Sunday, March 27, 2022

Why Should Small Companies Bet Big on WordPress?

43 percent of all the websites on the internet run on the world's most popular CMS, WordPress. This stat carries a lot of weight in the internet community. Many land on to know why Matt Mullenweg (the original developer of WordPress) introduced this absolutely fascinating model and how it can give the business owners an advantage over competitors. 

This CMS platform is one of the popular and well-loved products with a very passionate base, including start-ups and small companies. But how popular? According to Matt Mullenweg, WordPress is growing faster than others, and it will surely cover 80-85 percent of all websites in the next decade. But why is WordPress development a top choice for Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and thousands of small businesses? Well, if you ask us, the way this CMS platform is making web development a breeze, making a big bet on WordPress is fruitful in the present and future. 

If you’re planning to expand your small business, enjoy the best of the WordPress world as it can help you surge ahead in the market. This blog post has covered the reason why small businesses should go for WordPress for web development. 

WordPress Is Totally Free

A free deal sounds pretty good. Right? WordPress is a free CMS platform. It’s a great option for start-ups and small businesses because it eliminates a huge part of the investment. You can simply download it for free, install it on your website in a few minutes and perform your desired actions. 

WordPress has emerged as a reliable platform you can even modify to create a better website that can stretch your business ability. It saves money and time, which is considered one of the most crucial factors of a business’s success. 

Website Setup in a Few Clicks

Creating a professional-looking website has become a matter of a few clicks since the inception of WordPress. It can be installed easily. You can set up your website without becoming an expert with servers or hosting. From managing WordPress hosting plans from companies like Flywheel or WP Engine to simply choosing Bluehost and Cloudways, it’s as easy as a walk in the park with WordPress. 

WordPress is also equipped with a wide assortment of features and functionalities for website development. So, you don’t need to worry about installing other software as everything is available in one place. 

Open Source Development Platform

The next point on our list that gives one more reason to choose WordPress for small businesses is the open-source nature of the software. Anyone can download and use the code present in WordPress Codex to add functionality to their websites. Entrepreneurs can hire WordPress developers to manage the source code. But being a small business owner having a tight budget, you can handle it on your own and save money for future use. 

User-Friendly Interface

Do you know what Matt Mullenweg's mission was behind developing WordPress? This most popular website creation platform was developed because the founder discovered an unfulfilled need with existing online publishing software. So, he built his own that features a user-friendly interface to suit every technical and non-technical person's needs. Such ease makes this platform high in demand around the world. 

If you are a small business owner and want to expand your business with a robust website, take advantage of WordPress capabilities. Thanks to its excellent user interface! It allows people with no technical background to create web pages, posts, menus, and even more things with complete ease. 


Having a website is not enough when it is not visible to your targeted audience. Right? And here comes a new term, SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Today, websites are developed keeping SEO perspectives in mind. And if your website is created on WordPress, it is by default SEO optimized. The structure this CMS software follows is already acknowledged by the search engines. The story doesn’t end just here. WordPress also offers a number of guides and plugins that optimize your onsite SEO and helps you achieve a better ranking on Google and other search engines. This is probably the reason why WordPress's popularity is increasing tremendously. 

SEO increases your visibility online. The more people see your website, the more the website traffic will be. For a small business or startup, SEO is a must, and WordPress web development will be a plus point. 

Secure And Reliable

Security is a big question that struck many business owners’ minds while setting up their websites. Right? WordPress is a powerful CMS and web development platform that scores high in terms of security. The regular updates and security patches contribute to a safer environment for your website. A safer website platform leverages the user experience and makes it reliable. So, when are you getting your first website built on WordPress? 


Can Matt Mullenweg’s creation change the face of the whole web development industry? The popularity of this CMS and web development platform has been increasing in recent years, no doubt we will experience a lot more innovations in the future.  

Coming to the small or start-up business, they always look for efficient ways that can deliver maximum benefits with low investment. Right? If you ask us, WordPress can help you establish a strong presence in the digital world without even spending a lot of time and money. 

This blog post has rounded up all the reasons why small businesses should go for WordPress development services. Being a business owner, taking the right foot forward to your business growth is crucial. This time say yes to the WordPress development and become a game-changer with a smart web-based solution. 75way can help you in this journey, providing you with the best-in-class WordPress development services. We are renowned and reliable experts in the IT industry you can trust for your projects.

So, don’t overthink! Get in touch with the developers at 75way today and reap the benefits of all the features that come along with WordPress.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Start Your New Android Project with Java. But Why?

Did you know there are 2 billion Android users worldwide? This figure shows how popular this operation system is today. The consistent rise in the mobile application development industry has shifted the developer’s focus towards adopting more improved ways, languages, systems, SDKs, and instruments to develop Android applications. And Java is no exception.

Java is a popular programming language for Android application development. This language has made so many impacts, and in this blog, we will only touch on why you should go for this language for your next Android project, especially when you have several spanking new options awaiting.

But before we delve into the topic, let's start with the basics, discussing what Java is.

What is Java?

First released by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java is a programming language and computing system widely popular because of the variety of features it provides. Started as a simple programming language with a promise of “Write once and run anywhere” and now hold a large share in the digital market, the journey of Java has been interesting over the past few decades. It is now considered the most reliable platform to build innovative applications today. Not only today, but Java will undoubtedly maintain a strong presence in the digital world in the future too.

The consistent advancements in this programming language, such as the Java Mobile Edition, adds to its meteoric rise and lets developers rely on Java to build applications that can run on Android. Besides this, the sandbox environment of Java makes its programs secure. And many features highlight the popularity of this programming language.

Reasons Why Choose Java for Your Android Project.

So, now you have gained basic knowledge about Java. Let’s focus on why you should pick this programming language for your new Android project.

1. Java is an Open-Source Programming Language

Java is an open-source programming language, and this is what gives us the first reason to choose it for an android application project. Java has a collection of open-source libraries that reduces the cost of creating applications to a great extent and speeds up the whole development process. Java is a high-level programming language that also resembles human language. And such high-level languages require to be translated using translators or assemblers, which make the Android application development easier. Not only this, but this programming language is also easy to write, read and maintain.

2. Java is an Object-Oriented Programming

What is the prime benefit of using Java for Android development? The concept of OOPS (Object Oriented Programming) in Java makes it a more scalable, extensible, and adaptable programming language.

Java provides a rich library of default design patterns. It is also an open-source programming language that makes it adaptable to mobile apps development. Such benefits associated with Java make it an ideal pick for modular projects.

Apart from this, it allows you to use source codes and modify the coding of apps as per the requirement. Such a benefit permits the Android developers to say yes to this technology for Android application development.

3. Java Offers Community Support to Developers

Java allows Android developers to gain in-depth knowledge about this programming language from similar developers in a community. Interesting, isn’t it? It also lets you grow your network. If you are a beginner, you can benefit from its constructive development group that shares a complete insight and associated data to improve your Java app development skills.

No matter whether you need expert advice to fix a particular problem or to have a conversation with another developer on a project, you can enjoy access to the right community support you deserve.

4. Java is an Independent Platform

The independent nature of Java is the crowning point that convinces many to choose this programming language for Android development. Java is a platform-independent programming language for multi-operating systems. So, creating android apps for the distinct developer's community is possible using this programming language. Although many other languages offer platform independence, Java touched a new height of popularity, opening doors of opportunities for many technologies.

If the above-listed reasons are not enough to convince you, the next point will surely change your mindset.

5. Java Helps You Build Secure Mobile Applications

Java helps developers create secure mobile applications. Security is always a concern, but Java resolves this hitch. Everything in this programming language, including compiler, runtime, and interpreter environment is developed, prioritizing the security.

If you develop an app using Java, it would be a wise move that would benefit you a lot in the future.

6. Java Has Robust Development Tools

Java is a powerful programming language, and its strength primarily lies in the programming tools it offers. Yes. Java features a collection of programming tools, making it easy for developers to work on and build an innovative app that matches their needs. If we say clearly, Java provides access to popular development tools, including Netbeans, Eclipse, and more. These tools assist a developer while coding and debugging, which is crucial for real-world mobile app development. These development tools attract many companies to choose this Java programming language for Android app development over others.

7. Java is Easy to Learn and Use

Building mobile applications has never been so easy! Java has English punctuation with minimum character use, making it less difficult to learn Android app development. For instance, Java uses angle brackets that make it easy to understand and increase the code readability.

Want to try Java for your Android project? It is easy to get started with it. You don’t need to break your budget to create Android apps when 75way is here.

Final Words  

Java is a widely popular programming language that gives many reasons to choose it for Android projects. Above, we have covered it all. So, if you have any plan to develop an app using Java, get in touch with 75way. We specialize in Java application development and can build robust and feature-rich mobile apps to benefit your idea or business in several ways. We have served many clients with the best they deserve, and now it’s your time to take advantage of this programming language and achieve success in your Android project.  

Monday, March 14, 2022

What’s So Spanking New in Flutter 2.10? 

Did you know 42 percent of software developers across the globe used Flutter in 2021? There is no second thought Flutter is the most popular cross-platform mobile framework today global developers highly prefer. Millions of developers across the globe applaud this Flutter development, and needless to say that the launch of Flutter 2.10 is also winning hearts. 

Each Flutter version brings a wave of excitement among developers, and Flutter 2.10 is something that the entire community was excited about for so long. There is a high chance you might be interested to learn about Flutter 2.10 and what’s so new about it that sends developers’ hearts aflutter. Right?

Let's have a Flutter talk now and see what’s so spanking new in this version.

Ready for Production Apps on Windows

The Flutter 2.10 brings it with Windows support that eliminates the need to flip a flag and achieve the functionality that produces Windows apps on the Flutter channel. It is now available by default. But Google doesn't stop here. This Flutter version was introduced with several improvements for text handling, keyboard handling, and keyboard short and new integrations into Windows along with support for command-line arguments, globalized text entry, and accessibility. 


Android Updates

The latest Flutter release took a step towards Android improvement as well. When you create a new app, Flutter, by default, supports the latest version of Android. 

Apart from this, this release automatically supports multidex. When your app supports Android SDK version below 21 and exceeds the method limit of 64K, you can easily pass the multi flag to Flutter build APK or Flutter appbundle. This way, your app will automatically support multidex. 

Another best thing about new Flutter is the excellent ability to suggest resolution steps to several errors and issues. After all, errors can be overwhelming. Google welcomed the user feedback and offered an improved version of Flutter to resolve these issues in no time. 

iOS Updates

Performance improvement is not the only focus of Google. The tech giant has also shown its interest in fixing edge case crashes to improve the stability of the camera plugin for iOS. They have also added some platform-specific features and enhancements. Saying clearly, the latest flutter 2.10 includes smoother keyboard animations in iOS, provided automatically to your app without doing anything from your end. No doubt, Flutter development is an ideal choice for an iOS app. 

Another surprise in this release of Flutter is the compressed pointers (provided in Dart 2.15) feature in a 64-bit iOS architecture that plays a great role in reducing memory usage. 

Performance Improvements

Although previous Flutter versions are perfect in their own way, especially in terms of performance, this latest release went one step further. This new version of Flutter includes initial support for dirty region management that reduces 90th and 99th percentile rasterization times on a few benchmarks by an order of magnitude. Not only this, but this change also reduces GPU utilization on these benchmarks from more than 90% to less than 10%. Google strives to enhance the user experience, and this Flutter 2.10 is built prioritizing reduced memory usage and latency and performance enhancements. 

Besides this, it is expected that Google will bring the benefits of partial repaints to other platforms in the future. On top of that, this Flutter 2.10 also leverages the faster implementation of type flow analysis. Overall build time for the Flutter app was also reduced by ~10%, adding to the performance improvement of the technology.  

Web updates

Flutter 2.10 focuses on improving the web experience as well. The previous release does not allow a smooth scrolling to the edge of a multiline TextField on the web. But the story of Flutter 2.10 is completely different. This version comes up with an edge scrolling for text selection available for desktop and web apps. 

Flutter's latest release includes web improvements that are highly appreciated by developers worldwide. Being a developer, you always look for the ideal ways to drop down the overhead of our mapping of Flutter to the web. Talking specifically about the previous versions, whenever you want to bring a native HTML widget into your Flutter app, an overlay is required as a part of the platform view support for the web. These overlays enable custom painting but at the same time show a certain amount of overhead. The Flutter 2.10 resolved the issues, creating an all-new “non-painting platform view” for the web that removes overhead.

Removing the dev Channel

When Flutter 2.8 was released, Google was dedicating its efforts and time to the dev channel. And in this Flutter 2.10 release, they have accomplished that work successfully. Google worked on Flutter development including, 

Updated Flutter tool that allows migrating developers off the dev channel
Updated wiki to reflect updated customer promises
Removed dev channel support from pre-submit tests, DartPad, and the website
Updated deprecation policy


For the last few years, Google’s Flutter has become a game-changer in the IT industry and spiked the interest of developers to use this technology for their projects. And the latest update Flutter 2.10 has made it easier to create beautiful, natively compiled applications for desktop, mobile, and web. 

Above, we have covered everything that makes Flutter 2.10 different from the previous versions. And the differentiator which fuels the popularity of this release is the ease of creating apps for Windows. Now one can get a high-performance app built for Windows without any hitch. 

Google strives to provide a better user experience, and hence they experiment with new technologies and update the older. And this urge ends them up with satisfactory results that the audience always welcomes with open hands. This Flutter 2.10 is a perfect example of it. This latest release has changed the picture of the Flutter, and Google is still trying to make the most of it.  

People usually question the future of Flutter. The explosive rise in the usage of this technology over the past years is a sign that Flutter’s market share will increase more in the future. And if you’re looking for Flutter development services, 75way is the right place to end your search! 

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