasks. And MEAN stack technology perfectly meets such developers’ needs and expectations. MEAN stack is a powerful and futuristic platform for enterprises and developers. Whether you want a customized web app or responsive websites, MEAN stack development has made everything easier than the precious LAMP stacks. Giving a nod to this technology for your next project would be a great move from your side.

What Can Be Done With MEAN Stack?

MEAN stack encourages speedy and agile solution development. It makes it possible by eliminating the need to repeat the stagnant processes to manage the application's back-end. MEAN stack offers innumerable benefits, making this technology an ultimate choice for developers in 2022 and more coming years. This stack also makes it possible for developers to create and frame everything that was first possible with the LAMP stack. 

Future of MEAN

The question might hit many developers’ minds. Well, while researching online, there is a high chance you will find none other than MEAN stack as 2022’s best web development technology stack. Right? But is MEAN a future?

The future of MEAN is bright, and know how-

  • Cost-Effective to-date

MEAN is popularly known for its extensive code-sharing function availability. Thanks to JavaScript, allowing developers to reuse it within the stack. If we say it in simple words, this stack reduces the development time and development costs to a huge extent. 

  • Works Great with Cloud-based Development Processes

Cloud-based solutions are the future, and the MEAN stack contributes to making its development process seamless and easier. MongoDB in the MEAN stack analyzes the disk space rates to empower the process. Not only this, but this stack also works best for the development of big-data apps, enterprise applications, real-time apps, business productivity apps, and streaming apps. 

  • JSON

JSON or JavaScript Object Notation enables easy data transfer between different database layers without rewriting code that generally takes a lot of time. It also allows a developer to import data using MySQL server codes. Working with external APIs is also easy with it. 

  • Nodejs For Back-End

Node.js is one of the MEAN stack components. It is fast, scalable, and helps with the single-threaded non-blocking of I/O calls. It streamlines the processes, considering the client requests, processing them, and blocking I/O operations as needed. 

Reasons Why You Should Go With MEAN Stack Development

Below, we have covered why one should go with the MEAN stack. If you have never used this technology and are unaware of its benefits, you must check out the below-listed points now. 

Speedy Development 

Whether it is managing different layers or rearranging with some other syntax, it seems a daunting task when using conventional technologies like LAMP. But when you use Node.js development, you will only require nothing more than app routing to JavaScript that speeds up the development process and provides the desired results. 

Combinations Are Possible

Sticking with one technology is not crucial when using MEAN stack development. You can also use combinations that also work best together. For instance, you can use Node.js with MySQL, MongoDB with PHP, and Angular.js with PHP. 

More Returns

If you want to enjoy more returns on the pennies per CPU, it is possible with MongoDB’s database layer. Dealing with a group of servers, providing support, eliminating downfall, repeating automation, simplifying processes, and hosting on the cloud become effortless for your web application project with MongoDB. 


Another big reason behind a significant shift to MEAN stack is the lower cost. Being a budget-friendly technology, it helps experts save more and enjoy benefits like a huge space-saving for data and less time consumption. You don’t need to spend more time writing MySQL or PHP than what usually happens when using the LAMP. 

Lot of Disk Space

Another plus point of using the MEAN stack for your next project is the bigger space. Back in time, different spaces were used in separate tables that used to occupy more space. But now JOIN has resolved this issue and saves a lot of disk space. 

Wider Possibilities of Development

Today, Node.js is considered an ultimate component of MEAN that makes code sharing easier and, at the same time, accessible as a huge archive for codes. Even an inclined shift will also observe in the coming years towards this technology usage. It will surely meet the more challenging tech demands of businesses in the future.  

Famous Companies Using MEAN Stack Development

The way MEAN stack has made the web creation journey easier, more and more companies are showing their interest in developing the solutions using this technology. Below, we have rounded up the tech giants who utilized the power of the MEAN stack to lead the tech world. 

Check it out-

  • Linkedin
  • Netflix
  • Uber
  • Trello
  • GoDaddy
  • Citibank
  • Groupon
  • Paypal
  • NASA 
  • eBay
  • Walmart
  • Medium
  • Mozilla
  • Yahoo
  • Yandex

And there are many more who believe in the power of MEAN stack technology and build a unique solution. 


So, this is all about the MEAN stack development and how this technology can bring you closer to your business goals. Today, world-leading tech experts applaud this stack as it perfectly fits the tech demands of any business. It helps make their strong online presence and deliver the winning digital experience for customers. And if you want to give it a try, 75way would be the right place to rely on for MEAN stack development services. We have the best MEAN stack developers to help you in your journey. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Roadmap to Become a Pro in MERN Stack Development  

Everything is new for you if you’re a newbie in the tech world. But one thing you are sure about is becoming a MERN stack developer. Today, MERN stack development is a lucrative career that opens several doors of opportunities. But do you know the roadmap to becoming a MERN stack developer? What are the technologies you should learn at the tip, and in what order? So many questions might be hitting your mind, and you definitely want the answer to all. Right? Well, this guide got you covered. 

In this blog post, we have rounded up about mastering this technology and becoming a skilled MERN stack developer. So, what are you waiting for? Why not take a tour of this guide?

Let’s start.

Follow These Steps to Become a MERN Stack Developer

Becoming a MERN stack might sound tedious at first as this stack holds so many components that it is difficult to learn. But taking small steps helps achieve big goals. All you have to do is follow the following steps, and you will surely become the best MERN stack developer. 

Step 1: Learn the Basic Languages of Front End Web Development

The first and foremost step to becoming a MERN developer is to master the foundational languages of front-end development- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can learn these languages simply from their official website, or you can check out the guides and video tutorials or sign up for the online classes. Let’s delve more into why these languages are important. 

  • HTML: First is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the standard markup language developed to create documents and display them on a web browser. 
  • CSS: HTML is assisted by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is a style sheet language used to style the text, button, color, and tables of a website and also the structure of its pages. CSS allows web pages to adapt to different types of devices of various sizes. 
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a text-based programming language that basically turns static HTML web pages into interactive web pages by updating content, controlling media, and everything on the web page. 

Step 2: Learn How to Use Front End Tools

Once you become an expert in the front-end language - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the next step is to focus on essential front-end tools. Such tools speed up your programming. 

A few most useful front-end tools you should know about-

  • Git

Managing the changes in the code and bringing the document to its previous state if any error is made is super-easy with Git. It's an open-source version control system that is far better and quite popular than other systems in the market. Today, many developers find Git a perfect front-end tool because it is fast, free, and scalable. Another thing that makes developers count on this tool is that it allows a team of programmers to work together on the same code without overriding each other’s changes. 

  • Visual Studio (VS) Code

Visual Studio is a free, open-source code editor that one can use on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. Created by Microsoft in 2015, this code editor is one of the essential front-end tools that is also popular for its flexibility, streamlines, and feature-rich nature. It simplifies the coding to a good extent and eliminates potential errors through smart code completion, built-in debugging, and syntax highlighting. Web developers worldwide appreciate this tool as it allows them to use it with a variety of programming languages and add extensions to customize the application.

  • Bootstrap 

The next on our list is a UI tool created by Twitter in 2011- Bootstrap. It is an open-source CSS-based framework with optional JavaScript templates that makes it easy for programmers to design and customize responsive websites. It is a flexible and easy-to-use go-to framework that developers use to create the website's basic structure. 

  • Sass

CSS is used to structure the website and style its elements. But the repetitive and time-consuming nature of CSS is always a reason to worry. But Sass resolved this issue, simplifying styling a website and reducing the repetition to a huge extent. First released in 2016, Sass is still popular for the features it adds to CSS. From variables to imports, inheritance to nested rules, and built-in functions to mixins, all these features make Sass a powerful CSS preprocessor on the market. 

Step 3: Learn the Website Design Basics

After becoming a pro in using the front-end web development tools, the next step is learning the basics of website design. It is crucial to be aware of the design aspect of website development that involves enhancing the website look using various colors, fonts, and layouts. Besides this, the primary goal of website design is to create an engaging, aesthetically appealing, responsive, and user-friendly website. The website should be as good so that the users are more willing to remain on the website longer. 

Step 4: Learn How to Use React

The next thing you should do to become a MERN stack developer is learn how to use React. It’s an open-source front-end library created by programmers of Facebook. You can learn about React from various online resources. You can get the complete information about it on its official website, where you'll find the documentation for React as well as a tutorial that will help you learn more about library use and its features. There is also an abundance of videos available on YouTube you can watch to learn about React. 

Step 5: Learn the Backend Portion of the MERN Stack

The next easy step to becoming a MERN stack pro is to learn the backend portion of the MERN stack. Shift your focus to the entire MERN stack backend components that include Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Why not take a look at these technologies and what they do?

  • Node.js

First is Node.js, an open-source JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 engine used in backend development. When you start utilizing your Node.js skills in projects, you can also take your learning a step ahead by learning how to use Node Package Manager (NPM). This NPM tool simplifies managing multiple code versions and resolving dependency conflicts between various code packages. 

  • Express.js

Another Node.js component you should be aware of is Express.js. It’s a backend framework that works inside Node.js to design and build single, multiple-page, and hybrid web apps. Express.js is one of the most popular backend frameworks nowadays that many programmers prefer because it makes routing easy and helps organize web apps on the server-side into a more manageable MVC architecture. 

  • MongoDB 

A document-oriented NoSQL database program, MongoDB is quite popular for being flexible, scalable, and easy to use. It has the capacity for high-volume data storage. Not only this, but drivers are also available in a number of languages. Developers or programmers choose MongoDB as it provides them with powerful ways to access and analyze data.

Step 6: Keep Practicing and Refine Your Skills

This is it. Once you follow the above-mentioned steps and learn essential skills, becoming a MERN stack developer will become an easy journey for you. The last and final step is to keep practicing, refine your skills, and gain the confidence to lead the MERN stack development world with your abilities. 

Final Words

Now you’re very well aware of the point you need to follow to become a MERN stack developer. But if you have a great project and don’t have time to learn a new skill, rely on the expertise of 75way. We are a renowned MERN stack development company specializing in this field. Get in touch with us today! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Top 10 Incredible Websites Built With Angular Framework

Technology is advancing, and ‘Angular’ is no exception. The way this technology has gained applause from developers across the globe, there is no shadow of a doubt we will soon discover more reasons to say ‘Hello’ to this technology. 

Angular has been a quite popular framework for years and will rise high in the coming years. Whether it is building a big eCommerce web application or a single-page web application, this JavaScript front-end framework from Google is always considered the right pick. Yes, that’s true! You might be in deep thought - how we’re so sure about this, right? Well, renowned companies like UpWork, Gmail, Google and more have already set a perfect example of how this technology can do wonders in this modern world. 

Today, tech giants are reaping the benefit of this technology. There is a high possibility you might want to delve into this topic more. Right? Therefore, we bring you this blog post discussing the best websites built with the Angular framework and appreciated by tech experts for the excellence they achieved. So, what are you waiting for?

Let’s take a tour of those top amazing websites here.

Check Out A Few Websites Built With Angular Framework


Launched in 2015, Upwork is a leading freelance marketplace. This unique freelance platform is the amalgamation of two existing platforms oDesk (founded in 2003) and Elance (founded in 1998). Today, Upwork is considered the world’s biggest commercial center for outsourcing. One can conclude this with a statistic showing that 30 percent of Fortune 100 companies use this platform. 

Upwork is built with Angular Material, making this website secure, seamless and feature-rich. Upwork embraces the brilliant data protection and usefulness for all clients. 


  • Work Diary
  • Feedback Sharing
  • Chat Scheduling
  • Feedback Sharing
  • Global Payments
  • Global Payments
  • Job Posting
  • Candidates Shortlist
  • Proposal Reviewing
  • Needs Analysis


Freelancer is an Australian-based platform for freelance specialists, created by crowdsourcing and has clients across 247 domains worldwide. Established in 2009, Freelancer is a unique hub for representatives and employers who can work together and perform a job.

A high number of clients engage on this platform regularly. So, it is imperative to have a website with a great UI, incredible user experience and consistent responsiveness. And in order to achieve this motive, Freelancer picked Angular 8+ to build a website. This JavaScript-based framework served its purpose and built a website for their driving frontend framework. 


  • Registration and user profile. 
  • Payments
  • Advanced search
  • Job listing
  • Messaging
  • Project management tools
  • Bidding mechanism


Everybody knows about PayPal and how it is benefitting numerous organizations and people. PayPal is a web-based money transfer company having more than 305 million dynamic client accounts. As a user, we always expect high security and seamless transactions while transferring money, right? PayPal is built with Angular 10+, making the website robust, simple & straightforward and perfect enough to deal with high loads. Angular 10+ allows PayPal to support constant feeds of transaction data.


  • Accept Payments Online
  • Barcode Scanning
  • Express Checkout
  • Online Invoicing
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Mobile Card Reader
  • Bill Me Later
  • Credit Card Reader


IBM is a renowned name in the IT market. The company is the maker and dealer of PC hardware, software and middleware and is considered one of the most successful tech organizations. The company has utilized the power of Angular for their website. And there is no second thought over the fact how proficient Angular is that technology goliaths like IBM use it for their website. 


  • Access management. 
  • Support for corporate regulatory compliance.
  • Identity governance.
  • User interface options.
  • Recertification.
  • Reporting.
  • Static and dynamic roles.
  • Self-access management.

Deutsche Bank

A leading worldwide venture bank, Deutsche Bank’s website is also built with Angular. It uses Angular 10+ for the first page of its developer portal. The developer has a Deutsche Bank API program feature that acts as a passage for several associations worldwide to strengthen the transaction system of Deutsche Bank in their web programming. 


  • Free branch banking
  • Free demand drafts and pay orders
  • DB OnlineBanking 
  • E-Statements
  • Facility for Senior Citizens and 
  • Facility for differently-abled
  • SMS and email alerts
  • Phone Banking


Forbes was an American business magazine but presently, is popular for articles on the web and is also built with  Angular 9+ and joined with different advances like Core-JS, BackboneJS, LightJS, and others. It is one of the biggest publishing organizations that utilize the power of Angular. And thanks to this JavaScript-based framework that helps this website deal with the requests for news coverage.

  • Forbes 400 Web pages that amalgamate real-time content
  • Great user interface
  • Several blog templates available
  • Can handle bulk of data

Microsoft Xbox

Microsoft also took advantage of Angular technology for its product and services, and one of them is Xbox. This Microsoft introduced website is also built with Angular, making it quite attractive, sleek and immersive. The touch of this Angular in this innovation contributes to its smooth navigation. Angular also makes it easy to handle huge traffic.

Besides Xbox, Microsoft uses various versions of Angular for some websites-

  • Microsoft homepage
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Flow
  • TimeFind
  • Microsoft support page


Gmail is something that we all use in our daily lives to share docs, files, images and more. You will be surprised that this innovative solution is also built with Angular. Today, more than 1.5 billion clients use this product, setting a perfect example of how powerful the technology Angular is. Gmail features a basic interface and continuous experience for which users strive, and this is all possible with Angular. 


  • Automatic email filtering/categorization.
  • Smart Compose.
  • Smart Reply.
  • Email nudges.
  • High priority notifications.
  • Email showing package tracking
  • Travel updates.
  • Using event details to create calendar entries.


Netflix is an all-new platform to watch online films and web services on different gadgets. It’s an American service organization that also utilized Angular as the frontend device, and backend needs are fulfilled by technologies like Python and Flask. 


  • Original titles
  • Seamless streaming experience
  • Download content
  • Multiple profiles
  • Great video quality
  • Parental controls
  • Huge content library
  • Accessibility features

The Guardian

The last on our list is The Guardian, also known as The Manchester Guardian. It’s a British daily newspaper that was established in 1821. After acquiring a huge reader base, this newspaper has now made an enormous presence on the web. This news site has maintained its own price place in the particular marketplace. Its app is built with Angular. But the UI of the website is created in Angular. The Guardian produces a huge measure of articles consistently that Angular can handle. 


  • News Feature.
  • Informative Feature
  • Interpretative Feature
  • Popularized Scientific Feature
  • Personality Sketches
  • Personal Experience Story
  • Human Interest Feature Story
  • Historical Feature

Final Words

So, this closes our top 10 incredible websites built with Angular. Several notable brands use this technology to deliver a high-end user experience, and no doubt, they didn’t fail in achieving this motive. Angular made their websites proficient, smooth and exceptional, which also convinced many others to adopt this technology and experience its magic. 

If you also want an Angular-based solution for your idea or business, it’s time to get in touch with us today. 75way is a renowned Angular development company with maximum expertise in this arena, making us your ideal choice. Get started with us today! 

Monday, May 16, 2022

React Native - An Incredible Mobile App Development Technology for Startups

 In today’s fast-paced world, technology has touched new heights and walking with the constantly changing tech environment is a challenge for all types and sizes of businesses, including startups. When you hear the word ‘technology,’ many innovations hit your head, and there is a high chance ‘mobile apps' are one of them. Right? 

If you have decided to start up your venture, being a developer, you might be looking for the best technology to choose for your app. It is one of the crucial steps toward your app's success. In order to reach wider mobile users and offer a seamless experience on Android and iOS platforms, hitting on the right technology is a must. 

End your search for the right technology with React Native. It is one of the widely used frameworks for mobile app development. Want to learn more? This blog has covered everything you need to know about React Native and how it plays a great role in best-in-class mobile app development.

Let’s start with a simple definition of React Native.

What is React Native?

React Native is a widely used JavaScript-based mobile app framework that enables you to develop natively-rendered mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms. Developing an application for different platforms using the same database is super easy with React Native. 

First released by Facebook as an open-source project in 2015, React Native is now popular for mobile development and used by the world's leading tech giants, including Skype, Instagram and more. We will discuss those tech giants later in this post. 

Perks of React Native App Development for Startups

React Native has been one of the hottest topics in the mobile app development world. Tech experts worldwide say this technology is the perfect pick for startups who want a robust mobile app to gain an edge in the competitive market. 

But what makes this technology an ideal choice for thousands of companies? How can a startup benefit from React Native? Several questions might tickle your mind, but we have the answer to all your questions.

Below, we have covered the ways React Native can benefit a startup. Let’s take a tour of benefits of React native. 

Faster and Lesser Time-to-Market

If you want an app to be developed within a short time, React Native is the suitable technology you can rely on for the fastest mobile app development. Startups always strive for faster and more cost-effective mobile app development, and this framework satisfies their wants. But how does it encourage rapid app development? Thanks to its code reusability feature, making it an ideal fit for newbies in the business world. Above all, more than 90 percent of the codebase is usually shared between Android and iOS, enabling a developer to quickly launch the product with minimum functionality in the market and keep everything else for later development. 

Time and Cost-Efficiency

Time is precious, and React Native better understands this fact. Therefore, it allows you to develop your online presence faster by writing the code for the app once. Yes. It enables you to write the code for the app once and run it on iOS and Android. Not only this, but it also enhances your online presence without breaking your budget. Because of the code reusability feature, React Native apps are considered cost-effective for startups as compared to other native apps.

Single Codebase

Another reason a startup should go with React Native is the single codebase. Developers can use a single codebase for both iOS and Android app development that saves time and effort in writing code, again and again, to achieve the same functionality on a different platform. 

Cross-Platform App Development

When building native apps for cross-platform (Android and iOS), React Native is always considered the optimal choice for developers. This technology provides stability to the app. It also provides complete ease to professionals to develop only one app and share it between different platforms. React also shares up to 90 percent of the code. 

Offers Great UI/UX

React Native also encourages building a better user experience for mobile devices. This is why it is quite popular among developers and considered a suitable option for businesses to make their app perfect enough to raise the user’s interest. React Native is perfect enough to make the app responsive, user-friendly and intuitive. 

Supports Third-party Plugins

React Native offers you many plugins that help a developer add a layer of functionality to the mobile app and make it better enough to stand apart from other competitors’ apps. Not only this, but developers can link these plugins to the native module and build a feature-rich application faster. 

Reusable Components

Another reason to choose React Native for app development is reusability within the app code. This framework provides the ease of sharing a component from one part of the app to another part. It is also one of the reasons that make React Native development fast. 

Availability Of Developers

React Native is built on JavaScript. Companies having a website surely have a JavaScript specialist in their web development team to handle their online presence. So, it means it is super easy to come up with an app development team or examine the skills of a React development company to partner with. 

Enhanced Stability and Security

As we have discussed earlier, React Native is built in JavaScript, so one can easily conclude how this framework is considered the best in terms of security. This framework is an ideal fit for cross-platform application development because it caters to transposable architecture and enhances app stability. 

Open Source Community

Backed by Facebook, there is no doubt that there is a larger community or group of enthusiastic developers to support the framework and answer the developer’s questions anytime. This open-source community of React Native also gives startups one more reason to say yes to this technology for their mobile app development project. 

Apps Built with React Native 

Now we all are aware of the fact how popular and convenient React Native is for mobile app development, especially for startups. There is a high chance you might want to know the popular apps built using this trend-setting technology. 

Besides the world’s top mobile apps, including Instagram, Facebook, and Skype, there are some more popular applications React Native fuels up. 

  • Pinterest
  • Salesforce 
  • UberEats
  • Wix
  • Myntra
  • Walmart 
  • Bloomberg

It seems React Native is a big name today in the IT world. In just a couple of years, it has become one of the top solutions used for mobile app development ,and there are many years to come. 


Indeed, React native is a popular framework for mobile application development. Business owners always avoid risks and control their budgets when starting up a venture. This framework provides the quality support you need for mobile app development without breaking your budget. When you have this incredible technology to kick off your startup, why wait? 

It’s time to contact 75way. Here you can get the assistance of skilled and talented React Native developers who have years of experience in this field and can turn your dream into reality. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with the experts of 75way today! 

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