Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Technologies A MERN Stack Developer Should Learn in 2022

 According to the recent study, MERN stack will experience a significant rise in usage in the coming years as more and more applications are now developed in JavaScript. It is considered the most efficient programming language that serves both the front-end and back-end. MERN stack can handle every aspect of web and mobile app development

The more this technology stack is gaining wide popularity worldwide, the more creative minds are showing high interest in MERN stack learning. 2022 also gives birth to new opportunities for MERN stack developers, but at the same time, it demands to be proficient in related technologies to master the MERN stack. But what are crucial technologies that require the MERN stack developer’s attention?

From React to NextJS, 2022’s top technologies can help you shape into a MERN stack developer, which you might be passionate about. This blog has covered in-depth MERN stack-related technologies. 

So, let’s dive into the main stuff without wasting a minute. 


The first on our list is TypeScript. This technology arms a developer with the pre-eminent features that help build big projects. If you’re looking for the right technology to assist you in a big project and has the potential to resolve bugs or issues that pop up while coding, TypeScript would be your best bet. It is widely used in a number of production levels of projects, giving more reasons to developers to learn in 2022. 


  • TypeScript identifies 15 percent of bugs at the assembly stage. It can spot bugs early and saves time.
  • Adding strict types and other elements makes the code self-expressive and easy to read. 
  • Rich IDE support includes Web Storm, WebStorm, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Atom, and CATS.


  • It takes a long time for code compilation.
  • TypeScript doesn’t support abstract classes.
  • Companies won’t hit 100 percent productivity immediately without having experience in TypeScript.


What’s next? React-Query is another technology you should master in 2022 to give an edge to your career as a MERN stack developer. But what exactly is React-Query? It is an NPM package that is used to fetch data from an API. Doesn’t this definition sound simple? Yes, this is what we have found to help you understand this technology more precisely. There is a high chance the question may arise in your mind- Are Redux with Axios the same? Well, both are the same but the React-Query comes with several features, including infinite scroll, garbage collection, auto catching, and a lot more that enhance developer performance and end them up with great technology, fueling up their MERN stack development learning. 


  • Automatic caching of data
  • Super clean syntax
  • Prefetching
  • Automatic fetching of fresh data on user actions
  • Using cached data

Tailwind CSS

In order to sharpen your skills in MERN stack development, you must have good hands-on Tailwind CSS. This is something that excites developers more than other technologies like Bootstrap, Bulama and Materialize CSS. 

Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework and the ultimate technology one can use to create stunning and feature-rich websites. It is entirely different technology from other CSS frameworks and has and 


  • Tailwind is a faster framework than any other framework when styling HTML.
  • Tailwind is a responsive, mobile-friendly CSS framework. It has pre-built classes that allow a developer to design the layout directly in the HTML file. 
  • This CSS framework works in the website front-end, making it a reasonable choice for developers who want ultimate responsiveness. 


  • Learning how to use and utilize the pre-built classes is a challenge for developers. It takes time to learn.
  • Tailwind lacks significant styling components. You have to manually add the features required for web apps. 


Our list is incomplete without discussing NextJS, one of the important components of the MERN stack. If you’re a React developer, then learning this new technology will be pretty smooth. T brings so many benefits that make it worth learning this 2022 to master MERN stack development skills. From server-side rendering to automatic image optimization, NextJS offers several perks that make it a highly recommended technology for React devs. 


  • NextJS encourages your website or application to be safe and secure.
  • NextJS can adapt to the size of apps and websites to fit the screen size and enhance the user experience.
  • It uses SSG that helps deliver flash performance for rendering pages. 
  • The community of developers working with NextJS is very vast, and hence provides excellent support. 


  • The time NextJS takes to build websites and apps is restricted. 
  • No built-in state manager is available in the NextJS framework. Another tool is required to get the most out of one. 

React Native

Learn once, write anywhere concept of React Native gains many developers' interests. It allows you to create native apps without compromising the user experience. Such an ease adds this technology to our 2022 list. It’s a valuable skill to learn this year to become an expert MERN stack developer. 

Websites are great, but the ease applications provide are just unmatchable. It ends up with more users on a project. Well, many perks make React Native a good choice for developers. 


  • React Native ensures a stable mobile app growth as the framework components know how to display an app on popular platforms. 
  • You can enjoy a lower cost of add development with React Native.
  • It supports hot reloading that allows developers to know how changes made to the code affect the app while it’s running. 
  • React Native’s code reusability feature saves a lot of time for developers and encourages faster development. 


  • Developers might face various issues with debugging tools or package compatibility . 
  • React Native apps are built using Java, C/C++, JavaScript, etc., which makes it very hard to debug for developers. 
  • The testing process in native development can eat up a lot of time. 

Advanced JavaScript

What does Advanced JavaScript mean? It basically includes V8 Engine, closures, threads, binding, hoisting, event loop, etc. A good grasp over JavaScript is crucial to master MERN stack as this technology stack is fully JavaScript. We suggest you first learn Javascript and then move to its advanced stage. 


  • JavaScript is an interpreted language that takes less time for compilation.
  • Easy to understand and learn.
  • All modern browsers support JavaScript
  • Provides various interfaces for creating catchy webpages. 
  • JavaScript is now capable of front-end as well as back-end development. 


  • JavaScript only supports single inheritance and not multiple inheritance. 
  • It is not efficient in the debugging process.
  • JavaScript code is viewable to the user. It means others may use it for malicious purposes.


This is all about the technologies a MERN stack developer should learn in 2022. There is no second thought that the demand for MERN stack development will rise in the coming years. So, it is imperative to learn new technology skills to become a pro in MERN stack. And in this regard, this blog is best for you. 

You can also reach out to 75way and talk to our experts to learn more about MERN stack development. We can help you in this journey. Our experts are knowledgeable and experienced. And if you want an expert for MERN stack development, 75way is the right name.

Monday, April 25, 2022

MERN or MEAN Stack? What’s Your Top Pick for Web & Mobile App Development?

Technology is evolving at a rapid rate. But how rapid? The pace of technological innovation grows two times every 18 months when computing is measured. Not only this, but over 89 percent of big data has also been produced in the last two years. These stats and figures show how technology is advancing. 

It’s a clear sign that the future of technology doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Right? But at the same time, small or enterprise-level businesses are also stressed to walk with technology trends. This urge leads them to launch a web and mobile app that further end them with a question - 'Which technology stack should I choose for digital product development, especially when I have the fastest growing MERN and MEAN stack on my list? 

Choosing the right technology between MERN and MEAN is not easy. After all, both technology stacks are used to develop advanced web and mobile app solutions for small and large-scale businesses. Well, in order to clear up your confusion, we bring you this blog. Here we have highlighted the comparison between MEAN stack and MERN stack development that will shed a light on each aspect of these technologies. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

Let’s delve more into this topic to get answers to all your questions. 

What is MEAN Stack?

An open-source, JavaScript-based technology stack, MEAN is popular for mobile and web app development. MEAN stands for MongoDBExpressJSAngular, and NodeJS respectively. This stack comes with essential plugins and tools required to build robust web and mobile app solutions embracing a top-grade user experience.  

Key Features

Know the power of the MEAN stack development by checking out the below-listed features.

  • MongoDB

It’s a database program and one of the components of the MEAN stack that makes the insert, update, and delete process easier. 

  • JavaScript

JavaScript is a popular web programming language used to build high-performance websites and games. This language decreases bandwidth usage, and that’s why MEAN stack is a perfect pick to limit bandwidth usage. 

  • NodeJS Driven

MEAN stack is a NodeJS-driven (an open-source, backend JavaScript runtime environment based on the V8 engine) technology stack that helps render databases faster than the Apache server. 

  • Isomorphic Code

Isomorphic code works best with the JavaScript programming language as it can run on both client and server end. MEAN is a flexible technology stack that makes transferring the code to another framework as easy as ABC. 


  • Developers can expect reusability, maintenance, testability, and high speed from the MEAN stack. 
  • Every component of the MEAN stack is free and open-source, which cuts down the development cost to a high extent.
  • Isomorphic coding is possible with the MEAN stack. It makes it easy for developers to transfer the code to another framework. 
  • MEAN stack allows effortless switching between server-side and client-side. Developers having expertise in JavaScript can handle such projects. 

What is MERN Stack?

MERN stack is another name categorized as full-stack that also helps develop hybrid web and mobile apps. MERN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS, used by developers worldwide.

Key Features

Here are a few points showing why developers worldwide are attracted to this MERN technology stack. 

  • Runs on Multiple Servers

MongoDB in the MERN stack development can run on multiple services. If in case the hardware fails to work, the data will replicate.  

  • Testing

The testing tools, including Jeta, and Mocha, allow you to perform testing on web and mobile applications based on ReactJS.

  • Hybrid Mobile Apps

Developing a hybrid app is possible with the MERN stack. Thanks to React Native! It is a hybrid platform that encourages a smoother development process. 

  • Purely Javascript-based

MERN stack is purely a JavaScript-based technology stack. Hence, it requires no context switching, as every line of code is written in JavaScript. 


  • Building a top-notch web and mobile application is easy using the development tools React library offers. 
  • MERN stack offers incredible community support.
  • It provides access to in-built testing tools. 
  • MERN stack offers the flexibility of creating pages on the server. 
  • Support Model View Controller (MVC) architecture for a smooth development process. 
  • In order to use this JavaScript-based stack, you must have a good knowledge of JavaScript and JSON. 

MEAN or MERN: A Detailed Comparison

Now you're very well aware of what MEAN and MERN stack development is. Both technologies serve the same goals (developing web and mobile app solutions). So, how would you choose the most notable technology that suits your business requirements?

MVC Support

Prioritizing the entire architecture is necessary when developing an enterprise-level application. In such a case, choosing the MEAN stack is a wise move instead of the MERN stack as the MEAN stack supports Model-View-Controller architecture. But if you can manage the code, choosing the MERN stack would be the best idea. 


DOM (Document Object Model) is the programming interface for HTML and XML documents. MERN uses React for a virtual DOM update that enables faster application coding. On the other hand, the MEAN stack utilizes Angular for real DOM updates.  

Learning Curve

NodeJS, MongoDB, and ExpressJS contain extensive documentation, and there is not much difference in the learning curve of both MEAN and MERN. The whole learning curve changes between React and Angular.  

The Angular framework uses templates and Typescript. So, there is a much learning curve with Angular. On the other hand, React doesn’t contain a learning curve. 


Scalable frameworks like NodeJS and Angular, supported by JSON Web Token (JWT), build together a MEAN stack. Such components ensure no unauthorized access can harm your sensitive data, making the MEAN stack more secure than the MERN stack. 

When discussing the MERN stack, it enables faster execution of operations, building an API backend along with Hapi, Express. MERN stack also offers authentication methods, but at the same time, it is important to note these methods are ineffective against CSRF attacks. 

Data Flow

MEAN stack allows you to alter UI and model as per your choice, and this is possible because the data flow of the MEAN stack is bi-directional. On the other hand, React's unidirectional data binding is considered ideal when handling and managing large-scale projects.  

Third-party Libraries

MEAN stack has HTTP requests and is equipped with backend functionalities by default. It directly points to the fact you can use the libraries without any knowledge of programming language. 

Well, the MERN stack is still advancing and has no libraries to meet the requirement of project development. Additional settings are required to integrate third-party libraries in React. 

Final Words

There is no second thought that there is a close competition between the MEAN stack and MERN stack. Choosing the right one is not easy. Both technology stacks are best in their own ways. So, you can select any as per your business requirement in order to develop a high-end dynamic app. 

And if you want to learn more about these technologies, feel free to get in touch with us. 75way is an expert in MEAN and MERN stack development you can easily rely on for your web and mobile app solution development. We add value to your business with our end-to-end services. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Unleash the Potential of Your Business with MEAN Stack Development

Dominating the marketplace in today’s era of digitization is not an easy game. The pace of technological innovations is running at an exponentially increasing rate. It leads many businesses to experiment with new strategies and follow technology trends to stay ahead of the pack. When discussing technology trends, the MEAN stack topic always gains everyone’s interest nowadays. The way it empowers businesses, facilitating the swift and most effective mobile/ web app development, no doubt MEAN stack development is going to top the chart in the coming years. But why are tech-savvies across the globe showing high interest in it? How does this technology unlock the true potential of businesses? And there is no end to questions related to this topic. Right? 

This blog has covered everything you need to know about the MEAN stack. We have highlighted the less celebrated perks of choosing this standardized software stack for mobile/ web app development. 

But before we dig into the concept, let’s start with discussing what MEAN stack is. 

MEAN Stack- Most Popular Tech Stack

MEAN stack is a collection of full-stack JavaScript frameworks that helps developers to build user-friendly dynamic applications.

MEAN stack stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS.

  • MongoDB - A database management system used in MEAN stack
  • ExpressJS - A popular framework to host and assist NodeJS projects
  • AngularJS - An open-source framework that handles frontend development for interactive web pages development
  • NodeJS - Ensures high-end backend services and enhances the application performance by 50%.

Highlights of MEAN Stack Features

  • It’s an open-source technology stack
  • It’s a well-organized and fast-paced 
  • This stack uses JavaScript programming language.
  • This stack can be used to create web applications as well as mobile applications. 

8 Ways MEAN Stack Can Empower Your Business

The following points will highlight how this technology stack can help your business surge ahead of the competition. 

1. Saves Money

Whether you’re a new player in the market or an experienced one, everyone looks for a way to save more. MEAN stack is the cost-effective technology stack you can choose to develop web/ mobile apps. The best part about the MEAN stack is that it is an open-source and JavaScript-based technology that allows developers to build web apps and websites without building them from scratch. In simple words, it is readily available in the tech world. So, businesses don’t have to invest a lot of time, effort, money, and resources to hire MEAN stack developers for web and app solution development.  

2. Ensures Speedy App Development

Do you know the major challenge businesses face while developing apps? The stress to market their product makes them think over the technology they are currently using and switch to the MEAN stack. But why choose MEAN stack when there are innumerable options out there? 

MEAN stack uses JavaScript programming language as their base language that facilitates writing, testing the code, and launching the final product in the market. And when the journey to coding the app has become so easy for developers, there is no doubt that the web app will develop faster. If you ask us, the MEAN stack is the ideal choice for businesses that strive for speedy app development. 

3. Builds Scalable App Solutions

MEAN stack gives you the advantage of building a highly scalable app solution to take your business to the next level. MEAN stack is a highly scalable technology in which all full-stack JavaScript frameworks, including MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS work together to create apps and handle a large amount of traffic and data with complete ease. Such an ability to handle innumerable data and traffic makes this stack technology the ultimate choice for businesses who want an app to escalate the growth. 

4. Excellent Choice for Small Businesses

For medium and small-size businesses, the MEAN stack is considered the pre-eminent, and cost-effective. Besides, it is also open-source that allows anyone to create their own apps and software. It is free to download and use, making it a perfect pick for small and medium-sized businesses that have limited budgets. But when it comes to large-scale application development, we won’t recommend you go for this technology stack as it can’t provide the seamless experience they expect. 

5. Helps Reach a Wider Audience

MEAN stack is a versatile platform that can be used to create web and mobile applications. And we are all better aware of the fact what a great medium websites and apps are to reach a wider audience, increase engagement, and generate revenues. This technology stack can boost your business growth if done by a MEAN stack developer with relevant industry experience. 

6. Protects from Virus and Malware Threats.

The epitome of DevOps, the MEAN stack forbids insecure development practices. It is considered a very secure platform that fulfills one more business objective- protecting data and applications from viruses, malware threats, or hacker activities. This stack incorporates the security features, including encryption, authentication, and authorization systems that work best in keeping your information safe from intruder attacks. It offers sufficient control to a developer that ensures security at every stage of development. 

7. Takes Faster Time to Market

Today, most developers opt for the MEAN stack to achieve better and streamlined results during web or app development. But there’s one more reason why businesses are showing more importance to this technology than others. 

A MEAN stack-based web app has a codebase written in JavaScript. Even the functionality written for MEAN stack components, including NodeJS and ExpressJS, needs little or no change for the results. The same team of MEAN stack developers can handle different parts of development, ranging from server configuration to database utilization. Not only this, but they can also find out the voids between the components without collaborating with other team members or hiring a professional for that particular technology. Speaking precisely, it saves your time and resources.  

From the development to testing, debugging to the launching of an app, MEAN stack takes far less time to market your product, and this is what businesses are looking for.

8. Builds High-Performance Business Applications 

In today’s fast-paced digital world, every business wants a high-performance app to entertain existing ones and say hi to new customers in the market. MEAN stack helps businesses to achieve this objective, building a high-performance PWA (Progressive Web Apps) and SPAs (Single Page Applications.) MEAN stack-based PWA solution can work offline and doesn’t need to update for server requests. It only updates a part of the UI and eliminates the need to reload the digital product. So, when MEAN stack solutions offer such a level of ease, you must choose this platform. 


The way new technologies like MEAN stack are blossoming in the tech world, more and more opportunities businesses can take advantage of to dominate the marketplace. MEAN stack development is indeed an innovative step towards your business success and the above-listed points are the answer to why. 

So, if the points mentioned above inspire you to take a foot forward to MEAN stack development, hire an expert to get the job done efficiently. 75way is a reliable MEAN stack development company you can partner with to enjoy desired outcomes. So, what are you waiting for? Explore our MEAN stack development page to learn more about our services. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Why Startups Should Choose MERN Stack Development

Are you planning to turn your idea into a digital product? Well, the way the global trend towards digitization is surging ahead at lightning speed, no doubt, we all would experience an increase in the number of startups down the road. But when you are a newbie in the market, how would you decide on the right technology to kick off your business? 

Choosing the right technology for your project is crucial to become MVP (Most Valuable Player) in the market and enjoy other benefits. Investopedia's report shows that 20 percent of startups usually failed in the first year, whereas only 25 percent of the enterprises across the 15-year mark.

MERN Stack – A Buzz in the Tech World

In order to make your startup app successful, the MERN stack can be a great pick. MERN stack development might be captivating for budding entrepreneurs as it gives both front-end and back-end development benefits. But should it be the right platform, to begin with? 

According to a HackerRank development skill report, 30 percent of the developers went with AngularJS, and 26 percent stayed with using ReactJS. This HackerRank  report also mentions that 30 percent of programmers showed interest in learning ReactJS, and 35.9 percent of developers prefer using ReactJS. So, when it comes to popularity, MERN stack slightly above MEAN. 

Several reasons highlight why you should go for MERN stack development. 

Before we delve into it, first learn what MERN stack is.

What is MERN Stack? 

MERN stack is a collection of advanced and highly scalable technologies that play a crucial role in developing scalable master web applications with front-end and back-end database components. This stack includes hand-picked technologies - MongoDB, Express, React JS, and Node.js. 

MERN stack development is considered the ideal choice for startups to build dynamic websites and applications. Let’s delve more into learning about its components.

  • MongoDB

It is an open-source, cross-platform, NoSQL DBMS, a document-based database that states data can be stored using JSON-like documents and collections. 

  • Express

Building a custom application is convenient with this lightweight, modular NodeJS framework. It is a server-side, back-end, JavaScript-based framework that enhances the capability to write fast, secure, and simple applications. 

  • React

When it comes to building user interfaces for single-page applications, React is the ideal option. This MERN stack component gives the developer the code reusability benefit on multiple platforms for faster execution and higher scalability. Pinterest, Wix, and Myntra are popular startup names that touched the heights of success using React technology. 

  • Node

NodeJS is another MERN stack component that is used by top brands like LinkedIn, Uber, Trello, Netflix, etc. NodeJS is a cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that allows a developer to run the JavaScript code on the server-side. 

6 StartUp Benefits to MERN Stack

Being a startup, you might be hesitating while adopting this technology. You are new to this technology, and therefore, it is imperative to be cognizant of how the MERN stack can benefit you. 

Enjoy a look at the benefits of the MERN stack that budding entrepreneurs can enjoy today.

1. Open-Source Technology

The success of a digital product relies on the flexibility it provides. This is why startups prefer MERN. All the components of the MERN stack are open-source that are constantly enhanced to create web apps and deliver high performance. There is no vendor lock-in available in open-source technology. So, if you want to make any changes down the road, you don't need to jump through extra hoops for that. For instance, an open-source front-end framework, AngularJS, was explicitly developed to address some issues inherent in the be-times version of JavaScript and HTML. 

Being a startup, there will be ups and downs in results. It will lead you to make changes in your web app, and the MERN stack allows you to do that. 

2. Easy to Use

MERN stack technology is a perfect choice for beginners learning web development because it is easy to understand. It is well-documented, which makes it easy to deploy. Not only this, but it comes with numerous tools that MERN stack developers can use to develop web solutions. If you are new in the business world and looking for the right technology to start with web development, the MERN stack would be your best bet. 

3. Free Templates are Available Online

MERN stack provides access to free templates online, which saves a lot of time. On top of that, if you face any issue with the templates available online, you can simply get in touch with the experts and get the issue resolved. Nowadays, several platforms have online communities that allow you to get the answer to your questions and receive feedback on your code from other developers dealing with MERN stack technology. The journey of building a successful digital solution becomes easier when experts are there to hold your hand. 

4. Allows You to Build Fast

The plug-and-play approach of the MERN stack attracts the startups a lot. This technology stack is free, and there is no need to build everything from scratch. All you have to do is focus on setup instructions and customization if needed. Today, more prominent companies are showing their high interest in this technology stack because it helps them build digital solutions faster. If you have a tight budget and want to develop a web app in minimum time, hiring a MERN stack developer would be the best move. 

5. Full-Stack Development

MERN stack follows a full-stack development approach. In simple words, you are responsible for building both front-end and back-end components of an application. This approach makes this technology popular with startups because it helps them save money and time. It eliminates the need to hire developers separately for the front-end and back-end development of the project. 

6. Offers Native Experience to the Users

Startups prefer developing mobile apps on hybrid frameworks, including Ionic or React Native, which provides a captivating experience for users. A MERN-built mobile app provides access to native features, including camera access, and can effortlessly sync data between offline & online states through an app. 


Well, we hope you didn’t take a coffee break while going through this blog. We have covered everything a startup should be aware of before saying yes to MERN stack development services. 

The excellent performance of the MERN stack can lead you to rely on this viable technology. And if you have made up your mind to use this technology for your startup, 75way would be the right place to avail the service. We have a huge team of developers having a firm grip on the latest trends and technologies. They can develop the digital solution you and your business deserve. Reach out to us today! 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Top 10 Web Development Trends To Pay Attention in 2022

Think back ten years ago when there were 255 million websites and today when this figure has reached 1.93 billion. There is no shadow of a doubt that the web development industry is advancing at a rapid pace. Over the decades, this industry has observed major growth. So, as a website owner, it is imperative to keep up with the web development trends to dominate the competitive market. Right? Paying no attention to such trends will get you astray in the never-ending universe of the web. The website owner has to face serious consequences such as low website performance, bummer user experience, and falling behind your competitors.

So, the ball is in your court! If you develop and maintain your website following ongoing trends, achieving success in this digital world will become a breeze. But what does this industry have in store for 2022?

We have covered all web development trends to help you surge ahead in the market. Let’s take a closer look at the below-listed trends you must pay attention to in 2022.

  1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

The first on our list is PWA technology which is all the rage these days. PWA or Progressive Web Apps are websites that function like mobile apps and are written in the most popular frameworks, libraries, and languages like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, or React. Such websites run in a browser but provide a full-native mobile app experience.

In today’s fast-paced world, people want quick access to their favorite platforms, and Progressive Web Apps help them enjoy the best of this world. Businesses are showing high interest in Progressive Web Apps instead of building native mobile apps. After all, this tech is easy to develop, launch, distribute and maintain and can work offline. Interesting, isn’t it?

2. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Launched by Google in 2015, Accelerated Mobile Page has still maintained its presence in 2022’s top trending list. AMP (quite similar to Progressive Web Apps) was introduced to meet the primary motive of enhancing the digital experience of mobile users and decreasing the bounce rate to a great extent.

Besides these perks, Google’s AMP also plays a crucial role in improving core business metrics, including the number of conversions on the web page. AMP is mobile responsive, and its content is easy to understand and read.

3. Dark Mode UI

Did you notice a dark and light mode feature on tech-biggies websites like Facebook, Google, Reddit, and Twitter? Well, it’s another latest web development trend that has become immensely popular worldwide and expects to gain more recognition in the coming years.  

But why is it so popular? Well, there are so many perks of a dark mode UI.

  • Saves battery life
  • Lower eye strain in low light conditions
  • Visually pleasing
  • Enhanced web browsing experience
  • Makes UI content accessible to all

Today, companies or businesses prefer providing the same in-built feature of dark mode UI on their websites for maximum user experience. But at the same time, it is imperative to note that dark mode is not perfect for everyone as some find it difficult to read content on a black layout.

4. AI-Powered Chatbots

Businesses strive to fuel the user experience, and hence, they look for pre-eminent web development tactics to achieve this motive. Chatbot development is a perfect example of it. AI-chatbots are 24/7 available, quickly answer questions, and help customers make smarter buying decisions.

AI-chatbots is a popular term nowadays. And we will surely experience its buzz in the coming years. The natural language processing, machine learning, and data retrieval methods used for AI-chatbot development help cut operational costs. Today, developers add AI-chatbots features to websites to help businesses benefit from this technology.

5. Single Page Application (SPA)

Another web development trend in the market is Single Page Applications. It is considered an unrivaled alternative to the conventional architecture of websites and pages. SPA or Single page application is a JavaScript-based web app containing a single page that first loads the whole website page and then loads the dynamic content on the same page.

The client-side Single Page Application is developed using the front-end JavaScript frameworks, such as ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, EmberJS, etc. SPAs responsive can be developed using HTML5 and AJAX.

6. Serverless Architecture

Serverless technology is another web development trend, gaining the attention of marketers across the globe. This technology is the outcome of years of research conducted to reduce data loss, development costs, and system overloading issues. Serverless architecture runs on cloud technology and eliminates the need to manage or upgrade servers. This year, a massive increase has been noticed in cloud SaaS solutions due to the work-from-home. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft also use and provide serverless architecture.

7. Blockchain Technology

Did you know a study shows there are 80 million global blockchain wallet users at the end of Nov 2021? One can easily imagine how popular this technology is in the web development industry. This stat also points to the fact that we will soon experience a significant rise in web technologies covering these features in the future.

Blockchain development needs hardware and software support, trading infrastructure, and legal regulation. Today, large banks or financial institutions show a keen interest in this technology. They want an algorithm to safeguard sensitive user data and secure crypto trading.

8. API-First Development

The last on our list is the API-first development approach that allows a developer to perform tasks and use the code at the same time when the user will access your website. This approach cuts the development costs and speeds up the delivery process.

Some notable benefits of the API-first development are:

  • Improved adaptability
  • Quick Delivery
  • Reduce development expense
  • Increased client experience

9. Wordpress development 

WordPress is the world’s most popular open-source platform that always surprises the audience with unique features that perfectly suit the user's needs. How popular is it? This content management system powers over 43.3 percent of all websites on the internet. This stat clearly shows WordPress covers a huge user base. So, we can say WordPress is an emerging web development trend in 2022 and the coming years. Matt Mullenweg (the original WordPress developer) has already stated that WordPress will cover 80-85 percent of all websites in the next decade. You can easily imagine what massive growth we all will be going to experience in WordPress development in the future.

10. Motion UI

In this modern era, customers expect faster, user and mobile-friendly experiences. That's a reason why Motion UI has turned out as one of the 2022 web development trends. Motion UI is a front-end framework that allows a developer to build a responsive website and mobile apps to offer more interactive experiences to customers. This tech also gives complete freedom to developers to use predefined motions within a native app setting. Creating an element slide, transition, spin, bounce, etc. is easier with Motion UI.

Final Words

We all are in the modern era with new expectations and needs. And in order to meet the constantly changing, growing demands and expectations of customers in 2022, new technologies are developed. 75way better understands this fact. This blog post covers web development trends and sheds light on how they are delighting the customers in 2022.

So, walk with trends! 75way offers full-fledged web development services that can drive more business growth and help you stay ahead of the competition. 

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